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I Hope Future "events" Are Nothing Like This One....


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that I agree. in a way, i think i would like it if my "actions" somehow has an effect on something .. persistent (?), instead of missions in a sandbox.

For the first mission, at least we can say : I did my part in killing fusion chickens in the ??? event that pave the way for the era of the void towers... or something like that :)


But this could just be an experiment at a mini event. i.e. major events can take a lot of work to prepare and implement and we may not be able to have a lot of those (esp if they affect lore progression). But having these kind of sandbox "mini events" to fill the gaps in between may be nice. We may just have to adjust our expectations that the two types of events are not of the same level (in terms of involvement/consequence/ and of course... the reward, which is what people will comment about first I guess ;) )


Nailed it. The first event drew in a ton of players, both new and old for two reasons. The first is obviously because everyone wanted a shot at the prize, and the second is because it seemed like everyone needed to push hard for anyone was going to win anything. If I killed just one Fusion Moa, I helped the entire community fill the giant blue bar. With this event on the other hand, I ran the first three artifacts, felt like it was all more trouble than it was worth.


Mini-events? I still feel like a progress bar should be involved. Imagine if once a month we had one weekend event where the community had to complete XX-thousand of a specific kind of alert in order for everyone to "win."


We're always happy to get feedback, willing to adjust and change things for the future of Warframe (and events). Thanks everyone!


Here's a bit of crazy. Please consider an event which allows the money people to throw money at the game to the benefit of the entire community.


IE: Collect a ten million Space Carrots, also you can buy Space Carrot boosters.

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It doesn't keep you busy all weekend. Plus i got all 3 on Friday. It's still not even the weekend yet. I rather liked the MOA event, actually kept you busy and entertained. The whole day, not every 3 hours for one battle.



EVENT. Check.



How entertained or busy you are doing these events does not change the definition of words. Try again.

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For the record, I did like the artifact defense missions themselves, however I feel a better way of handling the alerts could have been explored.


For example, throwing a global progress bar and making it so that as long as you participated in one and the community as a whole completed ten thousand or thereabouts, all participants win a prize or something.


The global progress bar feels like it should always be a part of events. It adds a sense of urgency.

the only thing I hate about that is that people can just pop in and kill just 1 mob to get the reward. They barely do any work and get 100% of the benefits. Its pretty lame. I hate people whether in game or life, who barely contributes to anything and get the same full rewards. Make it a certain kill requirement then I am all for it.

This is why I enjoy this event. You would have to earn it. you fail, the team fails.

Edited by birdei
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EVENT. Check.



How entertained or busy you are doing these events does not change the definition of words. Try again.


He's just saying it wasn't as engaging as the last event. No need to get all crazy over semantics. 

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I feel pain and regret and fear when I imagine the faces of DE employees when they look at this forum.


I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep with Scott. In spirit, at least.

I know...its a real worry to think that perhaps the 1% of the negative, loud haters actually might influence the makers of this game that the rest of us love

P.S  I enjoyed the event!  some of the defense waves were INSANELY hard....great fun

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He's just saying it wasn't as engaging as the last event. No need to get all crazy over semantics. 



Semantics? It's not about semantics, it's about hyperbole and lies. It's one thing for him to say the events weren't engaging. It's another thing to say that it wasn't a weekend event.


Plus his response was a complete non-sequitor to the original point I was making.

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While i really enjoyed the "play if you feel like it" theme in this event, my problem with it was that; what I did didn't really matter to the community as a whole.


The fusion MOA event (I still have the KILL FUSION MOA ON SIGHT syndrome) we got to work towards a greater goal and at the same time meet other players (I met few of my current clan mates during that event and our clan is still going strong despite its size).


The meta goal tends to make people stay in their current groups and tackle the next mission together again, and the more you play with the same players the bigger the chance that you'll make friends.


This event didn't really offer any meta teamwork and most of the players i met during the event, while all of them awesome, I really doubt we'll cross paths again (that sounded dramatic).

