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Anyone has extra Steel Charge for a newbie? (PC if it makes any difference)

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Hello guys, recently started playing and enjoying every bit of this game, started learning and reading a lot and came across mod Steel Charge and found out it can only be obtained trough alert missions and can't farm it sadly, so maybe anyone here has a spare one that could donate? At the moment I use excalibur mainly with melee, but building valkyr and I really want it :/ 
If anyone would be so kind to donate a spare one I would be really thankful ^^

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11 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

I've got a few extras. Find me in-game sometime and I'll toss one your way.

EDIT: Beaten to the punch. Curse you AM-Bunny!

Thanks but he already gave me :D
But if you have something like eternal war, blind rage I would gladly take it for my future valkyr (72hrs crafting, dahell is dis xD )

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