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If Oberon was Good....


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25 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Except Equinox is Jack of all trades in both forms.

In her day form she has an enemy debuff, an AoE ally power strength buff, and a long range damaging AoE that scales.

In her Nigh form, she has an AoE CC that opens enemies to finishers, she has an AoE enemy Damage debuff, and a Long Range Healing AoE that scales.

She offers everything in both forms, Her damage in night form is decent because she has access to finishers and while her CC lacks in day form, its compensated by the fact that her ultimate scales indefinitely and its a bigass AoE

...You are really making my point for me.

All the stuff you are noting has to be leveraged between 2 distinct forms.

Equinox can't ride in one form and leverage all those assets simultaneously.

It's those trade-offs and restrictions allowing the other sides being maximized that keep Equinox from being a true JoAT. 

Oberon is a true JoAT and comparing him to Equinox isn't a fair comparison. (....funny how the bulk of recent female frames seems to have these interesting play styles and the male frames seem to be more and more variations of bland)

23 minutes ago, Kierlak said:

 Hydroid is not questionable. Hydroid barely exists as a warframe. Hydroid has no relevance AT ALL outside of Pilfering Swarm. Oberon is trash tier, but Hydroid is worse than trash tier.

I wouldn't call Oberon "trash tier"—He's a mid-tier jack-of-all trades frame with a need for some QoL tuning and refinement. His issues highlight why I wish there were frame specific sub-forums, tbh. 

...But I would agree that Hydroid is in considerably worse condition.

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6 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

...You are really making my point for me.

All the stuff you are noting has to be leveraged between 2 distinct forms.

Equinox can't ride in one form and leverage all those assets simultaneously.

It's those trade-offs and restrictions allowing the other sides being maximized that keep Equinox from being a true JoAT. 

Oberon is a true JoAT and comparing him to Equinox isn't a fair comparison. (....funny how the bulk of recent female frames seems to have these interesting play styles and the male frames seem to be more and more variations of bland)


You missed my point, What I was saying is that she offers a jack of all trades in her forms. Equinox Night form is a jack of all trades because she has CC, Enemy debuff, healing and dmg. and Equinox's Day form is a jack of all trades because she offers, Enemy debuff, enemy buff and dmg.

And either way when discussing frames you look at the frame as a whole, and as a whole Equinox is a Jack of all trades frame because she offers CC, Buffs, Debuffs, DMG, Healing. Like it or not Equinox is a Jack of all trades frame :P




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18 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

I wouldn't call Oberon "trash tier"—He's a mid-tier jack-of-all trades frame with a need for some QoL tuning and refinement. His issues highlight why I wish there were frame specific sub-forums, tbh. 

...But I would agree that Hydroid is in considerably worse condition.


Oberon can ONLY be called trash tier. He's fragile. He's immobile (if you actually want to use hallowed ground). He needs more of all the stats than you can actually get. He's as much an energy vacuum as Saryn, but with drastically less result for the expenditure.


Oberon does not need QoL tweaks, he needs a redesign. And Hydroid needs...deleting or something.

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oh look another obro hater hes fine as he is if you cant play him then hes not your play style  hes quite easy to use once you get the hang of him he can remove cc has 2 really good damage attacks  and his heal is a life saver 


this threads besides the point anyway because all warframes made before chroma are getting a rework 

Edited by hazerddex
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45 minutes ago, Midrib said:

You missed my point, What I was saying is that she offers a jack of all trades in her forms. Equinox Night form is a jack of all trades because she has CC, Enemy debuff, healing and dmg. and Equinox's Day form is a jack of all trades because she offers, Enemy debuff, enemy buff and dmg.

And either way when discussing frames you look at the frame as a whole, and as a whole Equinox is a Jack of all trades frame because she offers CC, Buffs, Debuffs, DMG, Healing. Like it or not Equinox is a Jack of all trades frame :P

No...I'm afraid you are missing mine.

Equinox isn't a jack of all trades frame because she doesn't have the challenge of being a "Master of None" to contend with. i.e. Equinox's only benefits by switching forms.

The fact that each form allows for maximization means that Equinox is basically 2 separate frames... Both sides constitute almost complete frames and complement the other.

That's not a JoAT... a JoAT actually has limits to contend with in order to allow their flexibility. Equinox doesn't have that.

You know what you call a frame with 6 skills that complement each other and no downsides? EZ-Mode.

