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New Archwing Controlling sucks...


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It really does suck. While we can roll (by holding down alt + A or D on PC) it doesn't work very well.On top of that any none-horizontal facing causes the ship to roll randomly. The maps obviously have a horizontal plane that the AI and mini-map follows no matter how much they try to hide it with poor game mechanics.


Their changes makes it obvious how poor the AI is with its path finding too, with how they constantly need to zig-zag to readjust if they need to reach another map height. At least without the forced rolling we could easily stay on the same plane during combat to help the AI out.

Edited by Golmihr
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3 hours ago, F0rcem4x said:

Nah, you're overacting a lot. You're overacting so much that I'm pretty sure you're being totally sarcastic and that you actually think the flight system sucks now XD

nah man i m serious i don t have motion sickness, so i don t have much problems with it

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After a few months and umpteen amount of matches.  I must agree with most of the forums.  In addition, at least to what I remember, the aiming in an Archwing did not cause the player to take up about half of the screen.  When aiming, I am unable to see the left side of the screen.  I believe the aiming on the Archwing was the same as the Warframe.  It was over the shoulder so the bottom left of the screen was blocked by the character.  The controllers and views are no better than and for me, I can not adjust to them.

The Archwing portion should be rolled back to the previous functionality.

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Pfff..... Why its not patched yet ? Many month people yell about this bullS#&$ absurdity, and always nothing (sorry fo my bad english)!

- Why they remove the Key control for "reset axis"???? Now you're completely disoriented and must play reverse view or turn many times for try adjust the view! Horrible...Absolutly unplayable!

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Archwing movement was just fine before SOTR, One could move in high speeds with out the camera being a spinning mess, and without having to hit every single part of the map, reverting the archwing movement to what it was before SOTR would be a step back in the right direction, while the archwing mode itself does need some serious polish, (as always) the movement prior to SOTR felt polished and fluent, now It's a nauseating attack while trying to turn 20 seconds ahead of the next turn you need to make from the cornering being so poor. 

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Bump because its still S#&$ and archwing died out because of it... i cant even imagine what the game testers could have say when they saw the changes... hey here have a game mode that already has control issues with many players... lets make it worse... THAT WILL MAKE PEOPLE PLAY IT

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