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Cheat Tool False Positive And Rude Customer Service.


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I'm just going to make a quick comment since Live Stream just started.  I've contacted customer support directly a number of times for varying issues.  Only once or twice have they actually come off as "respectful".  There have been more times than I can count on my fingers that they have responded in a demeaning manner, effectively telling me I'm stupid and accusing me of being racist off the top of my head.  So yeah, I agree, DE has some of the worst Customer Service in the industry (one which I have recieved 100's of awards for over my 10 years in retail customer service).  But as for this case, I agree that they did unban your account and I would have stated "We have unbanned your account, but please be aware that any additional incidents of this nature will result in a permanent banning of your player account."

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I still don't get why they completely ban you if it detects a cheat program, rather than something logical like force-close Warframe.

False-positives would basically be stopped, cheaters still wouldn't be able to cheat, everyone's happy.

If a cheat program is able to read the data, and find out how this process is occuring it can then spoof past it.  There are a number of reasons why the game doesn't just simply close but rather that you are banned with a warning on the first offense.


Having worked with bots, and cheat programs in the past, your solution, is not adequate.  As the user of a free game, you should excercise common sense and some thought before doing things rather than rely on the company providing said free service to do it for you.


Well I can't exactly quote everyone so let me reiterate.

Being "Given another chance" "This is your one and only warning" and "Next ban will be permanent" implies that I was lying in the first place despite my explanation. This isn't so much personal as it is an open letter to a business. I've been unbanned so it isn't much of a problem for me as it is unprofessional. However let us take a look at other MMO's who have adopted the same tactics in open beta and customer service. War Z is a prime example of this (Another part of the steam network until a few months ago) where the game was riddled with bugs, had open exploits which never got patched, charged people for items and services they never received among a LOT of other issues, which customer service replied with an air of arrogance, refusing to help out even a single customer.

War Z is now banned from the Steam system and for the most part, defunct. Despite all the hype of a zombie MMO, it's basically unplayable, and therefor, noone really plays it anymore going from international sensation to what it is now. I'm not speaking out of my rear here. I shouldn't have to be given "another chance". Defragmentation does not alter values or game data unless that data is redundant. I'm not sure why anyone would think that at all, nor do I understand why it would effect gameplay at all besides lowering my fps by a few seconds.

Now if I were a programmer attaching an anti-cheat device like the all famous punkbuster, I would either require a separate client to attach itself to run the launcher through its own program and therefor scan values, pinging them back to the server, or just... you know, put it in the client. Depending on how the engine is designed, there can be instances where some cheats just aren't fixable due to limits in the programming. HOWEVER; any cash market effected values that are client side that can be edited is just stupid, as they can and should be patched and fixed in any circumstance.

Take a look at the gaming industry guys. The games have become less about quality and art and more about making an immediate profit in any way necessary. Screwing the consumer in the process in most cases, which brings up the Xbox One as a prime example, a complete money hemorrhagic designed to siphon as much money as it can while punching the consumers straight in the nads to deter piracy. I don't agree with the route gaming companies are taking as it always screws over companies in the long run. If your program is in beta, then you have no business accusing anyone of cheating unless values have been openly modified, and it is completely impossible for that to have happened. So by logical presumption, their anti-hack tool, just scans your registries and (possibly) processes for installed or running instances of game-altering clients, which if that is really the case, beyond absolutely $&*&*#(%& and immensely lazy as any actual hacker wouldn't use something as base as a cheat engine to alter values if the game was properly patched, however someone who didn't know what they were doing would try that and discover after an hour of pointless attempts, that they couldn't do it either. They would need an injector, which brings me back to punkbuster which is an injector in itself that refutes other injectors and external clients attempting to alter values. Funny enough, i've never been banned or even warned for cheating whenever i've played any punkbuster enabled game.

So to recap:

1) Open letter to warframe staff, don't accuse and berate consumers for issues with your own client you clearly haven't fixed. It's unprofessional and lazy.