38 minutes ago, Kierlak said:


Oberon can ONLY be called trash tier. He's fragile. He's immobile (if you actually want to use hallowed ground). He needs more of all the stats than you can actually get. He's as much an energy vacuum as Saryn, but with drastically less result for the expenditure.


Oberon does not need QoL tweaks, he needs a redesign. And Hydroid needs...deleting or something.

None of what you just said is true.

If you are playing with a proper build... Oberon is anything other than fragile.

Decent Armor, Good self-heal and a blind= Squishy? Negative.

DPS and QoL synergy are his biggest issues... And because he heals, he probably won't get much DPS.

If you are sitting inside HG... You are doing it for armor you don't need... and are doing it wrong. ( I would argue that the synergy offered is more of a trap than anything else)

Stat-wise, he's fine: Good HP, Energy, and Armor allowing him to be built in multiple directions. 

Oberon has a higher skill req than most frames and your descriptions sound like you are having troubles there.


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26 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

No...I'm afraid you are missing mine.

Equinox isn't a jack of all trades frame because she doesn't have the challenge of being a "Master of None" to contend with. i.e. Equinox's only benefits by switching forms.

The fact that each form allows for maximization means that Equinox is basically 2 separate frames... Both sides constitute almost complete frames and complement the other.

That's not a JoAT... a JoAT actually has limits to contend with in order to allow their flexibility. Equinox doesn't have that.

You know what you call a frame with 6 skills that complement each other and no downsides? EZ-Mode.


I love how You change all Your arguments in an instant once You are proven wrong, Have You read Your previous posts?

Your main argument was that Equinox wasn't a jack of all trades because she had to juggle between her 2 forms, Not because she doesn't have a challenge of "master of none" seems like the only one missing the point is You.

Even then, Equinox does have downsides, and she is no where a master of everything, For an example Equinox has an even worse base stats then Oberon's

Her CC is far from top tier CC and so is her Debuffs\Buffs, Her Ultimate is perhaps the only thing that's extreme about her and even then unlike something like Bladestorm or blessing, She has to kill to be able to heal or damage.

Plus being a jack of all trade does not mean You have to be master of none, that's a terrible argument.

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3 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

Not very good as compared to what, exactly? If you are comparing him to anything other than JoAT's you are making unfair comparisons.

Let me start by saying you're making an awful lot of assumptions. Does he have to be compared to anything? No. Quite simply, he'll struggle with anything that isn't Grineer around level 30 unless you're dedicated to a power strength build. Not to mention he literally counters his own radiation procs by knocking people down with Smite and Reckoning, minimizing the usefulness of the rad procs. His passive is completely useless if you're anywhere other than Earth or Kavat hunting (disregarding the sand manta rays because they really don't do anything.) Hallowed Ground is a nice idea for an ability and the damage would be nice if you could expect enemies to stand still for two seconds- which realistically, you can't do. And of course, Renewal, while regeneration is nice, has a bad habit of wasting a lot of energy if you're not playing solo. I feel like his ability concepts are in a good place, but are poorly executed.


3 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

...That's the, "Master of None" part that all JoAT's are saddled with. Their strength is in flexibility not necessarily in DPS, Heals, Buffs, Debuffs, or Control effects.

If you want Oberon to compete in those arenas then you want him to be a specialized frame... Which he isn't.

That is not to say Oberon couldn't use a bit more tuning but most of it is in the QoL capacity...

  • Less need to stand in HG and having HG be larger by default and offer useful effects,
  • Renewal traveling a bit faster and offering more ancillary effect for it's energy cost.
  • The ability to actually take reliable advantage of the discord sown by the rad procs.

JoATs take more work, preparation, and skill to play in any game if the goal is to have them be in any way comparable to specialized classes.


Assuming they rework him eventually (which I imagine they will) and add some synergy to him, then he very well might be able to contend. With some QoL updates, removing the unnecessary ability fluff, adding some synergy, etc., Oberon could be really good and actually be better to use in just about any situation. I'd really appreciate a frame that requires some preparation and skill to use. Unfortunately, Oberon really doesn't require either of those. About the most "work and preparation" he can do is Smite someone on top of a Hallowed Ground.


3 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

If all you are looking for is a min-max frame spot to fill in endless modes and raids, then your expectation is narrow by choice. Passing that hurdle is also the cross any JoAt player has had to bear in comparison to specialized classes (speaking from experience on that one). 


