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Out Of Frame: The Everyday Lives Of The Tenno - Feedback & Discussion


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...And people think DIY lobotomies are a bad idea, pft.

You've gotta be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.



So Rhino, have you been?

Edited by Grulos
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Oh please, do you have any idea how many art students put themselves through art school by doing those kinds of commissions?


The answer is, "All of the good ones."

I'm not knocking the man, or anyone who does that. It was meant to be a joke.

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Oh please, do you have any idea how many art students put themselves through art school by doing those kinds of commissions?


The answer is, "All of the good ones."


Great now I have something else to blame on arts students.

"So is this in good taste, or for private viewing?"

Said the exasperated would-be architect photographer as a man paid him 200 for a late night shoot at the space needle's water fountain feature. Didn't amount to S#&$ because the hard drive decided it'd rather die than subject itself to more of that.

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MAG: Oh, hello Saryn. Please come in.

EMBER: Sup Morticia.

SARYN: Red Riding Hood.

MAG: What brings you to our little slice of heaven?

SARYN: Oh, the boys think they left some video game controllers here last time they were over and now Frost can’t play Madden without his lucky sticks.

MAG: That’s a real thing?

EMBER: I keep telling you guys, men are only good for one thing. They love videogames too much to actually contribute to society.

SARYN: Said the woman who sets people on fire for a living.

EMBER: Don’t forget former firefighter, little miss chemical warfare.

SARYN: Touche.

MAG: Oh look at that, there is an extra controller here. That must be the one you were talking about.

EMBER: You came all the way over here to pick up your boyfriend’s toys for him? He’s got you pretty well trained. Is the sex that good?

SARYN: Picking up his toys is just a side quest. I came over to hang out. And for the record, yes, the sex is that good.

EMBER: What’s he packing?

MAG: Ember, that’s totally inappropriate.

SARYN: Oh honey, don’t worry about it. Its just girl talk. How are things going with you and Cal?

EMBER: Yea, did you knock one out yet?

MAG: That’s none of your business.

EMBER: I’m your roommate, it totally is my business. I need to know if you’re going to keep me up all night with your screaming mattress antics.


SARYN: She’s putting you on, dear. Don’t rise to the bait.

EMBER: Oh come on Saryn. Ruin all the fun.

MAG: I don’t scream during sex!

EMBER: Then you must be doing something wrong.

SARYN: Amen to that.

MAG: I don’t like it like that.

EMBER: Do you like anything? Come on, you haven’t knocked one out yet?

MAG: We fooled around...

SARYN: Ooh, do tell.

EMBER: Yea, spill it.

MAG: No! You two are gross.

EMBER: Oh come on, you haven’t even done anything interesting yet. When it gets gross, that’s when we really wanna hear it.

SARYN: You should keep him dear. Its not often you find men who are willing to wait for you to be comfortable. Its a rare gem. You should polish it.

EMBER: Yea, listen to her. She’s the ex-porno queen.

SARYN: Fetish queen. There’s a difference. I didn’t do porn.

EMBER: I think you’re splitting hairs.

SARYN: No, you’re just talking about an industry you don’t know anything about... Which reminds me, did you see that trashy fanart thread?

MAG: You mean Out of Frame?

SARYN: No, the other one. Full of pictures of upskirts and booty shots of us fighting. Doing kicks and stuff. It’s totally classic.


SARYN: Its fan art. Really trashy overtly sexualized fan art.


SARYN: No, they’re just digital paintings.

EMBER: No, I mean, there’s people on the internet that make weird pervy drawings of us?

SARYN: Since time immemorial...

EMBER: THAT’S AWESOME. Do they take requests? Like can I get one of me, standing naked in a ring of fire on the hood of a Trans Am, and all these hot guys are bowing down and worshipping me, and there’s like a giant owl from a Rush album cover swooping down from the moon and stuff?

SARYN: That is the most white trash thing I have ever heard. And probably yes.


SARYN: You really don’t know anything about internet porn, do you?

EMBER: Who needs porn? I’ve got a boyfriend.

MAG: Wait, slow down.


MAG: You mean there’s all these weird people out their drawing dirty pictures of us all rude and nude, without my consent?

SARYN: Well yes dear, that’s pretty much being a female video game character in a nutshell.

MAG: That’s terrifying!


SARYN: Well, sometimes you are. Sometimes its a little darker. Tentacles and stuff.

MAG: Tentacles?

EMBER: You mean like having sex with an octopus or something?

SARYN: In a japanese school girl uniform, yes.

EMBER: Ok that’s just hilarious. But I still want one of me like, as Cleopatra, and my boobs are hanging out and these hot guys are fanning me and feeding me grapes, and Mark Antony is checking me out like, “damn, she’s hot.”

SARYN: Well the good news is, Ember, if there’s anything on earth that can satisfy your ego, its internet porn. You’ll find everything you want if you look for it hard enough, and a lot of things you weren’t looking for besides.

MAG: How do you know all about this stuff?

SARYN: Because I’m a retired fetish queen, I’ve already had all these dirty pictures drawn of me a hundred times before. This is just old news to me.


SARYN: Calm down, its right here.

