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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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9 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

dude console is so dead right now. I got people in my clan like half of them ain't been on in like a month-and-a-half. If lunaro doesn't pick people back up I don't know if there will be enough people on to even give a crap when spectors comes out or war within.

Ps4 is pretty lively and Lunaro comes out for console tomorrow.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Deviant1994 said:

Ps4 is pretty lively and Lunaro comes out for console tomorrow.

3 minutes ago, (PS4)Deviant1994 said:

Ps4 is pretty lively and Lunaro comes out for console tomorrow.

I know it comes out tomorrow. Ps4 may or may not be more lively idk. I don't own a ps4. It might seem lovely to you but you should probably check the numbers in your clan roster. I don't know if your clan or alliance does extra things to keep people coming back, if you guys were big or small, or if you just got a better player base or what. I mean, I still see plenty of people on, but in my clan nearly half of them just aren't even getting on. I'm In a mountain clan and I manage promotions, demotions, expulsion and all that jazz. I keep up on it in regards to the parameters I and my other warlords discussed. We ain't been stirring drama or warding people away by being jerks or nothing its just everyones not playing.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


most players i know only get on, when new updates go through ...  my clan halls go from packed to...desolate in about a month 

Most Ps4 clans have a week of inactivity=kick rule. Also most people over here usually have a group of friends that play reguarly. 

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Deviant1994 said:

Most Ps4 clans have a week of inactivity=kick rule. Also most people over here usually have a group of friends that play reguarly.

we've been super lenient. It used to be a month of inactivity, I even stretched it out to 40 days cause I got sick of booting people and because I realized that we were in a slow time. Recruiting has become a chore because the guys that normally do it aren't even on anymore. I been trying to fill the void pretty much single handedly.

Edited by (XB1)ToothlessApollo
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1 minute ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

we've been super lenient. It used to be a month of inactivity, I even stretched it out to 40 days cause I got sick of booting people and because I realized that we were in a slow time.

its always slow, but there is always new members waiting to join after other games loose there new apeal 

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11 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

I know it comes out tomorrow. Ps4 may or may not be more lively idk. I don't own a ps4. It might seem lovely to you but you should probably check the numbers in your clan roster. I don't know if your clan or alliance does extra things to keep people coming back, if you guys were big or small, or if you just got a better player base or what. I mean, I still see plenty of people on, but in my clan nearly half of them just aren't even getting on. I'm In a mountain clan and I manage promotions, demotions, expulsion and all that jazz. I keep up on it in regards to the parameters I and my other warlords discussed. We ain't been stirring drama or warding people away by being jerks or nothing its just everyones not playing.

On Ps4 we have about 5 Moon clans 7 or 8 Mountain clans all of them average at least 200 to 300 people on regularly and have similar rules around inactivity. Also I own both PS4 and Xbox and PS4 seems to have a better player base 

Edited by (PS4)Deviant1994
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Deviant1994 said:

Most Ps4 clans have a week of inactivity=kick rule. Also most people over here usually have a group of friends that play reguarly. 

Most =/= all.

Same applies for PC with tons of clans using that rule to get rid of inactive players.

The waiting keeps driving players away from the game, having nothing to do kills interest, delays lead players to look for something to do even if it's game related but doesn't need logging in to the game to be done (I have even tried creating custom skins on tennogen and failed miserably) Itgot to the point of me having problems on the motherboard and have no hurry to fix it because I know after doing the next quest and grinding new systems for about a month I'll go back to have nothing to do other than get daily logins, farm cores from sorties and keep trying to do conclave, which I actually like but still not enough to keep me eternally hooked to the game.

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3 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

Most =/= all.

Same applies for PC with tons of clans using that rule to get rid of inactive players.

The waiting keeps driving players away from the game.

Nah I know the heads of those clans and They average 200 to 300 players regularly. Also they all seem to have the same out look at people joining and not playing or helping.

Though I can see why people would leave or stop playing for a time. Most of us over here just like to speculate and do clan events to people going.

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3 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

Most =/= all.

Same applies for PC with tons of clans using that rule to get rid of inactive players.

The waiting keeps driving players away from the game, having nothing to do kills interest, delays lead players to look for something to do even if it's game related but doesn't need logging in to the game to be done (I have even tried creating custom skins on tennogen and failed miserably) Itgot to the point of me having problems on the motherboard and have no hurry to fix it because I know after doing the next quest and grinding new systems for about a month I'll go back to have nothing to do other than get daily logins, farm cores from sorties and keep trying to do conclave, which I actually like but still not enough to keep me eternally hooked to the game.

the console wait time though can be bothersome..but i understand so of the reasoning to make it stable....

but i think if they figured a way to speed it up it would greatly improve player draw.

pc usually gets updates frequently but major game/quest take time and a lot of people to make so those waits are reasonable...but id just be creating a bunch of skins & weapons to fill the void while main projects dev 

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Deviant1994 said:

On Ps4 we have about 5 Moon clans 7 or 8 Mountain clans all of them average at least 200 to 300 people on regularly and have similar rules around inactivity. Also I own both PS4 and Xbox and PS4 seems to have a better player base

another thing, we used to be a moon clan, but due to people not putting in work or doing so much as even getting on the resource requirements for such things as the knux which required like a thousand tellurium were nearly impossible to get on a small hand full of people grinding it out. After the update where people were allowed to reduce their clan ranks, we lowered to mountain and it immediately became manageable.