Good job jumping to conclusions, you're bordering on a strawman argument there. What is it with people in expecting everyone is an endless mode / raid junkie?

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Just now, Midrib said:

I love how You change all Your arguments in an instant once You are proven wrong, Have You read Your previous posts?

Your main argument was that Equinox wasn't a jack of all trades because she had to juggle between her 2 forms, Not because she doesn't have a challenge of "master of none" seems like the only one missing the point is You.

Even then, Equinox does have downsides, and she is no where a master of everything, For an example Equinox has an even worse base stats then Oberon's

Her CC is far from top tier CC and so is her Debuffs\Buffs, Her Ultimate is perhaps the only thing that's extreme about her and even then unlike something like Bladestorm or blessing, She has to kill to be able to heal or damage.

Plus being a jack of all trade does not mean You have to be master of none, that's a terrible argument.

...My argument hasn't changed.

Equinox isn't a jack of all trades.

...See? Hasn't changed.

What you are missing is: I'm talking to you directly. My comments adress your argument directly

Here's me responding to you asserting that Equinox is a JoAT:

2 hours ago, Padre_Akais said:

All the stuff you are noting has to be leveraged between 2 distinct forms.

Equinox can't ride in one form and leverage all those assets simultaneously.

It's those trade-offs and restrictions allowing the other sides being maximized that keep Equinox from being a true JoAT. 

Here's me responding to your assertion that both sides of Equinox is a JoAT:

54 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

Equinox isn't a jack of all trades frame because she doesn't have the challenge of being a "Master of None" to contend with. i.e. Equinox's only benefits by switching forms.

The fact that each form allows for maximization means that Equinox is basically 2 separate frames... Both sides constitute almost complete frames and complement the other.

 ...Story unchanged.

Perhaps it will make more sense to you with both quotes sitting that close together... Who knows?


Flexibility isn't a challenge for any Jack of All Trades class... It's one of the perks.

Efficacy is the challenge of JoAT classes as they aren't as effective as a specialist would be.

It's why they are the soloist class in most MMOs. They can do a little of alot.

The challenges for them come in the gearing and the player to make them even close to comparable to specialized classes.

Equinox doesn't have that problem... She just has to switch forms... The modding for doing so offers few (if any) downsides... She's about as tough to play as a Loki (no disrespect to Loki fans).

The player's only challenge is in balancing when to use which form on Equinox

*Now go back and re-read what I said... Make sure you got it*  Flexibility and Efficacy. See how Equinox is the exact opposite of that?

You assume that because a frame can do many things supremely well... It's a JoAT.

That's not a JoAT... That's just ez-mode.  

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1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:


None of what you just said is true.


If you are playing with a proper build... Oberon is anything other than fragile.

Decent Armor, Good self-heal and a blind= Squishy? Negative.

DPS and QoL synergy are his biggest issues... And because he heals, he probably won't get much DPS.

If you are sitting inside HG... You are doing it for armor you don't need... and are doing it wrong. ( I would argue that the synergy offered is more of a trap than anything else)

Stat-wise, he's fine: Good HP, Energy, and Armor allowing him to be built in multiple directions. 

Oberon has a higher skill req than most frames and your descriptions sound like you are having troubles there.


Everything I said is true. Oberon is trash. He is not high skill, he is trash. He is not a jack of all trades, he is trash. Pretending that he is not trash is hipster nonsense. Attempting to be a special snowflake by clinging to and defending one of the worst frames in the game does not change the reality that Oberon is one of the worst frames in the game. He needs a full rework, and that is all there is to it.

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37 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

Let me start by saying you're making an awful lot of assumptions. Does he have to be compared to anything? No. Quite simply, he'll struggle with anything that isn't Grineer around level 30 unless you're dedicated to a power strength build. Not to mention he literally counters his own radiation procs by knocking people down with Smite and Reckoning, minimizing the usefulness of the rad procs. His passive is completely useless if you're anywhere other than Earth or Kavat hunting (disregarding the sand manta rays because they really don't do anything.) Hallowed Ground is a nice idea for an ability and the damage would be nice if you could expect enemies to stand still for two seconds- which realistically, you can't do. And of course, Renewal, while regeneration is nice, has a bad habit of wasting a lot of energy if you're not playing solo. I feel like his ability concepts are in a good place, but are poorly executed.