Overall this was a nice event, but wasn't as good as the last one.
Hope to see more events in the future.

Thank you DE for this event the Grineer defense was really fun. :)

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the only thing I hate about that is that people can just pop in and kill just 1 mob to get the reward. They barely do any work and get 100% of the benefits. Its pretty lame. I hate people whether in game or life, who barely contributes to anything and get the same full rewards. Make it a certain kill requirement then I am all for it.

This is why I enjoy this event. You would have to earn it. you fail, the team fails.


Jobs/children/life, ect. One of the things I loved about the last event was that even if you were unable to dive neck deep into the game at the time, you could still qualify for the cool rewards. Anyone who put in overtime was rewarded with a rare treat as well. They should never force you to clock half a dozen hours in order to in anything in a timed event.


I know...its a real worry to think that perhaps the 1% of the negative, loud haters actually might influence the makers of this game that the rest of us love

P.S  I enjoyed the event!  some of the defense waves were INSANELY hard....great fun


I hate that the complaint topics outnumber the praise ones by like, 100:1. It wouldn't be so bad if they were sensibly constructed, but many of them amount to thoughtless "X sucks, give me +1s" topics.  That's why I want https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/53072-a-civil-discourse-on-moderation-and-the-quality-of-this-community/'>post restrictions. All it takes is one irate gamer to spawn torrent of clone threads complaining about the same non-issue to give the poor guys at DE the impression that the community is up in flames.


Semantics? It's not about semantics, it's about hyperbole and lies. It's one thing for him to say the events weren't engaging. It's another thing to say that it wasn't a weekend event.


Plus his response was a complete non-sequitor to the original point I was making.


Yeah, and you could argue technicalities with some people for days and not get anywhere whatsoever. Probably best to receive his comment based in it's intention rather than it's literal meaning.

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Dont like the alert system for this event. However the event missions are finally somewhat challenging due to higher lvl mobs. I also like how these missions take longer then 10 minutes like the normal non defense missions.

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Semantics? It's not about semantics, it's about hyperbole and lies. It's one thing for him to say the events weren't engaging. It's another thing to say that it wasn't a weekend event.


Plus his response was a complete non-sequitor to the original point I was making.

Don't get your jimmies rustled. What i meant was it is not worth the tittle "A weekend event". A better tittle would be "Weekend alerts". You may be right, it is during the weekend, but compared to the last event, it is nowhere near as fun. STOP GETTING ALL TECHNICAL, and actually see the point i'm making. jeez...


nvm you only played for 10 days...no point of referencing the old MOA event.

Edited by W4RM4CHIN3
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I really liked this event. Wherever it was, I could be sure it was going to dump me the resources native to the planet. Getting 5 morphics in one run? Or how about the one I got 6 Orokin Cells. This event has been awesome.

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I know everyone keeps bringing this up and comparing, but, i guess that's only because of how well it was done in Mass Effect 3 Multilayer weekend events.

They had:

1) Community goal - Kill X amount of Y enemy, or win X amount of Y type missions, or against a specific faction, ect.

2) Squad goal, win a single match against that faction, or a specific enemy, which would reward the playing squad for participating.


The community reward would be bigger and obviously much harder to achieve, and then squad goal would be easy.

This is actually much like the Fusion Moa event.


What you could do though, is have it affect us afterwards.

Event was vs. Infested.

Community wins - Infested enemies receive X more damage from fire in the next week, or ancients have reduced armor for the next week.

Community loses - increase spawn rate of ancients in infested missions, or stronger chargers, ect.


(Could also do this regarding drop rates.. We win, higher drop-rate for Thunderbolt. Lose, well, dont think it can get much lower... But you get the idea)


Anyway, we don't need a promise for a unique and special reward, just something we can use. We could get credits + a rare material pack containing 5x of 3 random rare mats, this is where we can be creative with rewards.


All in all, keep up these events, they can be really fun, and motivating.