EMBER: Oh wow, look at that drawing of you, why are your $* so droopy in your armor?

SARYN: Probably because the artist interpreted our body suits as latex, and apparently I’m not wearing a bra. Its not his fault, he didn’t know that part is actually a rigid chitin that protects my rib cage and keeps my girls under wraps.

EMBER: Look at how big your crotch is!

SARYN: When you’re sexually excited, your pubic mound is engorged. That’s basic sex ed stuff, Ember.

MAG: Why would you be sexually excited by killing people?

EMBER: Why wouldn’t you be? Oh my god, look at the crotch shot on Trinity! That’s so classic!

SARYN: Look at the butt shot on you.

EMBER: Ha! That’s adorable. They definitely picked my best asset. Why am I all sweaty, though?

SARYN: The fire maybe?

EMBER: Nah, the suit is climate controlled.

SARYN: Maybe its not that kind of sweat.


SARYN: This one of Nova is my favorite, look she’s about to be molested by sand skates, its a classic tentacle gag.

EMBER: She looks so adorable! Look at her little nips peaking in her suit!

MAG: Am I in there?

SARYN: Not by this artist.

EMBER: Yea, no one would ever draw you Mag, you’ve got nothing to show off. Oh my god, Banshee bending over. That’s so trashy. I love it.

SARYN: Well, there is one. I don’t think you’ll want to see it though.

MAG: Well with all these strange people drawing lewd pictures of us, now I have too! This is insane! Its a violation of my privacy.

SARYN: Honey, I don’t think you’re ready for this...

EMBER: Is something besides her privacy about to get violated?

SARYN: In short, yes.


MAG: I think I’m going to be sick.

SARYN: Click the spoiler tags.

MAG: Oh my god. That’s gross.

EMBER: Yea, I’ll say. The artist was really generous. Look at that &#! he gave you, and the $*! You don’t look anything like that.

SARYN: I think the translucency of the suit was a nice touch though.

MAG: That’s not even me! Look how oversexualized I am! That’s disgusting! And... Am I about to be assaulted?

EMBER: You don’t look very assaulted in the picture. You’re practically begging for it.

MAG: That’s even worse! Can you not see what’s wrong with this? Its the propagation of rape culture!

EMBER: Well, the dude is hung. I mean I’d give him a roll in the hay if I wasn’t dating Ash.

MAG: That’s not the point, Ember! Jesus, they changed my body image, they made me look like I enjoyed being sexually assaulted, this is... This is offensive.

EMBER: Well its not like they drew you actually being assaulted.

MAG: That would have been better! At least then I’d be kicking and screaming and fighting back and trying to kill him! Instead of just acting like a willing wanton! I don’t want images of me like this floating around, this isn’t me! They’re not raping my body, they’re raping my persona!

EMBER: I think you’re taking it a little too seriously, hun.

SARYN: Well, she is right.

EMBER: Didn’t you say you already had all of this stuff happen to you once?

SARYN: Yea, you eventually just ignore it. It doesn’t go away. And you’re not exactly always getting the image of yourself you want, believe me, you’re not always going to get your Cleopatra man harem fantasy. That artist can draw you doing anything his twisted little mind desires, its not always... Harmless.

EMBER: Its just a picture! Lighten up!

MAG: Its presenting an image of me I’m not comfortable with, Ember, its assaulting my identity. That’s even creepier. Saryn, how do you deal with this stuff?

SARYN: Well, you either take Ember’s attitude, or you block it out.

MAG: Neither of those are healthy!


MAG: Not all of us are comfortable as being portrayed as libidinous nymphomaniacs that want it every way they can get it, Ember! Somebody has to know about this. Where’s DE Rebecca, she’ll put a stop to this!

SARYN: Don’t you read the forums? Rebecca catalogs all these images.

MAG: Well, doesn’t she at least delete the nasty ones like this from the forums? It’s supposed to be PG13 around here or something!

SARYN: Maybe.

EMBER: I hope not. I’m still holding out for my awesome man harem. Or if I’m wearing that awesome Jessica Rabbit gown from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

SARYN: I want that gown.

EMBER: You’re not even a redhead!

SARYN: You aren’t in your butt shot!

EMBER: Well its not like these artists know what I really look like, except for my &#!, of course.

MAG: Why is that so suddenly comforting?

SARYN: Darling, its something you need to get used too.

MAG: I don’t want to get used to this! This is invasive, and disgusting, and wrong!

SARYN: Honey, this is the dilemma of the female video game character. The fact of the matter is, compared to some of these other bimbos, we’re overdressed.

,Good story but I can't forgive Doozy for introducing me to that thread this is referring to. Rule 34, its just wrong....... Doozy, you insult my favorite tv shows, call me names, and use me as a torture doll for your sick, sick destruction of my childhood, and this is just the last straw.


I'll swim back next time Volt is in a chapter

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,Good story but I can't forgive Doozy for introducing me to that thread this is referring to. Rule 34, its just wrong....... Doozy, you insult my favorite tv shows, call me names, and use me as a torture doll for your sick, sick destruction of my childhood, and this is just the last straw.


I'll swim back next time Volt is in a chapter







don't go...


Just give me one more chance.


To gather up all the f---- I give.

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