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So yeah that reddit place sure blew the top off this subject "Haha". Of course I can't say directly what I'm talking about I'll get in trouble AGAIN.

In all the only thing that just bothers me is how long we have been waiting and still are. Oh well all steam ahead right!

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Just now, (PS4)Filthy113 said:

So yeah that reddit place sure blew the top off this subject "Haha". Of course I can't say directly what I'm talking about I'll get in trouble AGAIN.

In all the only thing that just bothers me is how long we have been waiting and still are. Oh well all steam ahead right!

why bring it up here again .......

and the info seen there is not all of it ...... fyi  

1 minute ago, Grumpy said:

I can see it now when Umbra is ever released.  It will be tons of post about how OP the frame is, and how it's not fair to the community, blah, blah, blah.

love/hate is always present on the forums

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I just hope that the powers of each frame are similar but different enough to warrant the trouble of farming/leveling them. For instance, Excalibro Umbra should have an Exalted Whip-Sword and the rest of his kit should change and, at the same time, correspond to this new ability to make a well-rounded set of powers.

Like this, but just with his exalted energy style...


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Just now, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

why bring it up here again .......

and the info seen there is not all of it ...... fyi  


Oh come on have we not crossed paths yet okay, simple answer Why not you cleary don't understand who I am and how I've be very vocal on this subject. And I know I sub subject you speak of clearly it's not what it seems but it's drawn out enough it makes a circle.

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Just now, (PS4)Filthy113 said:
Just now, Grumpy said:

I can see it now when Umbra is ever released.  It will be tons of post about how OP the frame is, and how it's not fair to the community, blah, blah, blah.

So yeah that reddit place sure blew the top off this subject "Haha". Of course I can't say directly what I'm talking about I'll get in trouble AGAIN.

In all the only thing that just bothers me is how long we have been waiting and still are. Oh well all steam ahead right!

how will it be op? Regular excal already got nerfed recently and supposedly umbras gonna have the same powers and stuff, we just gotta deal with this overly drawn out excuse to shoehorn umbras into the lore so we gotta wait. I just want him for replacement excal prime but everyone else is willing to wait like a gazillion years so they can have their faces melted by lore. If I cared about lore, id ask for them to novelize it

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

how will it be op? Regular excal already got nerfed recently and supposedly umbras gonna have the same powers and stuff, we just gotta deal with this overly drawn out excuse to shoehorn umbras into the lore so we gotta wait. I just want him for replacement excal prime but everyone else is willing to wait like a gazillion years so they can have their faces melted by lore. If I cared about lore, id ask for them to novelize it

I agree entirely. Just give me a skin ffs

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

the console wait time though can be bothersome..but i understand so of the reasoning to make it stable....

but i think if they figured a way to speed it up it would greatly improve player draw.

pc usually gets updates frequently but major game/quest take time and a lot of people to make so those waits are reasonable...but id just be creating a bunch of skins & weapons to fill the void while main projects dev 

I see the point, the problem comes when actual content gets delayed too long. Umbrq has been delayed practically a year (30 july was his Chinese release iirc) and U19 has been delayed way further than usual. Do you remember when updates were released approximately each 3 months with a primed frame on Ux.5?




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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Filthy113 said:

Oh come on have we not crossed paths yet okay, simple answer Why not you cleary don't understand who I am and how I've be very vocal on this subject. And I know I sub subject you speak of clearly it's not what it seems but it's drawn out enough it makes a circle.

never heard of the vocalness you speak of nor you

besides the fact that 


do not start/spread/discuss misinformation or datamined info .

2a) LEAKED/DATA-MINED CONTENT- Please do not promote or share leaks or data-mined information in the forums

i was referring to that you getting into trouble again and so why start posting about the very subject which can get you in trouble

and the amount of info is important tenno

hypothetically : someone obtains a few lines of code and posts it and when there is in fact  2000+ pages of code all tied to the subject

there is a large amount of knowledge/info inaccessible to to that user because they are missing 90% of the material to begin with

also its far easier to fabricate info, then actually get it 


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8 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

I see the point, the problem comes when actual content gets delayed too long. Umbrq has been delayed practically a year (30 july was his Chinese release iirc) and U19 has been delayed way further than usual. Do you remember when updates were released approximately each 3 months with a primed frame on Ux.5?


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i remeber ...the wait ...it gnawed away my sanity form the inside 

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

i remeber ...the wait ...it gnawed away my sanity form the inside 

This update is just making things worse. On the bright side, condoles will start getting faster updates when compared to PC, which hopefully doesn't mean that updates will start coming at an overall slower pace for everyone.

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3 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

This update is just making things worse. On the bright side, condoles will start getting faster updates when compared to PC, which hopefully doesn't mean that updates will start coming at an overall slower pace for everyone.

i hope not, i always liked seeing  the rate pc got new stuff... made me hopeful for consoles ....

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10 minutes ago, -----LegioN----- said:

This update is just making things worse. On the bright side, condoles will start getting faster updates when compared to PC, which hopefully doesn't mean that updates will start coming at an overall slower pace for everyone.

I doubt it will slow down they seem to be speeding up more so, plus Sony and MS  have the whole certification thing.

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