This is the only conclusion I am addressing...Not that much of a jump tbh.

6 hours ago, Camelslayer said:

He's fine being a jack-of-all-trades. But he's not very good at it.

As I said, there's just little reason to use him when everyone else does his job better. Oberon is good for solo play, but beyond that he practically has no place in the game.

...Your words. If they are poorly or ineptly chosen, you should find a mirror and blame the culprit.

In regard to your current commentary, that's the arena for a QoL update, not a re-work.

...Or maybe those are poorly chosen words on your part.

37 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

Assuming they rework him eventually (which I imagine they will) and add some synergy to him, then he very well might be able to contend. With some QoL updates, removing the unnecessary ability fluff, adding some synergy, etc., Oberon could be really good and actually be better to use in just about any situation. I'd really appreciate a frame that requires some preparation and skill to use. Unfortunately, Oberon really doesn't require either of those. About the most "work and preparation" he can do is Smite someone on top of a Hallowed Ground.

Aside from the "preparation and skill" comment, I can get behind most of this.

Oberon takes more skill and care than most frames need to perform now so if/when he gets updated he'll probably take less but see more effect in the process.

37 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

Good job jumping to conclusions, you're bordering on a strawman argument there. What is it with people in expecting everyone is an endless mode / raid junkie?

Nope... Just working off your original comments 

On 8/16/2016 at 9:10 AM, Camelslayer said:

...but I rarely see a reason to bother bringing him into a party of friends when there's always a better option. And that's the point- not that he isn't fun, it's that a can opener is better for opening a can than a multitool. Sure, the multitool can open a can, but you'll have a much easier time with the can opener.

Let's see... Party...Friends...Player cares about the frame they bring as opposed to fun. Hmm—Must be challenging... Endless, Sortie or Raid content perhaps?

If that's a Strawman, you better watch for crows buddy.

Edited by Padre_Akais
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12 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

You're right, most tend to let others do the thinking for them and that is the problem.

its like that time you called me a sheep haha,,,,, no ive played oberon, he is good but his values arent high enough and i cant find usefulness of any ability other than smite and renewal soo... yeah sorry thats just my opinion, a bunch of other people's too also, it seems theres about a 70 30 going on, 70% want him buffed/reworked while 30% which are hardcore invested in him have these super difficult builds doing wonders with him. and which hallowed ground is used never for it's armor buff...

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1 minute ago, Kierlak said:


Everything I said is true. Oberon is trash. He is not high skill, he is trash. He is not a jack of all trades, he is trash. Pretending that he is not trash is hipster nonsense. Attempting to be a special snowflake by clinging to and defending one of the worst frames in the game does not change the reality that Oberon is one of the worst frames in the game. He needs a full rework, and that is all there is to it.

No Oberon doesn't need a full rework. All because he doesn't fit your playstyle of probably ice chroma tank walls (since you claim Oberon is squishy) doesn't make him trash.

All we need to make Oberon better is add some bonuses for using abilities in HG so he has more synergy or some skill mechanics being adjusted. Heck making renewal a Toggle skill that drains energy in style similar to Nekros desecrate so it takes energy when it heals an ally would make Oberon useful since it could have good synergy with chroma and Inaros. All Oberon lacks is synergy, some QoL tweaks so he has more synergy is all he needs to be relevant, not a full rework save that for another frame.


You want to know what needs a rework more than Oberon? Here are some i believe need a rework more than Oberon

Limbo, inivative 3 skills that do about the same thing here 

Ash, bladestorm needs to change and DE said they are working on changing it

Zephyr, all she has anymore is Turbulance really, parkour 2.0 was not kind to her since it makes her 1 feel less useful to reach places and her 2 is still just heavy impact the skill, also 4 is going to do no damage at end game so it is only there for CC. Titania is taking her crown as the queen of the skies because she gets to fly literally.

Hydroid, a off brand duration styled nyx 2 as his 1, a rhino charge with slower animation for his 2, 3 is he turns to water which is neat but it hides enemies too which is bad since it does no real damage, 4 has RNG spawning so they can be nowhere near you if you have too much range.

Nyx, Loki literally stole her role as a the frame that can cause enemies to fight others with Iradiating disarm. Yes it is a smaller range but it has a guarented weapon drop so it outclasses Nyx's passive and Loki can just stealth away if he is threatened.