2) If you want a functioning anti-hack tool, take tips from punkbuster, add an injector which in itself is completely server based (I.E. cloud supported) and don't give me any of that financial issues crap when you're charging as much as 199$ to customers for "credits" and borderline gamebreaking skills, in an open beta. You either have money to roll as a cuban cigar smoked with an elegant blend of caviar blaque mixed with tobacco dipped in liquid gold, or you're really, really suffering as a gaming company.

3) This isn't a flame war. This isn't a place to be abusive to each other. There's nothing i've said that needs to be taken personally, but rather constructively criticized by the company itself. telling each other to screw off on the forums is like peeing in a pool of pee.


Unbelievable... its no small wonder you ran into this problem based off the way you have described things and your thought process.




Being "Given another chance" "This is your one and only warning" and "Next ban will be permanent" implies that I was lying in the first place despite my explanation.


It does not imply that you lied, it implies that you violated the EULA and by your description of the situation, by doing something foolish that you didn't realize would violate the EULA.  As such doing so could potentially be used by someone with the knowledge to find a way to do something malicious, be that your intent or not, the capability can be there and so, you have indeed violated the EULA.


As I stated above, you should have thought some more about it, also this game is completely free, if you opt to spend money on it, and then make foolish decisions, the burden is on you for caring so little about the money you have spent to do something so foolish that you run the risk of getting banned.  Claiming that they are charging you is false, this is each individuals decision, if you did spend money on this, what you've done is similar to buying an electronic device, leaving it in the sun to the point at which it has broken the device, then complaining later that you did not read the fine print about keeping your product safe.


You have been given another chance and warned of your mistake, and informed that future similar behavior is going to result in you being banned.  You would be smart to listen to that warning and what others have offered thus far rather than disregarding it and abolishing yourself any responsibility.


This is not you constructively looking for a solution, either for your situation or future similar situations, you are whining due to a mistake you made and trying to blame others (DE) for your mistake.  The vast majority of things you have said about or pertaining to DE are false and heavily misconstrued, you are simply doing so in a vain attempt to shift blame from yourself by spouting misinformation about DE in order to paint them into your desired corner of blame.


You should learn from this both for being careful with the game, and how to handle a undesired situation in a mature manner.

Edited by Enot83
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 Im not sure this belongs on the forums anyway.


This is not the first / only player claiming to be wrongfully accused by the cheat hound. These complaints ABSOLUTELY belong on the forum because if the anti cheat software is indeed pointing at people who are not in fact cheating, then we may be able compare what these players were doing when they got wrongfully accused, it might then be possible to narrow down what exactly (program) is causing the wrongful anti-cheat to go off.


Any time you have a product that a customer has paid real money for (which many of us have because we want to see the game succeed) and you then reserve the power to take that product back from the customer for some reason transparency is 100% required.


To be clear, I am all for keeping cheaters out of the game. This has not yet happened to me. But in all fairness if a customer is wrongfully accused of cheating the admins (powers that be) should come back to that individual with their caps in their hands apologizing. You don't just roll up on your customers, call them a cheater and tell them whatever if it turns out you are the one mistaken.


How do you prove you are innocent anyways? Sounds to me like the auto response just gave you a second chance weather you were guilty or innocent !?! How do you have a "zero tolerance policy" but we're gonna give you a second chance? What does zero tolerance mean? They have to give you a second chance because they know their anti-cheat is not perfect because no anti-cheat is perfect.


Obviously a better anti cheat program is needed. The program should at least be able to say I detected "X program" running and I see this as a cheat and that info should be in the auto response. That way if you were running some harmless program in the back ground you at least know what not to be running next time you play the game. As it stands now we don't know for sure what set off the anti cheat in this case. There may or may not be a causation from the maintenance software this individual was running.


This is one of those things that most people simply shrug their shoulders over until it happens to them.

