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The Credit Nerf ....


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8 hours ago, RyuDragnier said:

From what I'm seeing, it's to encourage doing the Dark Sector missions. A 20 minute survival run got me over 40k credits on Ceres. That's more than a little bit impressive.

20 minutes for 40k credits?  That's not impressive.

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4 hours ago, Hans.Yulian said:

Why you guys so pissed off by credit nerfed? Because you guys play to farm, not play to enjoy. The moment you guys get any nerfed in farming, you guys explode and get angry because farming got nerfed. I already work hard in real life, i dont want to work hard in game, i want to enjoy the game, not work hard. 

I may start a new thread once I sort everything out, but you've got it backwards.

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8 hours ago, RyuDragnier said:

From what I'm seeing, it's to encourage doing the Dark Sector missions. A 20 minute survival run got me over 40k credits on Ceres. That's more than a little bit impressive.

but inefficient , 5mins in sechura used to nail 50k. a far better way to farm. in the same time i couldve earned 200k - 300k dpes on frames and squad 



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9 hours ago, Hans.Yulian said:

no i don't and i don't want to, my objectives to play the game are for adventure, exploring content, and refreshment. I don't want to spend my time standing and waiting for people to make a trade with me. I don't know what is the purpose of DE creating Warframe, whether it's making people to spend their time in game just to farm and do things repeatedly all the time or presenting their idea, imagination as a game and have people enjoy the idea they have realized in form of a game (aside from making money too). But if i am the one to make the game, i want my idea, my inspiration, my imagination to be enjoyed by people.

It also means that if Warframe no longer have any develoment, i will not play the game anymore. I play and pay for their idea, if they no longer have any idea, good bye, no longer deserve my money, and i will find another game that fulfill my objective of playing game.

again you fail to see the point of this thread , im not discussing content , tactics or my personal reasons for playing wf , im asking why the credit nerf.  i dontneed to be told over and over jus play as i have been doing that for 3 years now :)  DE should have examined the impact of credit nerf before commiting , unless they did and actually want  us to grind more on top of the grind for primes / kavats /kubrows /mats /mods 

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8 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I play for a bit more of 3 months now. I did ALL the mission available; alerts, sorties, invasions... Have 8 billions right now XD And i never cared about credits, just have enough to rank up mods is fine.

you dont have 8 billion , more like 8 million and that is pocket change fella


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11 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

I may start a new thread once I sort everything out, but you've got it backwards.

lol he's played ince march 2016 , still in the "wf is so wonderful ill just play it , cant see what all teh grind fuss is about" same player 2 yrs later - " man i must grind everything so i can build all this crap to master my final few ranks" 

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5 hours ago, Hans.Yulian said:

No, it's already balanced enough from the start and getting to be even more balanced now. Do you know the things appears in squad finding before update?

Draco Exp Farm - Akkad Credit Farm - Void Farm - Draco Draco Draco - Void Void Void - Cerberus Cerberus Cerberus - Hieracon Hieracon Hieracon -  all any kind of framing.

Now since they nerfed it, ok no more draco, no more credit farm, no more void farm, less farm, less farm, and less farm.... go to play, not farming. They make this game to be played, not to be farmed. Now using void fissure, we can do more things rather than boring void runs because the missions always changed, at least rotated between each of the mode like extermination, capture, etc.

Why you guys so pissed off by credit nerfed? Because you guys play to farm, not play to enjoy. The moment you guys get any nerfed in farming, you guys explode and get angry because farming got nerfed. I already work hard in real life, i dont want to work hard in game, i want to enjoy the game, not work hard. 

As programmer i also understand that bugs is not always easy to solve, especially related to networks and real time system, but i still appreciate that they still trying to solve bugs, so, as long the bug is not really severe i still compensate such small bugs.

lol we play to enjoy but have been playing for 3 years now ( myself)  chap , more than a little bored of the starchart . also with only having an acc since march how are you able to even offer an opinion on what the balance was like at the start ? its an ARGP game farming is integral to it , if you think otherwise you aint been playing enough 

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9 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I play for a bit more of 3 months now. I did ALL the mission available; alerts, sorties, invasions... Have 8 billions right now XD And i never cared about credits, just have enough to rank up mods is fine.