Banshee, hey look she is an amazing frame for damage but silence needs to be recastable like Ember's accelorant so she doesn't die by a random stray bullet from an enemy who decided no to be stunned because they were in a hallway to the left. so really just reworking that skill would do her good.


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1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:

...Your words. If they are poorly or ineptly chosen, you should find a mirror and blame the culprit.

In regard to your current commentary, that's the arena for a QoL update, not a re-work.

...Or maybe those are poorly chosen words on your part.

Poorly chosen words. I suck at explaining points. There's a reason I'm not a teacher, I'd confuse the piss out of people and get fired.


1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:

Nope... Just working off your original comments 

Let's see... Party...Friends...Player cares about the frame they bring as opposed to fun. Hmm—Must be challenging... Endless, Sortie or Raid content perhaps?

If that's a Strawman, you better watch for crows buddy.

No, you're just making assumptions. A lot. So allow me to clear those up for you.
-I like playing with friends. So yes, parties [of people I know] are nice. It's a multiplayer game, what'd you expect?
-I do not care about frame over fun, nor have I ever said or even so much as insinuated it (inb4 out-of-context quote). However if the frame itself blows at their job, it can impact how fun it is to play a frame. If, for instance, Atlas' first ability did basically no damage despite being made as a damage ability, would it be as satisfying? No.
-Yeah, I like a challenge. So what? Do you think this is supposed to prove anything? Endless / sorties / raids aren't the only challenging thing in the game, you know. Most common? Sure. Only one? No.

So yeah, you're jumping to conclusions.

Edited by Camelslayer
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1 hour ago, Kierlak said:


Everything I said is true. Oberon is trash. He is not high skill, he is trash. He is not a jack of all trades, he is trash. Pretending that he is not trash is hipster nonsense. Attempting to be a special snowflake by clinging to and defending one of the worst frames in the game does not change the reality that Oberon is one of the worst frames in the game. He needs a full rework, and that is all there is to it.


...Seems like I struck a nerve.

You are welcome to your opinions and they can be as edgy as they want to be.

That won't make them right or action-worthy.

It just makes them loud.


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10 minutes ago, Kierlak said:


His 'playstyle' is being bad at everything. Not mediocre, bad.

yep i see you are going to disregard the rest of my post, that is fine i guess it is not like i gave ideas how he can be improved to fit the paladin/druid role he was designed to fill or anything. Nah that can't be it is just too many random words i guess

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9 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

Poorly chosen words. I suck at explaining points. There's a reason I'm not a teacher, I'd confuse the piss out of people and get fired.


No, you're just making assumptions. A lot. So allow me to clear those up for you.
-I like playing with friends. So yes, parties [of people I know] are nice. It's a multiplayer game, what'd you expect?
-I do not care about frame over fun, nor have I ever said or even so much as insinuated it (inb4 out-of-context quote). However if the frame itself blows at their job, it can impact how fun it is to play a frame. If, for instance, Atlas' first ability did basically no damage despite being made as a damage ability, would it be as satisfying? No.
-Yeah, I like a challenge. So what? Do you think this is supposed to prove anything? Endless / sorties / raids aren't the only challenging thing in the game, you know. Most common? Sure. Only one? No.

So yeah, you're jumping to conclusions.

...Only your conclusions.

I can only speak to what you say... If you say it badly or poorly, it's on you.

You'll note your comments are contradictory now:


On 8/16/2016 at 9:10 AM, Camelslayer said:

I like Oberon as a solo frame, but I rarely see a reason to bother bringing him into a party of friends when there's always a better option. And that's the point- not that he isn't fun


10 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

-I do not care about frame over fun, nor have I ever said or even so much as insinuated it (inb4 out-of-context quote). 

Hmm... looks like that's exactly what you said... pretty "in context" too.

I do not care what mode or mission you chose to play... You clearly cared enough about your performance in it to want to bring something impactful to it.

If that was missions on Mercury and that's your skill level— that's cool too.

... Who am I to judge?

If you feel unfairly maligned that I concluded you would sacrifice fun over efficacy only due to running more challenging content, I am perfectly sorry.


Absent that, given that you know what a Strawman Argument is... You have to know, by now, that you just turned yourself into one—again. 

Watch for the crows man, it's that time of year.

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55 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:


...Seems like I struck a nerve.

You are welcome to your opinions and they can be as edgy as they want to be.

That won't make them right or action-worthy.

It just makes them loud.



