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SOTR, Was this what we waited for? REALLY?


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Before all y'all think this is just another draco rant... it isn't. I'm glad draco is gone, I like how the starchart is all changed up and new feeling. (Even if the names on everything are so small I can't read them on higher definitions if I sit a bit further from my screen) 

But here is what bothers me, We waited for this... all the way since the release of the second dream. And you people who say that DE have been working tirelessly to bring us this... at this point I really don't care. It's been delayed and delayed, split into parts, teased for weeks ontop of that to buy time. And then finally on release... It's riddled with bugs, features that since they were all kept hush until now are really hard to work with, and we can't even get Kavats to calm ourselves down and give us something to focus on training.. because the RNG is sooooo bad that you can do multiple runs without even getting one DNA sample. 

So really? Was this what you were all waiting for? 

What I was waiting for with these huge patches...? The same things that were teased. 

-A shop that was easy to use and gave accurate information (the shop is average to use, the buttons are a little hidden but thats okay.. but my issue is that buying things, particularly the new Sai's since I was going to get them... they don't show the stats or anything forcing me to look in the wiki.

-Archwing improvements. ... There aren't any. The new system is a huge hinderance. It's impossible to navigate the small tight corners of the corpus ship archwing missions and still rather disorienting in the outside ones when your screen flips around after you've already finished turning. Adding a new healer archwing and some weapons doesn't change that you can't actually do the missions to use them since you slam into every wall because your archwing flips out

-Kavats... I've been wanting one ever since they were teased. I'm a huge fan of the kittys. Especially the one with the giant ears that looks like a fennec. I can't for the life of me farm for one. I've scanned tons. My scanners had more of a workout than the photocopier at a highschool. And still I only have one DNA sample. Out of 20!. ... Which annoys me more than anything, since we expected to use the same things as kubrows, so I went out and stocked up on the things I needed, even getting a few kubrow eggs just in case. And then they come out and need a whole new segment and DNA... why can't they just use the same system as kubrows? Or better yet just let me go catch a wild kitten and bring it home. Since the wild ones look a ton cuter anyway.

-A new starchart. That is better than the old one. This new one is better than the old one In my opinion, but some legibility changes would be very much loved by me since currently it's very eye straining trying to read the little names, and see the lines of what I have and haven't done yet


What were you waiting for? 

Focus changes? Weapon Balances? Warframe balances? Or were you like me, super excited for what you were being teased with. At least there was some foreplay before this...


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Tbh, all I was waiting for was the new star chart and the end of terribly boring void farming. Set my expectations that low, got them pretty covered.

And kavats. Their implementation is just... I don't have a nice thing to say about it. Have to find rare, invisible, weak enemies, that are quick and very hard to scan, that are chaotic and always in a melee with the infested... have to find those for a *low* chance of getting an imprint. And then, I need 20 of these imprints. That's too much. It's not Ivara level of too much, but it is too much.

But the patch covered 2/3 for me. ;)


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11 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

Focus changes? Weapon Balances? Warframe balances? Or were you like me, super excited for what you were being teased with. At least there was some foreplay before this...


What could possibly lead you to think they'd have that?

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I don't know man i like the fissure thing except that i can't play my e-war valkyr anymore but i kinda like some of the features to be honest..

I mean, have you tried the dual darkswords yet? it's fast it hits hard AF with corrosive/radiation crit and some status build and with excal =) 

The stradavar is actually usefull now. but i'm pretty bummed that there was no weapons stances or weapons or any changes to melee and focus at all (except for the sai weapon and dual dagger stance) i wonder what happened to the tonfa stance that they showed at the same time as the dual dagger stance.

Endless mission is now useless wich was for me my definition of end-game really.. now the hardest enemies are between level 45-50. 

I might be wrong and really hope i am, but i havent seen any enemies that's higher than level 49 in the star map missions. 

I mean whats the point of having more low level planets than planets with fairly mid-high level enemies.

I would like the missions to start of with enemies around level 60-70 and/or higher, it could be optional but seriously, before the SotR update you had to butcher your way for an hour before it got interesting. 


Edited by Ryddem
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Well no, this is 2/3 of the the update, but as far as just Specters of the Rail goes:

  1. Star chart rework: Much better IMHO, a few things left to be fixed, but overall a big improvement
  2. Junction challenges, Interesting and great for new players. Gives us our first look at the actual rails being used in the system (Not the Dark Sector Rails)
  3. Market rework, no worse, but I don't think anyone really cared about that, filter by not owned is nice
  4. Archwing. I like the 6Dof system, there are tweaks that could be made, I like the new Archwingand I really like the new mission types, though obviously there are bugs to be fixed
  5. Void rework: Other than the "select from your teammates rewards" thing increasing toxicity, and Nullifiers spawning on top of you. I think that the overall idea is a really good one. Finally doing away with keyshares is a great relief to me, and I like that the fissure missions can be queued for. 
  6. Sound Changes. Really helped me position enemies, for the first time I really get directionality and distance, really great for immersion.
  7. Kavats: Drop rate is way too low, but that has happened before. Overall I see nothing wrong with the new companions.
  8. Cephalon Fragments. A good investigation system with some lore behind it, I love that sort of thing
  9. More Orbiter decorations: great for those that like that sort of thing
  10. Holstering changes: interesting: a good start I hope to see more things like this.

So for 1/3 of an update I'd say this is fantastic, if a little rushed out of the door (but I would want to get it out before Tennocon as well, I can understand the pressure)

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i really like the void fissures as well. the market isnt horrible but they do need to re-add the stats to weps, i mean stats are one of the most important things in the game. the new archwing system is pretty bad, ive never had a issue with motion sickness before but the movement and odd camera angles are actually making me nauseous. the kavat system has been getting on my nerves alot, i cant get a single piece of dna. i came back after a 2 month break just to get a kitteh.

i also still have high hopes for some weapon changes. their are alot of really cool weapons that are just outright bad, horrible stats and such. i think a weapon focus system kind of like our current focus system for each individual weapon would be nice, so long as the focus upgrades actually boosted stats and such. it would need to be really balanced though, some weapons are already pretty BA.

Edited by LufgtHuron
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