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Possible Banshee Rework.


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On July 25, 2016 at 0:16 AM, KrazyKubrowLady said:

and I agree with you but she has nothing that makes her interesting. nothing that speaks "I love this frame because this reason". nothing that makes her outright shine. nothing interesting. it's just sonar right now... 

All of the other warframes have something else you can build for, always something more to do with them. Banshee just... isn't... interactive is the word?? All most people see her for is either sit in one spot for sound quake or sit in one spot and spam sonar. She can't survive on her own, 2 of her abilties are useless, 1 more so than the other, and isn't ever built for more one thing and one thing only.

If anything Banshee is one of the most versatile frames. You can have a resonance build, SS build and an RQ build

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24 minutes ago, eoniccosta said:

If anything Banshee is one of the most versatile frames. You can have a resonance build, SS build and an RQ build

Agree. Her kit is ok. There is "give me space" ability. Buff. CC. And ulti. More or less what would you expect from frame. Also her passive is good and useful. (free mod) Not all frames can say that.

If we want to change something, it would be more quality of life improvments:

  • She is squishy, but some of her abilities are close range, and dont have out of jail ability (no stealth). So she could be less squishy in base stats with either shields or heath/armour.
  • Madurai aura slot is a bit of troll choice, since most of her kit is Naramon.
  • Sonic Boom has no boom. Very low damage even for key 1 ability, if not 500 damage then 300 would give her some easy ability. More friendly for regular arets.
  • Resonance does not give that much, but is somehow needed to use Sonar in mobile missions, and even in them dont works fully. Could be integrated into ability.
  • Silence is less useful in survival type mission. Which are also part of game. The stun duration could be longer, and ability recastable for half cost.
  • Quake is ok (and augment is interesting good)

As for popularity: A lot of content are lv 20 alerts or fissures where 10x damage buff is not even needed, and stoping to deal damage is to slow.

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On 7/25/2016 at 0:16 AM, KrazyKubrowLady said:

and I agree with you but she has nothing that makes her interesting. nothing that speaks "I love this frame because this reason". nothing that makes her outright shine. nothing interesting. it's just sonar right now... 

You are entitled to your own opinion. Everyone has frames they like and frames they don't. Frames they really connect with and feel at home in, and other frames that feel awkward and terrible. If you're not feeling it with this frame that's totally cool. I feel the same way about a handful of frames in the game. Not Banshee, though. I love Banshee, and I find her pretty great as is. The following is me sharing what I find makes Banshee interesting, my personal perspective. Take it as you will. I imagine she doesn't fit your playstyle like she does mine, and that's cool. But here's why I don't think Banshee needs a change.

Banshee is a marksman, through and through. (Excepting Savage Silence builds, which are deep magic that I need to sit down with for a while and explore when I get the time.) The way I play her, Sonar is up whenever possible (I use Resonance pretty much always), and Silence is on when I need extra crowd control or there are particular baddies I need to pin down and slay. Everything else in Banshee's kit is about keeping the fragile Warframe away from danger. She's a glass cannon, only with her weapon instead of her powers (like Nova), and I enjoy managing this element of risk as a trade-off for the AoE powers and giant damage multiplier. I use Sonic Boom as a quick and dirty "get 'em offa me" when I get caught out, or as a setup for easier executes (using Sonic Boom offensively pairs super well with the augment). Soundquake isn't the greatest ult in the game, but I enjoy using it as a trick to lock down a large area with short notice (I mostly use this tactic on Interceptions). Her new passive is fun to play with, and nowadays I'm sometimes running her as a support mage/sniper. Most of the time though, I'll take a bullet hose and focus on laying out damage while hopping around and applying CC. I like this method of playing.

For you, maybe you're not feeling the love, and it's cool you went through all this thinking to come up with ideas of making the frame more appealing to you. But me, Banshee's fine and dandy. I love this frame because these reasons. :)


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9 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

You deem Naramon OP, because it makes your defense and enemy's offence irrelevant. Well, Sonar makes enemy defense irrelevant. That's the only thing I am trying to point out.

That's fair but the way I see it, it just evens the playing field. Naramon aside, she s a squish frame, and she makes her enemies squish too. May the best warrior win. Sonar doesn't dispel the enemies' offense so it's a high risk high reward gameplay. For me anyway.

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On 7/25/2016 at 5:58 AM, KrazyKubrowLady said:


The intention of this rework is to keep the idea of a caster in mind without buffing her health or shields which would make her more of a brawler than a caster. This also makes her more interactive and useful. This isn't meant to be a "1 ability to win". It's meant to make her a frame that can hold her own, on her own in higher levels like the rest of the caster frames. Saying she doesn't need on doesn't void the evidence that she needs work. Evidence is below.


