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Relics QOL UI Changes - Ducats and Reactants


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Relics seemed to have created a more focused grind and i appreciate that a lot except for the increased relic farm.

But there is room for more improvement.

  1.           Please show the Ducat value(by adding a number under the icon) and Rarity(using the letters C,U and R) of the items to reduce the need for checking the wiki and/or memorizing it.This can help optimize choosing relic rewards rather than going on the bandwagon, making a random guess or a guess based on previous drop tables.               
  2.          And also it is very common for a player to not achieve his goal for 10 reactant and less talkative groups increases the frequency of this ,hence either it should show how much reactant each player has collected, block extraction until everyone has collected or make it such that the group collectively collects 40 reactant.
  3.           Another issue is doing a group fissure with a Pub Squad but players don't wait for a full squad resulting in less end of mission rewards, this could be alleviated by either starting the mission after all 4 members have been added to the squad via normal matchmaking or providing a new option that will pause the mission till a 4 person squad has been formed.
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I like this thread a lot since point 1 and 2 cover exactly the ideas I had for improving the user experience. Point 3 is valid as well, but stands at the bottom of the list for a reason: not that important in my opinion.

Hope this gets seen and upvoted more!

Greetings, Wolfwent

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I'd like it if these changes are implemented  before ps4 and Xbox one enter the global build. 


10 hours ago, Wolfwent said:

Point 3 is valid as well, but stands at the bottom of the list for a reason: not that important in my opinion. 

3rd point definitely isn't as important or as easy to implement but it is still  an obvious issue.  I've noticed it happen far too often during my 10 hr cumulative ducat runs over the weekend. Most can be solved by being patient and waiting, but not everyone is cooperative enough to avoid "completing the objective" due to either impatience or lack of time.

I know recruiting beforehand could solve this issue.  But with how dynamic(fissure missions changing) the new system is, it has become much harder to maintain the Same squad than in it's predecessor, Void 1.0, due to the fact that people burn through their relics much faster, people sometimes lose interest in the next mission type the fissure changes to or people have a tendency to run whatever they have the most of which changes the more you spend grinding. 

I'm wondering now if I should start a new thread for matchmaking on its own. 

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Ducat vaules AND rarity is too much information. Useless.

Ducats are too much, IMO. Rarity is more than enough, because it defines the price as well. 

This is not a new idea. Comes up every week at least twice.


A message showing that all necessary reactants have been collected would be nice indeed.

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3 hours ago, at35z said:

Ducats are too much, IMO. Rarity is more than enough, because it defines the price as well. 

I don't think rarity is enough because ducat prices aren't fixed based on rarity

  • Nova prime Neuroptics is common and worth 20 ducats instead of 15
  • Both Braton Prime Neuroptics and Trinity Prime Neuroptics are common in one relic and uncommon in another and are worth 25 ducats each.
  • Vauban Prime Blueprint is rare and worth 50 ducats.

Showing both information will help the player know what is worth more ducats and what would sell for more plat in the player market. And additionally it would help teach new players about the existence of Baro's preferred currency as most of them tend to find out the day he arrives i.e. if they even care enough to check region chats or inquire about Baro's Fortnightly Inbox message.

If they choose to have only one of these implemented ,i'd prefer ducat prices.Though both can be implemented easily via there background (Blue for common, Silver for UC and Gold for Rare) and a number on the bottom part of the Icon

The existence of this application itself is proof enough that players do seek ducat information and go as far as to using third party software to streamline this process.

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