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Please Fix: Bladestorm, Sound Quake, World on Fire and Synoid Simulor


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1 minute ago, Praxxor said:

I'm gonna blame these threads if Mirage gets nerfed because of Simulor, and we all know that it's gonna be HoM that's gonna get nerfed, AGAIN.

Can we stop with the nerf mentality and propose some compromise instead BTW?

People usually scream OP when they see an "endgame" build being used in a low-mid tier levels. I've seen a thread about Simulor being used in an infested survival on Eris less than 15 minutes in. "OP PLS NERF"

1 minute ago, letir said:

Nerf Simulor - that's a compromise.

Nerf enemy scaling :D and we don't need to use it.

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2 minutes ago, letir said:

Nobody need to use S Simulor on non-Endless and non-Sortie mission, because it's overkill. Guess what? Everebody and their mothers still use it.

I have actually seen it a lot less thanks to the nerf (and yes it was nerfed, it no longer does headshots). So I'm guessing your next plan is to Nerf Sancti Tigris/Tigris Prime next since it's overkill for lower level missions?

Edited by secret9005
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Just now, secret9005 said:

I have actually seen it a lot less thanks to the nerf (and yes it was nerfed, it no longer does headshots). So I'm guessing your next plan is to Nerf Sancti Tigris next Since it's overkill for lower level missions?

You know what is the main difference between just "OP weapon" and "f****ng cancer" (Tonkor and Simulor)?

With cancer you don't even need to aim. You just running around like idiot, spraying S#&$ in every direction, and still going on top.

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4 minutes ago, letir said:

Nerf Simulor - that's a compromise.

I think you should work HARD on you understanding (or lack thereof) of the word "compromise". Your grasp on the concept seems a tad... tenuous, to say the least...

8 minutes ago, Praxxor said:

I'm gonna blame these threads if Mirage gets nerfed because of Simulor, and we all know that it's gonna be HoM that's gonna get nerfed, AGAIN.

Can we stop with the nerf mentality and propose some compromise instead BTW?

That's a problem indeed. I've seen threads demanding a nerf of HoM or SS because they combine well, not understanding that it was the interaction between the two that made it this way, not them separately. Some people are so clueless it's scary sometimes...

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Just now, Marthrym said:

I think you should work HARD on you understanding (or lack thereof) of the word "compromise". Your grasp on the concept seems a tad... tenuous, to say the least...

That's a problem indeed. I've seen threads demanding a nerf of HoM or SS because they combine well, not understanding that it was the interaction between the two that made it this way, not them separately. Some people are so clueless it's scary sometimes...

Do you going to say that Simulor isn't OP in hands of any frame, besides Mirage? You don't know the power of the Dark Side, Founder.

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2 minutes ago, letir said:

You know what is the main difference between just "OP weapon" and "f****ng cancer" (Tonkor and Simulor)?

With cancer you don't even need to aim. You just running around like idiot, spraying S#&$ in every direction, and still going on top.

The price of getting the Synoid Simulor (MR 12 and highest rank with Suda or buying it from others) should warrant it from being used. People worked hard (not counting the draco people) to get to that point. It's an "endgame" weapon. You want people to use MK-1 Braton on lower level missions? They got those weapons to clear higher content, if they want to use it on lower content to make it easier why stop them? You play your way, and let others do the same.

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I was thinking to write this topic also , same problems.

Ember WoF, Mirage + Simulor and Ash (but it should be reworked).

It is not a gameplay, when you spam one button  that makes all work for you, and especially when you are playing in team.

if you want to play alone, play solo , don't destroy other's fun.

especially in fissures (PC) exterminate - corrupted are not spamming as fast as they are killing all , then they wonder 'why we don't have enough reactants?'

When I'm running with normal weapon usually in this team i can't find an enemy to kill.

Also, lvl 40 is very low (sedna for example) , we need higher level maps (starts from 70-80 extermination etc..) 



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1 minute ago, DSjk22 said:

I was thinking to write this topic also , same problems.

Ember WoF, Mirage + Simulor and Ash (but it should be reworked).

It is not a gameplay, when you spam one button  that makes all work for you, and especially when you are playing in team.

if you want to play alone, play solo , don't destroy other's fun.

especially in fissures (PC) exterminate - corrupted are not spamming as fast as they are killing all , then they wonder 'why we don't have enough reactants?'

When I'm running with normal weapon usually in this team i can't find an enemy to kill.