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There is a problem with that:

If you tell the hackers and cheaters all the reasons that they were detected they could *very* easily use that information to make a program that your anti-cheat program wouldn't be able to detect. This is the reason most games dont tell you what it detected, neither do the admins or whoever handled your case.

And the program does monitor which programs are running but it also has to detect when its files are accessed and modified while its running. You dont know how easy it is to tell another program that your the defrag process and then go in and change data all you want while looking like you are defragging. You cant trust the names of the programs alone, only what you see them doing.

What seems to have happened is the defrag changed one of the game files while the game was running. Game thought it was a cheat (and most games that monitor their own files will usually detect the same thing) and banned the user. That's actually a smart anti-cheating program because it automatically bans if it detects a program modifying the warframe files while they are in use.

PS: By files I dont mean the config files or any of that I am talking about the dlls and exes that the program uses.

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You dont have any idea how a computer works, do you?


Anything that can potentially move around game files while the game is running has the potential to be detected as a cheat.


Defragmenting a drive happens at a lower layer in the system architecture than the game's application layer (or even the OS layer).  It does not alter the presentation of that data to the OS or application layers nor does it change the contents of files and thus cannot be used for cheating, nor it a candidate for cheat detection.

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Defragmenting a drive happens at a lower layer in the system architecture than the game's application layer (or even the OS layer).  It does not alter the presentation of that data to the OS or application layers nor does it change the contents of files and thus cannot be used for cheating, nor it a candidate for cheat detection.

Not quite true. I have seen it happen where the defrag goes to make a lock on a file to move it to its new location, the file in question is already being used by something else that has a lock on that file. Defrag moves the file anyways. The file gets some bytes changed/corrupted during that movement. The files checksum/hash no longer exactly matches what is in the list.

If the checksum/hash of the file changes for *any* reason the anti cheat engine will assume its a hack attempt. All the anti-cheat program can tell is that the file no longer matches up when it should. It cant look at the file and tell how it changed, only that it changed.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Meh ok. I freely admit that I am not even a little bit of a hacker, and usually don't see anything to be gained by cheating. Why would you play a game, and then skip playing the game?


I am just coming form the point of view that if I was wrongfully accused of cheating I would be pretty &!$$ed. In my opinion there should be some way to confirm or prove the existence of a possible cheat.

If the program knows beyond a shadow of a doubt then there should be no reason for a second chance. If the anti-cheat program cannot tell beyond a shadow of a doubt then it should not have the power to automatically ban a player.


But as previously mentioned my computer knowledge while slightly above average in the States is far from proficient enough to know the ins and outs of either cheat programs or anti-cheat software.  :/    My opinion is simply that of a paying (and non cheating) customer.

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And your opinion is completely valid from that point of view. I was just trying to explain why cheat programs rarely tell you why they thought you were cheating so that you can understand a bit more from that side of things.

And the most I can see as a way to 'confirm/prove' the existence of a cheat is have the tool generate an encrypted log file that you can send to DE when you appeal so they can determine if it was a valid ban or not.

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I had assumed it was wise to act with caution in such matters, especially when accusing somebody of cheating. The accusation alone can cause a game to stop playing a game as they view it as a character attack.


Perhaps it would be best if both sides worked out a short term solution while DE looks into what could cause a false positive in the first place. Otherwise if you can't be certain of a reports accuracy, what is the point in creating it to begin with?


This isn't the first thread we've seen that stated the same issue with having received a false positive. Both sides can help each other by working it out and addressing where the source of the problem lies.

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I had assumed it was wise to act with caution in such matters, especially when accusing somebody of cheating. The accusation alone can cause a game to stop playing a game as they view it as a character attack.


Perhaps it would be best if both sides worked out a short term solution while DE looks into what could cause a false positive in the first place. Otherwise if you can't be certain of a reports accuracy, what is the point in creating it to begin with?


This isn't the first thread we've seen that stated the same issue with having received a false positive. Both sides can help each other by working it out and addressing where the source of the problem lies.