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but 8 million credits is nothing to rank up mods.  That's like 6 primed mods.  Maybe.

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2 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

Dude, I hate to break it to you, but 8 million credits is nothing to rank up mods.  That's like 6 primed mods.  Maybe.

Not even that chap i think (and i may be wrong ) it takes about 1.8 mil to rank a prime mod to max


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3 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

20 minutes for 40k credits?  That's not impressive.

It's the most I've ever seen. Then again, I've never ran a sortie (don't have the gear for it), or any of the 'farming spots' that were there before this update. I've also never had more than 200k credits on me, them all going to either upgrading mods or to make stuff.

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1 minute ago, RyuDragnier said:

It's the most I've ever seen. Then again, I've never ran a sortie (don't have the gear for it), or any of the 'farming spots' that were there before this update. I've also never had more than 200k credits on me, them all going to either upgrading mods or to make stuff.

Head to sechura pluto.  It's been nerfed, but you can farm 30k in under 5 minutes with a booster.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:


I suppose I should be glad to have 164m just collecting dust?

It's like my favorite IRL story. 

"If Bill Gates were to drop $10k cash on the ground it wouldn't be worth his time to pick it up."

i fail to see you point ( if any) so you have millions ... woah there stand aside big man commin through !  other than that i see you have nothing constructive to add so... bye \o

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2 hours ago, Troll_Logic said:

Head to sechura pluto.  It's been nerfed, but you can farm 30k in under 5 minutes with a booster.

ive been testing and i think heiracon for two extractors is about 40 - 45k so not too bad but still inefficient


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Just now, CapAllan said:

With the Void gone, my credit inflow chart is now on an all time low. DE?

dark sectors have always been superior to voids (except quick caps )  but yeah after the void rework a large chunk of most peoples cred earnings have been cut 

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Just now, BAD9eR said:

dark sectors have always been superior to voids (except quick caps )  but yeah after the void rework a large chunk of most peoples cred earnings have been cut 

Yeah, but people don't go there much except to farm for some resource or to just farm creds. You used to get creds by just farming prime stuff! It was like some sort of involuntary credit income source. I suggest that they bring that credit reward back to fissure missions.

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36 minutes ago, CapAllan said:

Yeah, but people don't go there much except to farm for some resource or to just farm creds. You used to get creds by just farming prime stuff! It was like some sort of involuntary credit income source. I suggest that they bring that credit reward back to fissure missions.

it would be a start or maybe if the rewards were decent a full on compromise 

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12 hours ago, BAD9eR said:

i fail to see you point ( if any) so you have millions ... woah there stand aside big man commin through !  other than that i see you have nothing constructive to add so... bye \o

My point is, credits have never been a problem.

Unless you go all the way back to the closed beta; I've heard that credit gains were low back then.

But if Pluto dark sector is still kicking out tens of thousands of credits for five minutes of effort I fail to see the point of this thread as credits are abundant.

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19 hours ago, BAD9eR said:

lol he's played ince march 2016 , still in the "wf is so wonderful ill just play it , cant see what all teh grind fuss is about" same player 2 yrs later - " man i must grind everything so i can build all this crap to master my final few ranks" 


18 hours ago, BAD9eR said:

lol we play to enjoy but have been playing for 3 years now ( myself)  chap , more than a little bored of the starchart . also with only having an acc since march how are you able to even offer an opinion on what the balance was like at the start ? its an ARGP game farming is integral to it , if you think otherwise you aint been playing enough 

I'm MR 21 already and create everything before SOTR... and credit was so easy to get. now, a little more challenge to make this game more interesting even though maybe a bit too late.

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