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The Story Behind Your Name


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I got the name Syllabea when i was around 14.


I'd always been a Furry, and i blame Disney for turning me into one, but i never knew what my liking anthropomorphic animals was called, if anyone else did, or if there was a community for it. My cousin, who knew about the Furry fandom, saw my interest and introduced me to the fandom. While she was talking about it, she showed me an OC she was working on, a black wolf with green hair named 'Furyoku Syllabea'. When she was drawing up a fursona for me, she just started to turn my fur color the same shade of green as Furyoku's hair; i had no say in the matter.


The fur color just stuck, and she gave my fursona the name 'Syllabea' (pronounced sill-uh-bee) and i've been using it for screen names ever since. 

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Wanted to name myself L-Lawliet first, after the character from Death Note, but some nitwit took the name (even worse, said nitwit doesn't even play the game, I checked that).

I tried some variations of it, but in the end, I came up with the idea to add "Infinite" and "L" to it, with a "x" seperating them, and that's how InfinitexL was born. Using that name now whenever my first choice is already taken.

"If what you say is true, then I have nothing but respect for you"


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My original IGN I used everywhere was Dagionax (a made up word, cos I was creating my own alien language at that time). People hardly pronounced it right so I decided to change it to DracoRiff because I love dragons and because it sounds cool.

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Back in 2003 I played this game called Freelancer, a very heavily role played space game. Before Eve came about.


3 Classes existed on the server I played on:


[X] - Space pirates, robs Traders, kills Hunters, general bad guys and thugs

[H] - Protects civilians and traders, kills pirates, good guys

[R] - Rogue, don't trust them, they will take your money and kill your family.


[T] - Trader characters

-Civilan Soldiers


My main character was [R]everend, a zealous nut rob who believed the whole of sirius should be crushed so God could make a new and peaceful place to live. Killing pirates, hunters and rouges alike in his delusional crusade. All money was taken and destroyed as it was sinful, using some it to maintain his attack ship was God's gift. He was The Lost Reverend, lost in his own delusions and mental state.


Eventually the game's servers died out, the name became my xbox live account name and here we are now.

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i am Doforcash, i was the last of my kind (and the first :D), in the world of politic and business....the people only serve those either have power or had money (and those usually if has money, have power).


Now, the name of ultimate power such as: distrucor, annialiated, Fred123.....are now nothing but a simple "sentence".


and so...one time i play AQ quest....due to out of name....the word " Sir.Doforcash" has arrive to my mind...yet i cannot add 13 sentece to my name....so the "Sir." g2g.


NOW....the name "Doforcash" has been born...in every game i ever play...in every battle i have join, 


i'am doforcash, your humble service.....for a price 




( the picture was nothing more than a thing to make u pay attention to the post, ingo it if u wish :D)

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Matusware name has followed me since 90`s, in late 80`s my ungle nicknamed me "Matu" when i was a young, so everybody used that and not my real name, and one day friend asked me for some PC parts and aluminium plates so i had em and he said: "you are like hardware store owner you have everything ...hardware shop...Matu`s Wares *laughing*" so in that point i said: "or Matusware" so thats how the nickname was born and ever since that faithfull day i have been using it everywhere

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Long story short: 


Back in 2009 i was trying to get started in the writer's way, so i decided to start a little story (It turned out in a huge book, i'm still writing it. Will post it once i can finish the traslations of the first chapters) My main character needed a name, and he said that he wont do anything in the story utill i give him what he wanted. I was reading Eragon back in that days, and i read about the King Galbatorix dragon, Shruikan. I liked that name, so i tweaked it a little, and Dreykan was born. 

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Im a Fantasy creatur nerd . Specially for dragons and Drows. My Name is based on Dark Elf/ Drow names


Ramoth= Nightmare


Elggur=Kill destroy, vanish ( something like that ;-) .... )


dont know if the Drow language is still the same .. too many games film etc. about that language in the last years^^

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I was once a fish that wanted to go above the water, but I thought that's to predictable. Then I realized what if I could fly, and thus SkyFish was born. (someone took the normal spelling of it in Warframe, so I had to use an "i")

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My name comes from one of the games my family gave me when the first nintendo DS came out.


The DS came with a game, nintendogs. For some reason I called my dog truci and after some time, I changed my old nickname to this one but with a number 4 to comfuse ppl making them thing its an A

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I've been hanging on to this moniker for longer than I can really remember. It goes back a long ways, and references alot of things. Templar's everyone has a different image of them, from crusading nights, to villians (Assassin's Creed Series Games...thank you) to their path in Deus Ex, Dragons' Age, all over the place you find references to them, real and imagined, consipiracy and allegory, sometimes history and sometimes mysteriously. Templars always inspired me in a way. But like all dreams we have in youth, they are tempered by experience, burnt and sacrificed on dark altars, as we grow older, torn and tormented as our innocence is stripped from us, hence the fall.


"The wisest man is the man who realizes he knows nothing."

"Sophomore, the wise-fool."

"Even Paradise, can be lost."


And despite all teh trials and tribulations, despite the vicissitudes necessary to daily life, still we have hope, the very last thing Pandora let out of her box. To me the Templar is still their, arms and amour rent and worn, but with a shining shield, for in knowledge, their is light, with knowledge their is hope, and maybe someone to lead into the future, with hope and knowledge as his bulkwark.


But I always did aim to high...

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I created my nickname by taking the first 3 letters from my first name,then using the "D" from the One piece anime (Example: Gol.D. Roger)and the "P" is the first letter from my last name...and it's a big last name. 

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On November 2012, at the end of Red Vs Blue season 10, Roosterteeth premiered a new show called RWBY.

The main heroine, named Ruby, had an interesting weapon.

It was a sniper rifle that could turn into a scythe.

Scythe rifle = Scyfle.

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