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Nova Deluxe skin


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Just now, LogaMC1995 said:

Since players crying abt this exotic Nova deluxe skin, imagine what happens if Chroma deluxe skin make him look literally like quadrupedal dragon? Just for thought.

Hope this skin's progress is shown in devstream to actually see if anything got changed.



If it's like this all day everyday. Right now I put my faith in tennogen.

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Honestly I don't like its design, I am a huge fan of Nova and love what they did in her prime version which looks like a undamaged, fully powered Nova in her prime(pun not intended.) Considering the previous deluxe skins, they had a very good reason for being in there. Excalibur and Nyx both allude to dark sector and as such their skin are more dark and rough in design. We have rhino's which he looks like a sci-fi version of rhino from Spiderman, not bad but actually it makes sense. Saryn was a must buy for me, she looked sexy and the only off-putting part was her shoes but even so she looked like a poisonous flower, which relates to her kit of being poison/viral. Trinity, another must buy for me. For trinity you have to understand that her original version was like an old lady like shaman from South America...Her deluxe skin is based in the witch but more like taking a Asiatic approach It was well designed and it looked cool. Oberon is the same, I actually like him over Trinity's because oberon was our goat guy from the get go, now he looks like he belongs in the forest, that skin with orokin colors rocks! Now loki..I dunno..he doesn't look bad but he only reminds me of  3000000015391_-_12.jpg?v=1465536972

which in itself is not a bad thing, just that is the one i liked the least for that very reason, it doesn't feel like it is for him. Then we come to the one i don't like even though i have it, Valkyr's...Let me just say outright, with the right colors she shines, the helmet is the one that throws me off and for that reason i prefer either of her other helmets other than gersemi.


This one...My thoughts are mixed, are they telling us they want a Buddhist iconology or Something from Japan? The extra hands are telling me they want something like an Ashura, or if we go with deities, Vishnu, Kali and the like if we think the idea is Hindu and with Bodhisatvas if we go with the ideas of the Lotus Sutras in the Asian Buddhism variants. What do we know about Nova? She is our antimatter frame, by definition, she is really out of this world even by game standards. I guess they could go with destruction but even so, Kali wouldn't fit into the idea of antimatter or rather something that is based in something that is really outside of the normal way of comprehension. Now if it was a Doguu which is what i am leaning at because of the insect like helmet she or it has...Then kinda doesn't fit either..They are often used or were treated as and i quote " They are considered by many to be representative of goddesses. Many have large abdomens associated with pregnancy, suggesting that the Jomon considered them mother goddesses" Is DE telling us that Nova has skills that could make her a deity among its peers or even others? If so why? Antimatter or not, Nova's kit is a purely scientific and also kinda abstract to begin with, making her kinda like an insect kali/doguu thing makes this skin really really weird.

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On 7/10/2016 at 9:06 PM, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

I'll tell you what it is that sets this design back in a nutshell:

All her femininity has been removed and Nova is incredibly feminine.   What you have is "quilted'N'sweats cat-lady who eats ice cream every night and has given up" Nova.  The simplified Syandana underwhelms as well.

I can see where you are drawing from Indian Rajasthan-type dress and Hindu/Shiva/multi-arm Goddess influences:


But modern views on the Indian aesthetic are HEAVILY influenced by hour-glass sensuality like so:


Frumpy-layers Nova is a no-no. :)

I'd like to elaborate on this. Also, probably gonna get flamed by radical feminists for what I'm about to say. Oh boy, here we go.

Given that none of the Warframes display primary sexual characteristics, that is to say, no genitals, the perceived sex of a Warframe is determined by its secondary sexual characteristics, their body shapes. Some frames possesses very obvious secondary sexual characteristics, such as Saryn, with her ample breasts and hip to waist ratio.

Now, lets look at Nova. There is a reason she's been referred to as a Lolita, among other less savory things. She's quite lacking in secondary sexual characteristics; flat chest, somewhat thick midsection, and thicker limbs compared to other female frames. The prime version has a slightly more feminine head design, with a sharper chin and protrusions that look like pigtail buns, and two flaps that resemble braids. 

Now here's where it gets a little racy. Given what was stated above, Nova's design could be considered androgynous, if not for the visible back arch, her...um... posterior, and thighs. Her appearance of wearing skin-tight cloths accentuates these traits, thus marking her as feminine instead of androgynous.

Now, the issue with this deluxe skin. The skin accentuates her androgynous aspects; namely, the rings on her arms makes her limb look even thicker and more elongated, her upper torso appears wider, shoulders broader. Simultaneously, the skin does the opposite to her feminine traits listed above, namely covering up part of her hips and thighs. In addition, the bulbous "tennis balls" and the cloth looking sash breaks up the little feminine curves Nova had to begin with. 

tl;dr? Due to a lack of secondary sexual characteristic like other female frames, Nova kind of needs a light clothing kind of look to appear feminine. The deluxe skin is the opposite of that, featuring heavy-looking cloth and heavy decorations, resulting in an androgynous appearance that some, including myself, dislike.

