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Nezha Endgame Build



19 answers to this question

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6 minutes ago, Radjehuty said:

Unfortunately, I'd have to say that Nezha isn't what I'd consider an end-game frame. Mainly because CC is supreme right now and his CC is....not terrible, but far inferior to other options out there.

This is true but Nezha still has a really decent kit overall.

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54 minutes ago, CouncilCat said:

This is true but Nezha still has a really decent kit overall.

Ehh. I mean if you want to judge for fun, sure I could see the appeal of Nezha. Honestly though, every warframe has a "decent kit" overall. The problem is that when people decide what warframe has a "decent kit", it's always judged based on relativity. Nezha's kit is decent in relation to what? Because of how this game defines "end-game", Most people are likely to say Nezha only has a "decent kit" relative to a minority of the frames currently available. If this game currently values CC as much as it does, There are far too many other options that would make Nezha have a RELATIVELY "bad kit". But again, this is just relative and doesn't mean Nezha isn't fun.

What I would argue to the OP though is that it's pretty difficult to discuss viability of this frame as he doesn't currently have any Augments. Augments are a HUGE deal and often change abilities entirely. For example, everyone believed Equinox's night form to be nearly worthless compared to her Day form...until her augments came out where night form could reign supreme towards end-game. So to me, judging Nezha currently seems a tad unfair. But omitting augments, Nezha is objectively a less desirable option in "end game" where CC is typically desired.

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Nehza in end game can be possible considering the following:

- Max range so 4th can pick up more enemies

- Duration is up to playstyle: Not so long that new enemies will walk right directly to you while others are caught up and also not so short that you will end up in the 4th animation more than CCing...

- ALWAYS be on the move, with the right duration/efficincy, you can have a lot of flames on the ground and coupled with 4th, it is a decent CC specilaly for infested. 


Hope this helps, at least for me this would be the best " close to ideal " application for him on high end missions.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

I cant for the life of me find any redeeming qualities about this character.

Is there any build to make this character sortie viable? His Warding Halo is a joke and press 4 to win can't be the only thing he has to work with.

Is it tho?


Warding Halo scales, similar to rhinos iron Skin from incomming damage, with the difference that nezha has quite the Arsenal of light and heavy CC Tools. Under heavy fire? Recast that Halo, fire your ult. 


Activate his first to leave a Trail of Fire proccs behind, walk into enemys while Halo is active to stagger, use his second ability to Heal or to get outa there. You have quite the selection. Try using it instead of looking for a way to abuse him.


I didn't even put a forma into him yet, slammed Utility on, balanced strength and duration with Max efficiency and I'm frickin dominating wherever i go. Including sorties. Just Stick close to thy enemys, play him to his fullest and everything is gonna work out for you bc that is absolutely essecial for this Frame.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Nezha is in awkward place like Oberon, jack of all trades and master of none.

I play him as a melee frame. He can close the distance quick enough and Warding Halo will stunlock the close enemies. Rush (slide) in, stun the nemy to hell and slice them with a good melee weapon. Do not use Warding Halo as a defensive ability, it's laughable, especially with negative power strenght, which is the build I am using. He is so mobile for a reason: move it or die.

Firewalker offers decent, albeit situational CC, still, not bad for a first ability. Proc cleansing is also nice for your team. In fact, Nezha excells against the infested with Halo's stun and protection against status as wel las with his status cleansing. His healing is a little awkward to use and again, is very situational but can be used to replenish your team's health, not as efficiently as Oberon, sadly, not to mention Trinity, but it's there. It's also a very nice mobility tool.


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21 minutes ago, Lijka said:

I also wouldn't exactly call a heavy CC Frame "Master of none" eather. He isn't where Oberon is as Oberon is a mess. Oberon doesn't work out as his Kit is in absolute conflict with itself where nnezhas Kit is linear and meant to be used in close range. Accept him for what he is and you have a definite Endgame Frame in your hands, which combines Mobility with stunlock close-midrange CC. 


Some Kind of auto-pilot definitly isn't what seperates Mastery fodder and Meta. The impact on the battlefield does.

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Can't figure out if you ultimately agree with me or not.

By all means, Nezha is end-game viable in hands of a skilled player, that much we agree on. 

He is a very mobile, close-combat/melee frame. That one is also clear.

I don't see your point?

