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This Weekend Only? Is It Actually Exclusive This Time Or Not?


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It was exclusive at that time, was it not? And now it's very difficult to get so what does it matter?

There is a name for this, it is "timed exclusive". Saying things like this to suit your purpose just makes you look bad.

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You're kidding me, right?

You're actually suggesting that we should punish those players who have something to do on a specific weekend by refusing to ever allow them to get on the same level of power as players who happened to be free that day? And so... what? So that you can satisfy some pathetic urge to be better or more unique than them? The Frost Prime thing was an insanely stupid level of "entitlement" - you got the blueprint for free, you got a fun event to play through and you still *@##$ed because, for some reason, other players also gaining access to it somehow diminished your personal enjoyment?


Remember the frost prime event ? a tons of guy rfarming all day.. ALL DAY (Thx to those guys we got frost prime) for some random get the samething killing only 1 thing..

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Oh look.


This shi* again.


Maybe I'll join in. Except let's take it to the next level.


Here goes:


I demand that Update 9 be an exclusive upgrade available only to people who are logged in on the day they release it.


Because obviously I cannot enjoy this game if someone else is enjoying it as much or more than I am.


Did I do it right? Can I join the club or do I need to drink more crazy?

Edited by LuxAngel7
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Oh look.


This shi* again.


Maybe I'll join in. Except let's take it to the next level.


Here goes:


I demand that Update 9 be an exclusive upgrade available only to people who are logged in on the day they release it.


Because obviously I cannot enjoy this game if someone else is enjoying it as much or more than I am.


Did I do it right? Can I join the club or do I need to drink more crazy?

Update 6? Braton Vandal?


Your suggestion already happened.

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Oh look.


This shi* again.


Maybe I'll join in. Except let's take it to the next level.


Here goes:


I demand that Update 9 be an exclusive upgrade available only to people who are logged in on the day they release it.


Because obviously I cannot enjoy this game if someone else is enjoying it as much or more than I am.


Did I do it right? Can I join the club or do I need to drink more crazy?


Update 9 requires 20 dollar per month subscription.

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Remember the frost prime event ? a tons of guy rfarming all day.. ALL DAY (Thx to those guys we got frost prime) for some random get the samething killing only 1 thing..


That's not even relevant. It's an entirely separate argument. The fact is that awarding "unique and never again" items cannot be done on an ad hoc weekend basis, especially not one with less than 24 hours notice. Awarding something for participating in a closed beta that lasted for nine months is fair enough. Awarding something once and never again because you happened to be free to play on a specific couple of days is insane.

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It was exclusive at that time, was it not? And now it's very difficult to get so what does it matter?

Do you understand what exclusive means? Timed exclusive =/= exclusive, ESPECIALLY since NOWHERE did they say it was a timed exclusive, don't get me wrong, it's good that it's not exclusive imo, but at the same time they need to communicate better (like some people mistakenly thought you can only get one of the artifacts, not all)


On the "timed exclusive" bit, we never got to play him early (which is ok tbh), we had to wait like everyone else to get his bits. Anyone who can claim that a frame you can't build is "exclusive" is just silly. If I have 1 of 4 parts to build him, I STILL can't build him.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Don't feed Sikab, he's the one that started all the rage about the Frost Prime BP before... Yes he's being serious, sadly.


DE already made comments about the Frost Prime BP, how some people think that everything that is said by them as written in blood and they signed a contract or something.

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Oh look.


This shi* again.


Maybe I'll join in. Except let's take it to the next level.


Here goes:


I demand that Update 9 be an exclusive upgrade available only to people who are logged in on the day they release it.


Because obviously I cannot enjoy this game if someone else is enjoying it as much or more than I am.


Did I do it right? Can I join the club or do I need to drink more crazy?


i hope the event doesnt be a grindfest becouse was really bad for the people who actually farmed that schiet


also frost prme was esxzdxdlxzdpz whatever..

Edited by Dasmir
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That's not even relevant. It's an entirely separate argument. The fact is that awarding "unique and never again" items cannot be done on an ad hoc weekend basis, especially not one with less than 24 hours notice. Awarding something for participating in a closed beta that lasted for nine months is fair enough. Awarding something once and never again because you happened to be free to play on a specific couple of days is insane.

Braton Vandal says hello.





Don't feed Sikab, he's the one that started all the rage about the Frost Prime BP before... Yes he's being serious, sadly.


DE already made comments about the Frost Prime BP, how some people think that everything that is said by them as written in blood and they signed a contract or something.




Yep, don't listen to me. Let's all hold hands and do more &#! licking and act as if we didn't got lied in the face.



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And I think that was an enormous mistake. Thankfully, so apparently do DE.

Screwing it up once is only an issue if they don't learn from it. It seems that they did.

They could easily solve it with you know... By releasing it? like Frost Prime?

Edited by Sikab
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i hope the event doesnt be a grindfest becouse was really bad for the people who actually farmed that schiet


also frost prme was esxzdxdlxzdpz whatever..

It's not going to be a grindfest. As far as i can tell, the new "artifacts" will drop from special random alert mission like the other artifacts today. You will have to survive an unnamed number of waves that you will find out in that mission, I would hope.

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Braton Vandal was a gift for the server stress test back in Closed Beta.


Why would they release it again, especially when they've explicitly said 'no' many times?

That was Open Beta.


Lato Vandal was the gift for testing Closed Beta.

Edited by Sikab
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That was Open Beta.


Lato Vandal was the gift for testing Closed Beta.


That was Open Beta Weekend. An open, three day long server stress test. As soon as it ended, it went back to Closed Beta and keys were required to play. It never officially went into Open Beta.

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That was Open Beta Weekend. An open, three day long server stress test. As soon as it ended, it went back to Closed Beta and keys were required to play.

Still Open, to every1 who bothered to download this game.

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Still Open, to every1 who bothered to download this game.


And still during the official Closed Beta testing phase.


If you're at the point where all you can do is complain about the game and it's developers, then leave. If you still possess the need to hold yourself over others, then go find another game that will allow you to do so.


Please, just stop. This is old.

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 You are arguing a losing battle with Fatalx7 right now Sikab. He is perfectly correct.

the case where a name perfectly fits the person.


also, kind of useless to ask me to "stop". I'm free to do what I want to do :)

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