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Draco and Focus Farming


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So i posted this in a violently flaming thread that got locked shortly after i posted this without enough time to see a response, so I thought i'd start a new thread with it to see if it'd spark any discussion:


so... focus .. (end game content) 2 schools are powerful.. worthy of being called end game. zenurik has high energy regen for casters. naramon has invisibility for melee critters. 1 school is ok. vazarin has 4 instant revives every couple minutes. 1 school sounds ok but is pretty buggy. madurai has physical damage multipication. and 1 school is pretty straight garbage. unairu has worthless armor increase and some armor debuff on fast melees.

Now I did some rough math and literally maxing zenurik, one of the most popular schools would take aproximately 4 months of daily maxing focus points. 5 schools worth you could guess being the better part of 2 whole bleeding years. With draco and no affinity boosters, that maxing a daily focus took roughly an hour. running anywhere else that's even remotely decent for focus farm takes twice to 4 times as much time to max. so let's say average 3 hours a day to max

Is any of this sounding healthy to you? DE has built a system to keep players on "end game content" for literally years just to keep people playing their game and buying affinity boosters. I'd argue they've established an unhealthy consumer/developer relationship with unreasonable expectations of daily play session timespans.

The only healthy part of this whole design, I would say is the daily cap. 100k is enough to unlock a branch on a focus tree or make significant progress in them each day. enough to unlock and max all the important cooldown and passive parts of a focus school in roughly 3-4 weeks.

I'm somewhat neutral on the issue of leveling and formaing gear through draco as it isn't abysmally hard to do elswhere if you have a good full squad but if draco-lootcaves need to be done away with entirely, the discussion of rate of focus gains HAS to be reopened.


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1 hour ago, -Voltage- said:

I am glad Draco was removed because now it shows the true issues with affinity and focus and forma. Give it a week and the next loot cave of XP will come up. :)

We will find the next "loot cave". Is our new secret mission.


Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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Yep, focus gain was straight up garbage outside of Draco. The fact that you need to farm it with a nuke frame is another issue. 

There was also stealth farming in deception but that mode was removed.

I saw someone hosting the Sedna interception so maybe that is the new xp farm.

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