If it's the comparison to Oberon that got to you, then I'm sorry, but it's true. Nezha's healing is lackluster at best, awkward to use and not exactly in line with the rest of his kit that focuses on CC. His damage dealing capabilities also fall off very quickly, yet Divine Spears' design suggests that except cc, it was supposed to be damage dealing ability as well, much like Oberon's ultimate. Even Frost's ultimate offers the same CC possibilities minus horribly long cast time you need to mod for, not to mention the animation is performed second time upon the spears' disappearance, interrupting whatever you are doing at the given moment.

Nezha offers good CC in few different ways, but neither makes him a CC master. Nonetheless he is a good frame, endgame worthy, in fact he's one of my favourites, but that does not change the fact, that his skills could use a couple good augment mods.

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What is a CC Master then?

Is it Nova who is able to cover a map but slows at Max? Is it Volt who is able to Spam the same type of stunlock? Mirage after the Nerf? Vauban who is able to cover multiple areas with a limitation concerning Max enemys?


Frames that are not affected by LoS and still offer some type of disabeling are your best bet imo. That Volt took the place of Mirage in raids Shows just that. nezha doesn't Spam it, nor is he able to but firewalker fills this gap quite splendid. Any Frame is good in the hands of a good Player but thers a difference between working Kits and those that don't ....his Kit works. Oberon is a bad choice as his Kit just doesn't work ya know.

The thing with Oberon is that his issues go deeper then simple "Master of none". 

His Reckoning offers decent CC but it's nothing more then a knockdown rly, paired with radiation Status that nearly expires untill they stand up and go trough theyr typical AI and Blinds which only affect enemys extending Reckonings range for a laughable Base-range. Renewal heals near to Nothing for how it heals. 400+? Instant Heal on killing marked enemys is godly in comparance... what does hallowed ground do for anyone besides dispelling and how or WHY would you ever put duration on Oberon, Smite becomes a wase of energy when enemys are allready radiated and most importantly: He has NOTHING to fill the gap. He is the Prime example of a Frame with a Kit that just doesn't work out.


-He has much on paper but near to Nothing isn't broken in some way what doesn't only leave him with nothing He Masters but with nothing but a very few Features he doesn't frickin master...

Nezha has numeric damage on his Kit, a Bonus to -closed stunlock CC- that could hit a little harder but that's his only darn flaw. One He shares with any Frame except for ash tho. Is this rly a issue on this fantastic Kit which puts a Layer of Defense, offense and Mobility over hard CC?

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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You seem stuck on an idea that I compare Nezha and Oberon, which is better and which is worse. Whose skills are better. I don't. I used Oberon as an example of a frame that similarly to Nezha, has a kit that offers a bit of everything but excells at nothing. Admittedly, Nezha's "nothing" is better than Oberon's. Is that what you wanted to hear?

For the third time: Nezha is a very good frame with good CC and utility. Why do you keep arguing as if I was saying something opposite?

Masters of CC? Well, isn't that obvious? Nyx, Loki, Inaros, Vauban, Mirage (well, at least until the nerf), recently Volt, I hear, tho I don't play him so I have no oppinion. Even, arguably, Excalibur with his spammable blind.

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34 minutes ago, Lijka said:

You seem stuck on an idea that I compare Nezha and Oberon, which is better and which is worse. Whose skills are better. I don't. I used Oberon as an example of a frame that similarly to Nezha, has a kit that offers a bit of everything but excells at nothing. Admittedly, Nezha's "nothing" is better than Oberon's. Is that what you wanted to hear?

For the third time: Nezha is a very good frame with good CC and utility. Why do you keep arguing as if I was saying something opposite?

Masters of CC? Well, isn't that obvious? Nyx, Loki, Inaros, Vauban, Mirage (well, at least until the nerf), recently Volt, I hear, tho I don't play him so I have no oppinion. Even, arguably, Excalibur with his spammable blind.

The only thing I don't agree on is the fact that you compare excals blind to his ult. And while yes you are right others offer way better CC... Nezha has 2 forms of CC and the ult does a good amount of damage as well. ( overall his ult is one of the best in-game right now and i'm guessing thats why hes against what you are saying ).

Hes underrated and his kit is quite solid. 

P.S. Nezha is really strong in my opinion even if I don't play him much. 

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3 hours ago, Lijka said:

Can't figure out if you ultimately agree with me or not.

By all means, Nezha is end-game viable in hands of a skilled player, that much we agree on. 

He is a very mobile, close-combat/melee frame. That one is also clear.

I don't see your point?