Given your insane defense of what is plainly a garbage frame to anyone that isn't blind, I'm pretty sure the one with the pinched nerve is you.

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57 minutes ago, Govictory said:

yep i see you are going to disregard the rest of my post, that is fine i guess it is not like i gave ideas how he can be improved to fit the paladin/druid role he was designed to fill or anything. Nah that can't be it is just too many random words i guess


I'm disregarding it because I want Oberon to be an actual good frame, and it will take a lot more than some number shuffling to make that a reality.

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47 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

...Only your conclusions.

I can only speak to what you say... If you say it badly or poorly, it's on you.

You'll note your comments are contradictory now:



Hmm... looks like that's exactly what you said... pretty "in context" too.

I do not care what mode or mission you chose to play... You clearly cared enough about your performance in it to want to bring something impactful to it.

If that was missions on Mercury and that's your skill level— that's cool too.

... Who am I to judge?

If you feel unfairly maligned that I concluded you would sacrifice fun over efficacy only due to running more challenging content, I am perfectly sorry.


Absent that, given that you know what a Strawman Argument is... You have to know, by now, that you just turned yourself into one—again. 

Watch for the crows man, it's that time of year.

Either I'm missing something with those "quotes" you posted seeing as they aren't contradicting each other at all, or you're yet again misunderstanding my words. I wouldn't be surprised by the latter as I, again, suck at explaining anything of importance.

But, I'm not going to keep arguing with you in an attempt to explain what I'm meaning, it's not worth your time or mine. Whatever you conclude is what you conclude.

Edited by Camelslayer
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Just now, Kierlak said:


I'm disregarding it because I want Oberon to be an actual good frame, and it will take a lot more than some number shuffling to make that a reality.

rofl in all honesty you would most likely still be bitter to him even if a revamp happens and he doesn't fit your playstyle, all you have done is be negative


now why i said Oberon needs skill synergy which is more than "number shuffling" is because it gives him more meaning for the paladin/druid role he was designed to fill

look at the other frames DE tweeked recently


sayrn used to be a press 4 to win frame, the rest of her abilites were neglected by players, they adjusted sayrn to have her abilities have synergy and useful if used together and she is as she is the DoT queen

the revamped mag has synergy with her abilities just look she can place a 2, use 1 to pull enemies in and she can strip armor with 3 and then finish them off

the revamped volt has synergy, you can carry the shield which favors gunplay and your passive and gives synergy with his one and his sanic speed boost

the revamped excalibur has tons of synergy with melee combat and sword play

the revamped Nekros has so much synergy with mods like health conversion which with the despoil augment makes him a tanky frame with free shadows to support him


Oberon's skills have no synergy as it is, if he got some synergy with a few tweeks that would allow him to compliment other frames and give him more meaning in group play as well as in solo play

he doesn't need to be the best healer like trinity or the best tank like chroma. Oberon just needs need to have utility that can benefit him in solo and others in groups.


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28 minutes ago, Kierlak said:


Given your insane defense of what is plainly a garbage frame to anyone that isn't blind, I'm pretty sure the one with the pinched nerve is you.

...I've already accepted that you have the right to your own edgy little opinions and commentary and there you go with the insults again.

FWIW, I'm not so much defending Oberon as I disagree with your hyperbole and think your descriptions are glaringly wrong.

Absent that, I am comfortable merely discounting your ramblings as those of what's probably some edgy Draco/Interception kid that thinks that everything should play like Ash and Excalibur.

Now your experience may or may not resemble said edgy Draco/Interception kid... I'm just sayin' you sound like it... No offense.

That said, You still have a right to your opinions... And I'll still have a right to mine.

So Calm yourself...

Keep it moving....


Have a Good Day! 


6 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

Either I'm missing something with those "quotes" you posted seeing as they aren't contradicting each other at all, or you're yet again misunderstanding my words. I wouldn't be surprised by the latter as I, again, suck at explaining anything of importance.

But, I'm not going to keep arguing with you in an attempt to explain what I'm meaning, it's not worth your time or mine. Whatever you conclude from my nonsensical rambling, one way or another, isn't exactly of any significant importance.

I gotcha..

Yeah, you missed something... Saying "something is fun but feeling like you need to choose something that you feel works better" and then saying "I don't choose frame over fun" is directly contradictory.

... But that's ultimately irrelevant.

We can both agree that Oberon needs some attention if not necessarily to the same degree.