Ok we all know that Banshee needs a rework.... She's the least used warframe according to Warframe Devstream #65 sited here and admitted by scott live:

• Least Used Warframe: Banshee
• Second Place: (PC/XB1): Limbo
• Second Place: (PS4): Zephyr
• Third Place (PC/XB1): Zephyr 
• Third Place (PS4): Limbo



After playing her again extensively, I found her to be super underwelming and not coming up to standards... she's just stale and hasn't been touched since before damage 2.0 besides for a small buff here and a few augments there. So I made a google doc with the ideas I have for her. Some of my allience mates also partook and gave me a few suggestions on what to do as well. I didn't want to put it here on the forums until it was complete and finalized. 

There isn't a TL;DR so bare with me here... it's about 3 pages of stuff via google docs.





I joined the day Oberon came out but while I was installing warframe for the first time I did my research on the game to get a feel for who I wanted to play as. (I did not understand that you could only choose from excal, mag and loki [at the time]) Banshee was who attracted me into the game. To me, she was perfect for me. Now, nearly 3 years later, there have been many updates, many enemy scale improvements, and many changes to warframe’s damages and multipliers. She feels old… outdated…. Unkept…


So I had the motivation to think up changes for a rework.


Banshee is a Sound frame, so we need to look at sound as a whole. What is it? Sound is a series of vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. So why are her abilities not based on vibrations(in terms of the first 3 abilities.)


My proposed rework would focus more on vibrations rather than what they do now. In fact 3 would do so instead of just one.


Sonic Boom:

Sonic boom definition: a loud explosive noise caused by the shock wave from an aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound.

What it is now: Banshee emits a sonic shockwave that pushes targets in range with enough force to incapacitate or kill attackers.

Rename: Screech (based off of the scream of a banshee. Not to be confused with ME3’s banshee)

This ability is more focused on pushing attackers away. I like this, but i think it needs an overhaul. Instead of just tapping the button, a moveable toggle (see atlas's 3rd) would be more useful here. While the sonic boom would still push enemies, It would be a continuous push in a cone, pinning an enemy unless the range was exeeded and increasing in damage and energy cost as the sonic boom is held. This would also deal Slash damage as the vibrations would become more and more prominant. The ability would come out of her hand or helmet.


The Augment for Sonic boom would still work the same way as it already does.

Sound and visual overhaul



sonar definition: the method of echolocation used in air or water by animals such as bats or whales.

What it is now: Using acoustic location, Banshee's Sonar power finds and tracks enemies, and exposes critical weak spots to everyone in your squad.

Rename: None. doesn't need it.

This ability would stay the same overall. It would still mark enemies' weak points and buff damage done to that localized area. However, I believe it should resonate reguardless of augment.

Augment change: Resonance renamed to Deafening Howl


The augment: gives a deafened status to enemies in the initial cast radius, basically silencing teamate's weapons from them. This would not work on resonated enemies pulled into the sonar by damage done by you or allies. This would stun enemies on cast when Sonar is cast initially like The old 3rd ability (silence) did.


Remove Silence.


New 3:


Vibrations surround Banshee, cushioning damage and increasing her armor for a duration.

Increase armor of yourself by 75/110/185. NOT PERCENTAGE. for a duration 15/20/25 seconds. effected my duration mods. effected by strength Maximum armor gained is 241 easily maxed by a maxed intensify.

Augment: Receptive Oscillation

In addition to effecting Banshee, All allies within a set range ( half the shared affinity range.) gain the armor increase on cast for a duration. They do not have to stay by Banshee's side to keep the buff.


Sound Quake:

Doesn’t need any changes, but an addition to the enormous CC, It’d strip armor by 0.5%/1%/1.5%/2% each proc. Max 2.5% with max intensify (sounds like a low number but on higher level enemies, it would already be devistating.) This would not only be good for the crowd control element but also restrict on range builds so they’re still in the area of the squad. (because a whole ceres intersception map is harder for your squad mates to get to the mobs.) Minimum armor strip would be 0.8% with minimum strength builds


Current augment (change):

Augment would stay the same but instead of damage it would have +5 % armor strip


Possible added augment or augment rework

New name: Echoing Quake

The sound from Banshee’s soundquake returns to her, pulling those caught in the radius of Sound quake towards her center. +2% armor strip for those caught in the echo. Only the enemies caught within the default cast range (circle around banshee [which is soundquake]) would be pulled in. anything outside of it would be staggered like normal. This would help prioritize higher level enemies with more armor ratings as well and promote teamwork.


Sound and visual overhaul


Stat changes:


Increase her Power max to 300 instead of 225 at level 30

Mobility also needs a tweak

Possibly a shield increase but up to DE.


I have gotten rid of Silence because her passive takes care of her weapons already. Therefore Silence would be useless. The stun would be in Sonar’s reworked augment so if people still want it, they can have the added stun effect.


Let me know what you think :3 I hope DE sees this and gets some ideas for her rework.

I didn't read your post at all but let me answer anyway.
Imho Banshee is currently the strongest frame in warframe.
Resonating Quake build can cover a whole map, ccing and damaging enemies in the largest radius possible (as far as I know there aren't abilities with higher range), allowing to kill and manage even high level enemies easily. Just tell your team to watch out for Nullifiers and Ospreys and you are done.

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