With that being the case or intent of some, this would be better suited as being reported as a bug I think rather than under gameplay, so that it can more appropriately be addressed.


As to recreating the problem, this may be something that if the OP's conditions are true, could/should have potential for recreating, either in his machine or others potentially, in a situation like this, contact for having access returned to the game is one part of the solution, to allow you to play again.  The other part would be to establish contact for testing this and reporting all conditions or allowing for an active assessment of the problem to find a solution, rather than what took place by the OP thus far at least within this thread.  It has been obvious that there are some within this thread with a good understanding of how this stuff operates and why problems may arise.

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Problems caused because the user is running defrag and a virus scan while using a program are hard to code around because of how many things can go wrong in such a scenario.  And re-creating it can be a pain because of how unpredictable the ways that the programs interact can be.

They can run defrag on a drive 200 times (a VM with the image of a badly HD of course), and never run across the exact same circumstances that caused the program to detect a cheat.

There are situations when testing that you come across something that you cant possibly re-create within any given timeframe because of how random the error is.

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So in other words, their anti cheat gives false positives and WILL ban people with no oversight, no ability to protest your innocence, and these bugs cannot be tested and cannot be fixed.  And the users are lining up in droves to support this approach.  Wow.


So it's not "if you're innocent you have nothing to fear" anymore.  It's "if you do something innocent that we screw up and misinterpret, that's your one and only chance and after we punish you for it, if you do it again you're gone".  I'm not pleased to hear this.

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So to recap:

1) Open letter to warframe staff, don't accuse and berate consumers for issues with your own client you clearly haven't fixed. It's unprofessional and lazy.

you were caught doing exactly what you were accused of. you were modifying files with the game running. one of the important files was re-written in another location and your system attempted to force the game to the new file location. you were caught, and they forgave you under the idea you wouldnt do it again. they got back to you within a very short time even though they are coding their work in progress. frankly, they lazy person is yourself. close your damn game when youre not playing it! expecially when you are planning to move the files.

2) If you want a functioning anti-hack tool, take tips from punkbuster, add an injector which in itself is completely server based (I.E. cloud supported) and don't give me any of that financial issues crap when you're charging as much as 199$ to customers for "credits" and borderline gamebreaking skills, in an open beta. You either have money to roll as a cuban cigar smoked with an elegant blend of caviar blaque mixed with tobacco dipped in liquid gold, or you're really, really suffering as a gaming company.

and you called THEM rude. that $200 purchase is an investment into the game, and IS THE PLAYERS CHOICE. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PAY A DIME IF YOU DONT WANT TOO!

also, pull your head out of your rear, $200 wouldnt even pay for 2 days work for the janitor, not to mention the extensive staff that works on the game. this isnt a game thats coded in the back corner of a garage, its in their head office, with dozens upon dozens of coders working to the same goal, all of which is FOR A FREE TO PLAY GAME!

3) This isn't a flame war. This isn't a place to be abusive to each other. There's nothing i've said that needs to be taken personally, but rather constructively criticized by the company itself. telling each other to screw off on the forums is like peeing in a pool of pee.

the only one i see pissing into the pool is you. youre VERY lucky that youre not banned, because your attitude is extremely disrespectful of staff who have given you a free game to play. ive read both of your posts, neither of which was constructive in any way, shape, or form.
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What antivirus software do you use?


It's extremely unlikely defrag would trigger any anti-cheat. There's a slew of technical reasons why, but to keep it simple there's no hack in existence that pretends to do what defragging does. You couldn't accidentally detect it either. Defrag also doesn't work on SSDs and isn't particularly useful on any operating system from the past decade+ so you probably shouldn't bother doing it anymore.


AV software could potentially do so if it is coded poorly. I'm not familiar with Warframe's anticheat or client because I don't S#&$ where I eat (or grind for hundreds of hours), but this is also unlikely unless you are using the most obscure AV software around. Like the scam kind of AV software that exists mostly to remove a virus its creators wrote. There would be many more reports of false positives if any mainstream AV software did this.


