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Please Dont Nerf Ash


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On 8/10/2016 at 2:45 AM, Xekrin said:

I play Sorties every day, I don't use Ash for any of them, even armor or eximus conditions.  Things work out fine, there are plenty of frames that can deal with 100+ enemies.

Unfortunately the USER can safely be described as the majority of Ash users, I'm happy that you don't BS (bullsh.. er bladestorm) constantly and you take your team into consideration but few others do.

This made me laugh.  Prowess? ok.

Just as someone mentioned above whenever I go into a sortie with condition sniper only and I see an Ash with a vectis rank 0 equipped, I just leave.  I know he's going to do nothing but bladestorm and that is beyond boring for me.

My opinion and others' aside, its up to DE and its been pretty much decided on their part that Ash needs a rework.  Ash mains can complain all they like, and boy have they.  This is probably the 30th thread on ash i've seen in the past two weeks.

I'm sorry you don't want the rework but it will happen, just wait and see what they do with it.  Try not to speculate until they give us official information on the matter.

At this point does official information even matter anymore. Seems here lately they've been saying one thing, doing another, then telling us afterwards "Sorry we didn't like the rebalance so even though we said you were getting this you aren't" 

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)salovel1991 said:

At this point does official information even matter anymore.

Not really to be honest, what matters is what actually goes live in the game.  Even when they show devbuild reworks or new frames on devstreams they say this is only as it is now and anything could change between seeing it and having it in game.  Even when it goes live they can change it but we can only work with what we hear.

People who don't want Ash nerfed, for example, well right now he's not nerfed, he's got all his glory and OPness ready to go.  Enjoy it now as if it will never change because as it stands at this very moment, it hasn't changed and is unlikely to in any near future.  We still have a huge chunk of U19 left, which has been split in already.  The first of which won't be here for another week or two at the earliest.  The next half?  Who knows when, october maybe?  Just in time for christmas?

When I say it is up to DE, I mean only that.  People always see reworks as nerfs, but the majority of volt/mag/saryn users that I've actually played with in game really enjoy their reworks, even though the forums basically freak out saying how horrible those frames are now.

But hey, DE also gave us Naramon and Zenurik and call that "balanced" and hasn't touched those two incredibly OP additions since their inception, so who knows what will happen.

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17 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Not really to be honest, what matters is what actually goes live in the game.  Even when they show devbuild reworks or new frames on devstreams they say this is only as it is now and anything could change between seeing it and having it in game.  Even when it goes live they can change it but we can only work with what we hear.

People who don't want Ash nerfed, for example, well right now he's not nerfed, he's got all his glory and OPness ready to go.  Enjoy it now as if it will never change because as it stands at this very moment, it hasn't changed and is unlikely to in any near future.  We still have a huge chunk of U19 left, which has been split in already.  The first of which won't be here for another week or two at the earliest.  The next half?  Who knows when, october maybe?  Just in time for christmas?

When I say it is up to DE, I mean only that.  People always see reworks as nerfs, but the majority of volt/mag/saryn users that I've actually played with in game really enjoy their reworks, even though the forums basically freak out saying how horrible those frames are now.

But hey, DE also gave us Naramon and Zenurik and call that "balanced" and hasn't touched those two incredibly OP additions since their inception, so who knows what will happen.

I'm on console so I was already not expecting to see the entire update until 2017 already. Lol. So no let down there. I wouldn't be surprised if it somehow became 5 parts.

Saryn's rework was nice.

Volt's was good except a damage cap on a duration based ability.

Mag's was good but not good. She essentially remained a p2tw frame. Her ultimate is still not on par with some of the other abilities. I mean having it do more damage to a magnetised target is ridiculous as the magnetised target is more likely to be killed with incoming weapons fire than the ultimate that does not add to the explosion damage. Polarize was good. Could still use a slight tweak though. It wasn't as good as the Saryn rework because the synergy on her abilities were bettor and offered a better chance to keep the kit moving. 

Then my favorite one is Nekros. -sarcasm- They said no duration on Sotd. I would have finally had that efficiency balanced build I wanted so badly. But it seems we had to make way more compromise on this one. Desecrate is meh at best. Although I see no point in making it to add rng to frames we use to farm. We heard you liked rng so here's some more rng so you can rng while you rng. But really if they just removed duration from Sotd I could careless since they gave desecrate a good upgrade to not have to spam it. Might as well change Nekros prime to Babysitter prime if they're not going to be rid of duration. 

Edited by (PS4)salovel1991
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IMO they "buffed" my second favorite frame so that i don't like to use her anymore, and because of this i worry for Ash, who is my favorite due to how cool and effective he is.

I don't want to start an off topic flame war, but Ash is the real ninja warframe, not loki. Ash is supposed to be a run & stab warframe, but what will he be if the nerf is incredibly servere? We've seen DE buff warframes only to make them energy wh***s, or swapping the "One trick pony" ability to another that everyone knew was bad and then "buffing" it's original ability so much that it does practically no damage (figure out which two frames i'm talking about), so i'm worried. VERY worried.

Edited by (XB1)Fusion GRX
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10 minutes ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

There is a date for the reworks? Or it just happen?

And i wish to know if the changes are effective simultaneity for the consoles players. 

the changes won't be simultaneous for us, pc will probably get it first, then we will after a period of time. When the rework is happening we just don't know yet :)

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