Also, lvl 40 is very low (sedna for example) , we need higher level maps (starts from 70-80 extermination etc..) . 

AFAIK fissures are the same for PC and Consoles. Anyways I've never had a problem with Ember in fissure missions. My friend likes running her on most missions and we usually farm Primes together. Ash's only problem is other players not being able to damage targeted enemies.

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Just now, secret9005 said:

The price of getting the Synoid Simulor (MR 12 and highest rank with Suda or buying it from others) should warrant it from being used. People worked hard (not counting the draco people) to get to that point. It's an "endgame" weapon. You want people to use MK-1 Braton on lower level missions? They got those weapons to clear higher content, if they want to use it on lower content to make it easier why stop them? You play your way, and let others do the same.

"Endgame weapon" dosen't mean "can trivialize content to the limits", even if this weapon is MR30.

"Kill al enemies in this general direction with AOE, without worries about aiming or ammo, and also restore my energy" is not "endgame" weapon, it's BS weapon which denied player skill in shooter game. I don't want my missions to be trivialized by such brainless weapon.

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45 minutes ago, letir said:

"Endgame weapon" dosen't mean "can trivialize content to the limits", even if this weapon is MR30.

"Kill al enemies in this general direction with AOE, without worries about aiming or ammo, and also restore my energy" is not "endgame" weapon, it's BS weapon which denied player skill in shooter game. I don't want my missions to be trivialized by such brainless weapon.

End game is NOW considered to be raids/sortie as it consists of the highest level content what is actually part of the game and rather it being a extended survival. Weapons like the Aynoid Simulor are used to killing level 100-150s as imo, it was kinda designed for the void. What did the void consist of? Highest tiered enemies + silly level scaling + hordes of mobs down single corridors, which the Simulor excels at. 

Now the Simulor has came back to the star chart based stuff, it's now able to cheese low level (what can be considered low level) enemies with ease.  Now the way to go with it is not to nerf it, but to fix enemy scaling so it's not the weapon which other players dread to see in their mission. Tbh damage 3.0 will most likely fix it being overpowered. But however, i do agree with you saying it's a brainless weapon.

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Just now, (PS4)FifaFutgiveaway said:

End game is NOW considered to be raids/sortie as it consists of the highest level content what is actually part of the game and rather it being a extended survival. Weapons like the Aynoid Simulor are used to killing level 100-150s as imo, it was kinda designed for the void. What did the void consist of? Highest tiered enemies + silly level scaling + hordes of mobs down single corridors, which the Simulor excels at. 

Now the Simulor has came back to the star chart based stuff, it's now able to cheese low level (what can be considered low level) enemies with ease.  Now the way to go with it is not to nerf it, but to fix enemy scaling so it's not the weapon which other players dread to see in their mission. Tbh damage 3.0 will most likely fix it being overpowered. But however, i do agree with you saying it's a brainless weapon.

I gonna repeat again.

Synoid Simlor is popular because it's brainlessly OP weapon, not because people activly trying to play endgame content. People don't use it to beat unbeteable, they use it to cheese everything.

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3 minutes ago, letir said:

I gonna repeat again.

Synoid Simlor is popular because it's brainlessly OP weapon, not because people activly trying to play endgame content. People don't use it to beat unbeteable, they use it to cheese everything.

Define "cheesing". Is it running through low level missions really fast because you've acquired gear to do so? I can "cheese" with an Ember because I built it that way, does it affect you? And please don't bring the fun argument, because if I use it I'm having fun but you're not, but if I don't you're having fun and I'm not. Fun is subjective, don't bring that in.

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Just now, secret9005 said:

Define "cheesing". Is it running through low level missions really fast because you've acquired gear to do so? I can "cheese" with an Ember because I built it that way, does it affect you? And please don't bring the fun argument, because if I use it I'm having fun but you're not, but if I don't you're having fun and I'm not. Fun is subjective, don't bring that in.

It's completly denying any in-game obstacles and gameplay with some sort of trick or ridiculosly OP power. Up to the point when you can press one button and win mission.


Like when Mirage or Banshee denying all enemies in Interception from existing. They press one button, and mission is alredy won.

Like when you trying to kill anything on Extermination Alert, but Mirage+Ember pain train alredy won the game with W+LMB.


I don't like things what denying me from playing in the game.

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4 minutes ago, letir said:

It's completly denying any in-game obstacles and gameplay with some sort of trick or ridiculosly OP power. Up to the point when you can press one button and win mission.