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Yeah, and you could argue technicalities with some people for days and not get anywhere whatsoever. Probably best to receive his comment based in it's intention rather than it's literal meaning.


Oh you mean like how when I said the events weren't as random as people were saying they were and he replies by saying it wasn't a weekend event? Thanks for making my point.


And I love how on the internet you can make a completely stupid statement and then backpedal and whine about people using semantics and being "technical". Maybe next time I can just state that the Earth is flat and yell at everyone for arguing semantics when they correct me.

Edited by EetNotErn
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I know everyone keeps bringing this up and comparing, but, i guess that's only because of how well it was done in Mass Effect 3 Multilayer weekend events.

They had:

1) Community goal - Kill X amount of Y enemy, or win X amount of Y type missions, or against a specific faction, ect.

2) Squad goal, win a single match against that faction, or a specific enemy, which would reward the playing squad for participating.


The community reward would be bigger and obviously much harder to achieve, and then squad goal would be easy.

This is actually much like the Fusion Moa event.


What you could do though, is have it affect us afterwards.

Event was vs. Infested.

Community wins - Infested enemies receive X more damage from fire in the next week, or ancients have reduced armor for the next week.

Community loses - increase spawn rate of ancients in infested missions, or stronger chargers, ect.


(Could also do this regarding drop rates.. We win, higher drop-rate for Thunderbolt. Lose, well, dont think it can get much lower... But you get the idea)


Anyway, we don't need a promise for a unique and special reward, just something we can use. We could get credits + a rare material pack containing 5x of 3 random rare mats, this is where we can be creative with rewards.


All in all, keep up these events, they can be really fun, and motivating.

Not bad at all. I would love to see some repercussions for what happens. Not just here's your prize be off on your way. 

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As far as I know all those Artifacts are shown just one time in your ... bag?, however they seem to stack and will be able for fusion after the update. Not sure if I got that information from the forum or the livestream, can't remember.

Aside from that - I am happy that they tried something, can't really say that anyone - including me - was really hyped over it.

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My problems with this weekend event.


1) Crashes. Getting quite a lot since U8 and 20 waves until completion, my chances getting that far are slim.

2) Matchmaking. I keep getting matched with low rank players, rank 1 or 2, who don't have the means to survive 20 waves. If I make a group from Region chat, then I'll crash anyway.

3) Boredom. For me, defence missions are the most boring things to do in this game. I love the game mode typically but in Warframe the pacing is so slow. And 20 Waves zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZz..


The 3 alerts I have attempted, I crashed twice during my first and passed on the 3rd try. The second alert I crashed with 3 waves left, and the 2 retries after that were failures due to low rank players who couldn't go the distance, and the last of those 2 tries had 1 AFK so we waited 10mins before the defence even started, then 1 d/c'ed(probably crashed) and the last guy died and had no rez's. The alert that just ended on Tharsis, Mars, I crashed on my first attempt, and my second attempt it failed, again due to low players that aren't equipped to last 20 rounds.


DE, the above isn't criticism of your event, just my experience this weekend. The only criticism I have of the event is that defence missions are boring. Otherwise, gj on the event. 

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I liked it even with all the fails.

And they should have left it how it was at the start with level 43 enemies every round and the Napalms destroying the Artifacts.

I ended up getting the last one in a host migration that left my Loki with another person running Trinity and we survived through 7 waves. It was crazy because both these frames have no offensive abilities so it was all shooting and precise casting of powers.


But we should have gotten "Prime Artifacts" that when you put then on your Frames gets a few gold pieces on them  to show you have one of the three event Artifacts.


In fact, this is what they should do from now on. Everyone is going to get the items when they are eventually released but the people that take part of the event just get some special bits of extra decorative thingies with the event items. Frost Prime should have gotten gold smoke or some particles coming out of his shoulder pieces and maybe with the artifacts they could bring back the old mod capsules. If you wear one of these artifacts you get a gold capsule on your forearm. 

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