You're also writing a ton of words for someone who totally didn't cheat.

Edited by Watlok
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Some people here have never heard of good customer service...

This WAS rude, doesn't matter he is right or not. First of all they have to treat the customers respectful. And IF it happens for the second time, well, then such a way of speaking would be ok.

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you were caught doing exactly what you were accused of. you were modifying files with the game running. one of the important files was re-written in another location and your system attempted to force the game to the new file location. you were caught, and they forgave you under the idea you wouldnt do it again. they got back to you within a very short time even though they are coding their work in progress. frankly, they lazy person is yourself. close your damn game when youre not playing it! expecially when you are planning to move the files.

and you called THEM rude. that $200 purchase is an investment into the game, and IS THE PLAYERS CHOICE. YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PAY A DIME IF YOU DONT WANT TOO!

also, pull your head out of your rear, $200 wouldnt even pay for 2 days work for the janitor, not to mention the extensive staff that works on the game. this isnt a game thats coded in the back corner of a garage, its in their head office, with dozens upon dozens of coders working to the same goal, all of which is FOR A FREE TO PLAY GAME!

the only one i see &!$$ing into the pool is you. youre VERY lucky that youre not banned, because your attitude is extremely disrespectful of staff who have given you a free game to play. ive read both of your posts, neither of which was constructive in any way, shape, or form.

Very well put. What kind of person runs defrag when a game is running? You do know that Vista and up automatically do that, right?  That's like putting a soup meant to be served hot, in the freezer to chill for an hour. Counter-productive. Furthermore, defrag actually wont "modify" a file, it doesnt have that sort of capability. It relocated sectors on a disk so that a sequence like "974586132" becomes "123456789" and falls into place more like tetris blocks. For instance. if you were to take around 50 pens, and just throw them in a box, versus arranging them neatly it will actually takes up MORE room. It does nothing altering to the files and trying to sell people the story that it did is a pipe-dream. The only way you have ANY chance of redeeming yourself is to come clean with what exactly happened and swear you will never do it again (should you be guilty of alteration of files). I'm pretty sure DE wouldn't use something so that just ANYTHING would be detected as such. Respect goes a long way. Remember respect is earned not given, to them you're very likely just a stranger lashing out. They don't know you. Show them the respect they deserve. They don't HAVE to accomodate players with a free game. They give and you just expect to take? Wake up to the reality that is the world. We are all players that want to have fun. But mostly, treat others how you want to be treated.

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Well I can't exactly quote everyone so let me reiterate.

Being "Given another chance" "This is your one and only warning" and "Next ban will be permanent" implies that I was lying in the first place despite my explanation. This isn't so much personal as it is an open letter to a business. I've been unbanned so it isn't much of a problem for me as it is unprofessional. However let us take a look at other MMO's who have adopted the same tactics in open beta and customer service. War Z is a prime example of this (Another part of the steam network until a few months ago) where the game was riddled with bugs, had open exploits which never got patched, charged people for items and services they never received among a LOT of other issues, which customer service replied with an air of arrogance, refusing to help out even a single customer.


It doesn't imply anything. You were caught in direct violation of the EULA agreement. And might I add, you have to be a special kind of stupid to run a defrag, a virus scan and a game at the same time.

War Z is now banned from the Steam system and for the most part, defunct. Despite all the hype of a zombie MMO, it's basically unplayable, and therefor, noone really plays it anymore going from international sensation to what it is now. I'm not speaking out of my rear here. I shouldn't have to be given "another chance". Defragmentation does not alter values or game data unless that data is redundant. I'm not sure why anyone would think that at all, nor do I understand why it would effect gameplay at all besides lowering my fps by a few seconds.


I just checked. War Z is still on Steam and it was on offer not that long ago.