Like when Mirage or Banshee denying all enemies in Interception from existing. They press one button, and mission is alredy won.

Like when you trying to kill anything on Extermination Alert, but Mirage+Ember pain train alredy won the game with W+LMB.


I don't like things what denying me from playing in the game.

Don't run public. It's a coop game, and the goal of the mission was to exterminate the enemies. You should thank that Ember, he helped you do the job fast and efficient.

You should also thank that Banshee, it just stopped the enemies from intercepting the message.

It doesn't matter how much you kill as long as you get the mission done.

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Just now, secret9005 said:

Don't run public. It's a coop game, and the goal of the mission was to exterminate the enemies. You should thank that Ember, he helped you do the job fast and efficient.

You should also thank that Banshee, it just stopped the enemies from intercepting the message.

It doesn't matter how much you kill as long as you get the mission done.

You can also go in some clickers and get mission done with one button.

This way you don't ruin my cooperative experience with cheat powers, which completly destroying GAMEplay in the computer GAME.


Don't like to play without cheats? Don't play in cooperative games.

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16 minutes ago, letir said:

You can also go in some clickers and get mission done with one button.

This way you don't ruin my cooperative experience with cheat powers, which completly destroying GAMEplay in the computer GAME.


Don't like to play without cheats? Don't play in cooperative games.

It's not cheats as it's doing what it's supposed to do. I built it to kill enemies on sight, do you call that a cheat? The game itself is giving it to me, is it still a cheat?

Again if we ran an exterminate and I ran Ember. I just finished the mission with you, and really fast at that. We both get rewarded. What cooperative experience am I ruining? Your kills? Was it because you couldn't kill anything as my Ember had too much range? It's pointless, the objective was complete.

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Just now, secret9005 said:

It's not cheats as it's doing what it's supposed to do. I built it to kill enemies on site, do you call that a cheat? The game itself is giving it to me, is it still a cheat?

Again if we ran an exterminate and I ran Ember. I just finished the mission with you, and really fast at that. We both get rewarded. What cooperative experience am I ruining? Your kills? Was it because you couldn't kill anything as my Ember had too much range? It's pointless, the objective was complete.

Yeah, it's not a cheat, it's cheese of godly levels, when gameplay sacrficed to the effeciency.


I couldn't do anything on Interception mission because enemies was dying right on the respawn points. In Sortie.

Yeah, i'm little disapointed, because i'm come into game expecting to play. You know, shoot at something, slash something, evade gunfire, cast a power, overcome enemy and win.

But here comes glorious Sound Quake Banshee, and i'm just sit here, right in the middle of the map, occasionaly collecting loot.


Where is my game go, i wonder? This map is clear, i'm just waiting timer to go up and free me from this pointless mission. Is that a idle game or something? Place a Banshee, press a button, drink your tea, get a reward? Is any mission supposed to be cheesed to 11 and be devoided from any possibility of the defeat?


Where is joy from sucess, if any monkey can do the same?

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Ember? EMBER? Ember is the question?  She is not even powerful in end game content.  Who cares if she can run over level 20 w/e, didn't you earn that when you put 5 formas into a single frame?  High level players SHOULD have an easier time leveling equipment since the equipment they care about is a small subset of the available equipment, and mastery is tied to using all equipment.

The simulor needs a nerf because it is an outlier, but lay off the warframe abilities.  There are nullies, comba's, and energy leeches to deal with those.

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2 minutes ago, letir said:

Yeah, it's not a cheat, it's cheese of godly levels, when gameplay sacrficed to the effeciency.


I couldn't do anything on Interception mission because enemies was dying right on the respawn points. In Sortie.

Yeah, i'm little disapointed, because i'm come into game expecting to play. You know, shoot at something, slash something, evade gunfire, cast a power, overcome enemy and win.

But here comes glorious Sound Quake Banshee, and i'm just sit here, right in the middle of the map, occasionaly collecting loot.


Where is my game go, i wonder? This map is clear, i'm just waiting timer to go up and free me from this pointless mission. Is that a idle game or something? Place a Banshee, press a button, drink your tea, get a reward? Is any mission supposed to be cheesed to 11 and be devoided from any possibility of the defeat?


Where is joy from sucess, if any monkey can do the same?

It's easy to click the Abort Mission to leave the squad. You don't like how one person is playing, move on and find another squad.

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