If it's the comparison to Oberon that got to you, then I'm sorry, but it's true. Nezha's healing is lackluster at best, awkward to use and not exactly in line with the rest of his kit that focuses on CC. His damage dealing capabilities also fall off very quickly, yet Divine Spears' design suggests that except cc, it was supposed to be damage dealing ability as well, much like Oberon's ultimate. Even Frost's ultimate offers the same CC possibilities minus horribly long cast time you need to mod for, not to mention the animation is performed second time upon the spears' disappearance, interrupting whatever you are doing at the given moment.

Nezha offers good CC in few different ways, but neither makes him a CC master. Nonetheless he is a good frame, endgame worthy, in fact he's one of my favourites, but that does not change the fact, that his skills could use a couple good augment mods.

Honestly, every frame is end game viable in the hands of someone determined enough as long as you're good enough at parkour and bring a decent enough loadout. The argument I bring is more about having a large number of choices in a game that really calls for a narrow set of abilities as most efficient: CC. When I'm going to the void and plan on staying an hour or more in a squad, or going to sorties, hieracon to 3k+ cryo, whatever your definition of "end-game" really is, you always end up asking yourself "Ok, what do I need?". Chances are, answer is either heavy damage dealer, or CC of some kind. In a game where Nova's 4 can do BOTH of those to enemies you can't even see yet, it's pretty obvious she's going to be one of the first options you consider. Banshee with her Sonar and quake. Frost with his infinite duration, high HP AND stackable area-denial CC globe is constantly called for in recruits. Nyx turning high level armies in to your own confused army. Vauban being able to lock down huge swaths of area. Volt stun-locking massive areas regardless of CC while his augment over-caps your ally's shields in the process, in addition to his volt shields. You get the idea. I don't see what question I'd have to ask myself to make Nezha an immediate option without forcing myself to consider him simply out of knowing I don't use him much.

I guess TLDR: Players always take the path of least resistance to get content completed or farm resources and Nezha doesn't seem to make things easier compared many many other frames. 

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2 hours ago, Lijka said:

You seem stuck on an idea that I compare Nezha and Oberon, which is better and which is worse. Whose skills are better. I don't. I used Oberon as an example of a frame that similarly to Nezha, has a kit that offers a bit of everything but excells at nothing. Admittedly, Nezha's "nothing" is better than Oberon's. Is that what you wanted to hear?

For the third time: Nezha is a very good frame with good CC and utility. Why do you keep arguing as if I was saying something opposite?

Masters of CC? Well, isn't that obvious? Nyx, Loki, Inaros, Vauban, Mirage (well, at least until the nerf), recently Volt, I hear, tho I don't play him so I have no oppinion. Even, arguably, Excalibur with his spammable blind.

What do these (except for Loki. Kinda unique thing He has going) do better then nezha? His ult stunlocks a good area for a good duration and evrything He walks by suffers fire dots. That's pretty -closed Supreme CC in my book and far from nothing. That plus variety.

This makes him better then nyx (unrelyable, fantastic damage tho), better then Mirage/excal (los), slightly below vauban and Volt while beein much more power efficient in terms of CC.


Seriously, tell me, what Factor makes his CC nothing but less useless then Oberon in your opinion? I'd love to know.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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@Radjehuty thank you for agreeing with me.

@CouncilCat, that's why I added "arguably" to the Excal. His blind is not a hard CC like Nezha's spears and does not do damage, except opening for finishers, which spears do too. However it's esily recastable, to the point of being spammable and is only a second ability, not an ult, relatively cheap at that. That's why I added Excal to the list. Nezha has 3 forms of cc, actually, two of them situational.

@(PS4)CoolD2108, please read my post again and don't take words out of context.

9 hours ago, Lijka said:

I used Oberon as an example of a frame that similarly to Nezha, has a kit that offers a bit of everything but excells at nothing. Admittedly, Nezha's "nothing" is better than Oberon's.


6 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Seriously, tell me, what Factor makes his CC nothing but less useless then Oberon in your opinion?

I shall rephrase, just to be sure.

Both Nezha and Oberon have kits that offer a little bit of damage that falls off very quick; they both offer a form of healing and neither is good; they both offer status cleansing, where Nezha's is a part of a skil lthat does other things too, while Oberon's has a whole skill for that sole reason (the damage his carpet does is not really a factor here, it's too small); they both offer CC, where Oberon's is somewhat unreliable, although easily repeatable, while Nezha's is quite good, but suffers both long and double cast time. It's not as good as cc of number of frames already named in this thread. Ergo, both kits offer a bit of everything, but neither masters any of those aspects. Still, Nezha's cc is good and reliable.

But the analogy is undeniable.

Edited by Lijka
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