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Kavat Starter Kit DOESN'T include incubator?!


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So, in my rush to get Kavats ASAP, I immediately purchased a Kavat Starter Kit, thinking it included the incubator. Well, It doesn't, and here I am, with 95 less platinum, and nothing really to show for it. I sent support a ticket asking for a refund on it, and now I'm worried that going forward in Warframe will mess up my chances of getting help. Anyone with previous experience care to give words of encouragement/ horror stories on when I can expect a response?

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You had an impulse buy not sure if they will help you that since you decided to buy it, It must have some kind of description on what is included in the kit. Just farm the incubator segment, one guy posted in the general section it drops on derelict mission, and move on. Good Luck.

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I dunno man, i havent gotten it myself. I just saw the post. 2 ways to obtain the segment for free one is from the DOJO (im sure this one will take research time) so the shortest path is to farm it and also while doing it take pics of cats in the derelict otherwise buy the segment in the market which will cost u more plat. Sorry not much of help, but still doable. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Go to Dojo, get incubator part, buy Kavat starter kit, make incubator, finish Incubator, install, realise you only got 10 Genetic Data and inubator part used all 10, be @(*()$ pissy about doing all this BS and still not having a @(*()$ cat...


This describes me in the curent...

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