Now if I were a programmer attaching an anti-cheat device like the all famous punkbuster, I would either require a separate client to attach itself to run the launcher through its own program and therefor scan values, pinging them back to the server, or just... you know, put it in the client. Depending on how the engine is designed, there can be instances where some cheats just aren't fixable due to limits in the programming. HOWEVER; any cash market effected values that are client side that can be edited is just stupid, as they can and should be patched and fixed in any circumstance.


Problem is you're not a programmer. It's easy to theorize on what would be best if you have no idea of the inner workings of their anti-cheat system

Take a look at the gaming industry guys. The games have become less about quality and art and more about making an immediate profit in any way necessary. Screwing the consumer in the process in most cases, which brings up the Xbox One as a prime example, a complete money hemorrhagic designed to siphon as much money as it can while punching the consumers straight in the nads to deter piracy. I don't agree with the route gaming companies are taking as it always screws over companies in the long run. If your program is in beta, then you have no business accusing anyone of cheating unless values have been openly modified, and it is completely impossible for that to have happened. So by logical presumption, their anti-hack tool, just scans your registries and (possibly) processes for installed or running instances of game-altering clients, which if that is really the case, beyond absolutely $&*&*#(%& and immensely lazy as any actual hacker wouldn't use something as base as a cheat engine to alter values if the game was properly patched, however someone who didn't know what they were doing would try that and discover after an hour of pointless attempts, that they couldn't do it either. They would need an injector, which brings me back to punkbuster which is an injector in itself that refutes other injectors and external clients attempting to alter values. Funny enough, i've never been banned or even warned for cheating whenever i've played any punkbuster enabled game.

So to recap:

1) Open letter to warframe staff, don't accuse and berate consumers for issues with your own client you clearly haven't fixed. It's unprofessional and lazy.


Lazy?? This coming from the guy who couldn't drag the mouse to the top-right corner to close the game. 


2) If you want a functioning anti-hack tool, take tips from punkbuster, add an injector which in itself is completely server based (I.E. cloud supported) and don't give me any of that financial issues crap when you're charging as much as 199$ to customers for "credits" and borderline gamebreaking skills, in an open beta. You either have money to roll as a cuban cigar smoked with an elegant blend of caviar blaque mixed with tobacco dipped in liquid gold, or you're really, really suffering as a gaming company.


Paying those $200 is a player choice, as you can attest since you didn't pay them. It's a free to play game


3) This isn't a flame war. This isn't a place to be abusive to each other. There's nothing i've said that needs to be taken personally, but rather constructively criticized by the company itself. telling each other to screw off on the forums is like peeing in a pool of pee.


Not a place to be abusive???? You practically insulted the devs in every sentence


Edited by S3raph
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Very well put. What kind of person runs defrag when a game is running? You do know that Vista and up automatically do that, right?  That's like putting a soup meant to be served hot, in the freezer to chill for an hour. Counter-productive. Furthermore, defrag actually wont "modify" a file, it doesnt have that sort of capability. It relocated sectors on a disk so that a sequence like "974586132" becomes "123456789" and falls into place more like tetris blocks. For instance. if you were to take around 50 pens, and just throw them in a box, versus arranging them neatly it will actually takes up MORE room. It does nothing altering to the files and trying to sell people the story that it did is a pipe-dream. The only way you have ANY chance of redeeming yourself is to come clean with what exactly happened and swear you will never do it again (should you be guilty of alteration of files). I'm pretty sure DE wouldn't use something so that just ANYTHING would be detected as such. Respect goes a long way. Remember respect is earned not given, to them you're very likely just a stranger lashing out. They don't know you. Show them the respect they deserve. They don't HAVE to accomodate players with a free game. They give and you just expect to take? Wake up to the reality that is the world. We are all players that want to have fun. But mostly, treat others how you want to be treated.