Alright, y'all can start calling me a pig or worse now. 

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5 hours ago, BCAW said:

I'd like to elaborate on this. Also, probably gonna get flamed by radical feminists for what I'm about to say. Oh boy, here we go.

Given that none of the Warframes display primary sexual characteristics, that is to say, no genitals, the perceived sex of a Warframe is determined by its secondary sexual characteristics, their body shapes. Some frames possesses very obvious secondary sexual characteristics, such as Saryn, with her ample breasts and hip to waist ratio.

Now, lets look at Nova. There is a reason she's been referred to as a Lolita, among other less savory things. She's quite lacking in secondary sexual characteristics; flat chest, somewhat thick midsection, and thicker limbs compared to other female frames. The prime version has a slightly more feminine head design, with a sharper chin and protrusions that look like pigtail buns, and two flaps that resemble braids. 

Now here's where it gets a little racy. Given what was stated above, Nova's design could be considered androgynous, if not for the visible back arch, her...um... posterior, and thighs. Her appearance of wearing skin-tight cloths accentuates these traits, thus marking her as feminine instead of androgynous.

Now, the issue with this deluxe skin. The skin accentuates her androgynous aspects; namely, the rings on her arms makes her limb look even thicker and more elongated, her upper torso appears wider, shoulders broader. Simultaneously, the skin does the opposite to her feminine traits listed above, namely covering up part of her hips and thighs. In addition, the bulbous "tennis balls" and the cloth looking sash breaks up the little feminine curves Nova had to begin with. 

tl;dr? Due to a lack of secondary sexual characteristic like other female frames, Nova kind of needs a light clothing kind of look to appear feminine. The deluxe skin is the opposite of that, featuring heavy-looking cloth and heavy decorations, resulting in an androgynous appearance that some, including myself, dislike.

Alright, y'all can start calling me a pig or worse now. 


But seriously this about sums it up.

2 hours ago, raydog said:

Well, given its the same artist who made the new Kela its no wonder she's less feminine looking.

Which, in of itself, isn't necessarily a bad thing. There's no way I can say this without sounding like a perv, so I'll just come out and say it. The reason I like Novas design is because of her lack of "noticeable" feminine  traits. And no, not because I'm into "loli" in fact I didn't even make that connection before I saw a bunch of people mention it in these nova threads. And even now I don't see it, I don't want to see it lol. To me Novas design is subtle and in its own way beautiful without saying "bOoBi3s!" Or "Buttz! Yay!". This type of figure is a type of beauty rarely ever seen in gaming. 

That being said this skin doesn't have any of he traits that I like about her. It's not visually appealing to me, and judging by the posts I've seen, it isn't to many other people.

That being said I don't think it's a god awful skin, if it were a new frame id deal with it. But we're talking Nova here.

Another point id like to bring up is whether or not this skin fits her theme. Personally I don't think it does, but even if it does, even by 50%, these skins exist to push plat sales. To make people want to buy them.

Whether or not this skin fits her theme is irrelevant. What matters is the appeal and demand for it. Judging by the community outcry, this skin will not sell well. And will leave a bad taste in many Nova players' mouths. 

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On 7/18/2016 at 11:52 AM, Sirfol said:

the preview is ugly, but i can see the potential with some swapping in darker color, a syndana and a armor that fits.

Honestly, I feel like the colors are whats throwing people for a loop.  We need to get our hands on her before anything.  I've already got a few ideas similar to yours that'll potentially make her look really dope in this skin.

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)MAveric215 said:

Honestly, I feel like the colors are whats throwing people for a loop.  We need to get our hands on her before anything.  I've already got a few ideas similar to yours that'll potentially make her look really dope in this skin.

....I dont know about that ...

i used similar in my colored and it didnt sway anyone...



using colors ....


Nova Empress recolor  by DrkMako

also somewhat impressed our .. neg feedback thread is going as long as it has 

Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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Just now, (XB1)MAveric215 said:

I'm no artist so I don't know how long it would take to color up  the outline version you posted earlier.  But I'm curious as to how the deluxe skin's palette would look on it.

ill try my hand on mine and see what it is . ill also draft the current...deluxe and recolore it ... see if that ..changes things 

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)MAveric215 said:

That would be really cool if you did that.  Hopefully it's just a matter of poor colors.

imo its not the theme thats bad, but the implementation ... not just colors , but we are all entitled to an opinion 

i just hope DE absorbs the feedback for future ones ..

in all honesty i though zephyr was next in deluxe do to the concept design we saw a while back 

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