Have a Good Day!

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3 hours ago, Govictory said:

No Oberon doesn't need a full rework. All because he doesn't fit your playstyle of probably ice chroma tank walls (since you claim Oberon is squishy) doesn't make him trash.

All we need to make Oberon better is add some bonuses for using abilities in HG so he has more synergy or some skill mechanics being adjusted. Heck making renewal a Toggle skill that drains energy in style similar to Nekros desecrate so it takes energy when it heals an ally would make Oberon useful since it could have good synergy with chroma and Inaros. All Oberon lacks is synergy, some QoL tweaks so he has more synergy is all he needs to be relevant, not a full rework save that for another frame.


You want to know what needs a rework more than Oberon? Here are some i believe need a rework more than Oberon

Limbo, inivative 3 skills that do about the same thing here 

Ash, bladestorm needs to change and DE said they are working on changing it

Zephyr, all she has anymore is Turbulance really, parkour 2.0 was not kind to her since it makes her 1 feel less useful to reach places and her 2 is still just heavy impact the skill, also 4 is going to do no damage at end game so it is only there for CC. Titania is taking her crown as the queen of the skies because she gets to fly literally.

Hydroid, a off brand duration styled nyx 2 as his 1, a rhino charge with slower animation for his 2, 3 is he turns to water which is neat but it hides enemies too which is bad since it does no real damage, 4 has RNG spawning so they can be nowhere near you if you have too much range.

Nyx, Loki literally stole her role as a the frame that can cause enemies to fight others with Iradiating disarm. Yes it is a smaller range but it has a guarented weapon drop so it outclasses Nyx's passive and Loki can just stealth away if he is threatened.

Banshee, hey look she is an amazing frame for damage but silence needs to be recastable like Ember's accelorant so she doesn't die by a random stray bullet from an enemy who decided no to be stunned because they were in a hallway to the left. so really just reworking that skill would do her good.


The fact Oberon is a paladin, has an armor buff and dies more frequently than not,,, it's sorta proof he needs a big big big look at 

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I don't like his 2


it's his signature status removal (and kinda the only reason he sees sortie play), but it's really clunky from my experience using of it. When you cast it, there's a big delay before you lay it down, and then for the next 3 seconds I can't do anything (like further recasts of hallowed ground) for whatever reason???


his 1 is okay. It's not Volt 1 tier best onehanded cc skill in the game, but it's okay for it's radiation proc. I'd put it in the mag pull tier of cc. It's okay.


Apparently his 3 also cleanses status effect. It's also global. But you can't see from the squad list the status effects on teammates and there's also a big travel time (the travel time got buffed, but it still doesn't matter because it exists, also the big animation delay also contributes to the problem) so the idea of using it to cleanse friendlies of status effects is in practice unviable. It's an okay heal, it for whatever reason slows bleedout which no one to my knowledge has ever used it for that specific purpose, but the healing part for both oberon and his teammates is nice.


His 4 has a blind, but from what I've used of Oberon, it does not actually blind, it does not actually stun for the duration, it does not open to melee finishers like every other blinding power in the game. I think what's happening is it blinds when it does damage, so the time the target spends getting up, that's when they are blinded and by the time they get up they are no longer blinded. Which means that blind effect is useless.


The other issue is he lacks inherent survivability (unlike Nezha who has the warding halo and equinox who has some good cc in both forms), and that his abilities at the end of the day are pretty lackluster and don't bring much to the team outside of being an anti-status carpet layer. Like you basically have to have inhuman reflexes with cc to not immediately die to random fire from a bombard or a heavy gunner or a corpus tech in a sortie.


Also y'know, Pheonix renewal is a bad augment because of both the insane cooldown and also the fact that the death insurance stops if the targets health maxes out.

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3 hours ago, cookieknife said:

The fact Oberon is a paladin, has an armor buff and dies more frequently than not,,, it's sorta proof he needs a big big big look at 

Here is the thing though, everyone who uses the "He's a paladin and should be a tank" is just running off the modern MMO version of a paladin.

Oberon is a perfect match for a D&D Paladin who is a balanced build that is a fighter with minor casting abilities for some damage and cleansing and very minor healing ability. They also don't wear heavy armor which fits his medium amount of armor.

All the other frames draw from D&D as well in terms of armor and roll too with casters having virtually no armor. The obvious tanks having lots of armor.

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