Wrong. They HAVE to accomodate, at least to be respectful, to US, the customers. WE found their game. In what World are you guys living? If you get banned wrongfully, asking to revert the situation and giving Feedback on the problem, then good. I call that respectfull and solution-oriented. No matter the circumstances. Only in this way DE can provide a better gaming experiene for the future. Please be constructive and stop bashing people. The reply was disrespectful and could have been formulate more polite. They have to earn our respect if the want to get money, not the other way around.

Sorry i'm not a native speaker.

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Wrong. They HAVE to accomodate, at least to be respectful, to US, the customers. WE found their game. In what World are you guys living? If you get banned wrongfully, asking to revert the situation and giving Feedback on the problem, then good. I call that respectfull and solution-oriented. No matter the circumstances. Only in this way DE can provide a better gaming experiene for the future. Please be constructive and stop bashing people. The reply was disrespectful and could have been formulate more polite. They have to earn our respect if the want to get money, not the other way around.

Sorry i'm not a native speaker.


And please enlighten us, how was the reply disrespectful?? They gave him a second chance, unbanned his account and stated their position on the matter, i.e. tampering with game files will not be tolerated. Thus, they warned him that if it happens again there will not be a third chance.


Edit: We also don't know what he wrote in his support ticket, since he chose not to upload that specific sceenshot. Given his posts in this thread, I seriously doubt it was very respectful. 

Edited by S3raph
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Wrong. They HAVE to accomodate, at least to be respectful, to US, the customers. WE found their game. In what World are you guys living? If you get banned wrongfully, asking to revert the situation and giving Feedback on the problem, then good. I call that respectfull and solution-oriented. No matter the circumstances. Only in this way DE can provide a better gaming experiene for the future. Please be constructive and stop bashing people. The reply was disrespectful and could have been formulate more polite. They have to earn our respect if the want to get money, not the other way around.

Sorry i'm not a native speaker.


The response is most probably automated and it was pretty formal. It is certainly not rude.

It clearly stated their anti-cheat stand and certainly did not insult the player.


However I challenge OP to show HIS email that he had sent to the staff.

I want to see how "pleasant" it is.

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And please enlighten us, how was the reply disrespectful?? They gave him a second chance, unbanned his account and stated their position on the matter, i.e. tampering with game files will not be tolerated. Thus, they warned him that if it happens again there will not be a third chance.

Edit: We also don't know what he wrote in his support ticket, since he chose not to upload that specific sceenshot. Given his posts in this thread, I seriously doubt it was very respectful.

It seems to be a automatically generated reply, as stated from people earlier in this Post. So, regardless of his mail, this reply would have come. If you were "really" cheating or not. If i can not be certain that the tool aren't false positive proof, what seems to be the case, taken the threads occuring about it into account, i should apply the presumption of innosence. At least for the first case. That you shouldn't use a antivir or even run a defragmentation when playing a game with anti cheat tools, should be obvious. But again, he wasn't "real" cheating and that's why the reply was, in my opinion, harsh and inappropriate. They want to keep customers, there are many more proper ways to write such a mail with the same statement. And that he is posting this on the forum is very good. It allows us to discuss and help DE to improve such situations. That's what my comment was about. Edited by Aniron
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The response is most probably automated and it was pretty formal. It is certainly not rude.

It clearly stated their anti-cheat stand and certainly did not insult the player.

However I challenge OP to show HIS email that he had sent to the staff.

I want to see how "pleasant" it is.

Thx, for the reply, the most important issue were the bashs from people, to discuss this in a respectable way, like you, is all i want. At the end there are often different opinions :-)

Edit: I have to admit, my first post wasn't as neutral as it could have been :p

Edited by Aniron
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i really did not think this was rude... until i read that u sent them a ticket and told them what happened.. i dont think the message itself was rude its the fact that they would even send u this bullS#&$ message to being with...


"o i did not cheat btw"


well u cheated u go in the pile with the rest of the cheaters too bad :( and the automated chat was bs if they really thought anything of ur situation they would have spent 2 mins reading and responding to ur problem...

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