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What i would would do with volt...


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I want to live in my dreams. I need a place to do so, maybe I can live in my dreams here.


In my version of reality: Electricity receives a rework so that it is actually awesome. Electricity will stack, building in damage potential the more it procs. Whenever electricity strikes an object on the map, if not destroyed, it will glow white hot, then dim to yellows, oranges, and reds. An enemies body, if killed by electrical damage, will smoke.

---> volt has the option to send his ult out from his body or ground cast it. He can control when and where to use it. Ball lightning.This looks about 10 times more visually awesome than charging up the staticor. Volts ult has 2 stages, charge and discharge. When charging the ability, you give off electrical arcs similar to what it looks like when someone appears from the future at the beginning of a terminator movie, you will drain energy, your static charge will reach its cap, and you release stronger bursts of emp waves the longer you keep it up. Electrical dubstep.

When fully charged, Volt himself is a tesla coil, the energy will drain off with the passive unless you keep moving, damaging and striking out at anything Volt comes near.

Volt can target enemies below and around him with a version of his ult like the kraken from Evolve. This happens when volt aircasts the discharge. 

To cast the second stage of the ability, while grounded, Volt goes from holding the energy between his hands, to channeling it into the ground and out wards.

While airborn, he draws his knees up and curls forward like normal, hands held out palms down. 

Casting the ability.

Quick cast discharge.

Double tap discharge

Charge activation.

: Volt can discharge without charging, but it will only stun (only for a short time), at the normal cost of the ult (100). In order to cast discharge, you tap the ability button. (channels energy into ground)

Charging discharge is toggle drain, and takes 3 seconds to activate after holding the ability down. In this time, if you have not designated a target, it will start to drain energy. (ball lightning). While standing still, Volt will hold both hands together. With a melee weapon equipped, volt will channel electricity through free hand (if available) and melee weapon (like elder scrolls) or just melee weapon. Primaries and secondaries proc electricity through passive 100 percent of the time.

Charging discharge will send out a pulse of static electricity (similar to volts speed description) that stuns several nearby enemies, then gathers that electricity (highlights the area) to a central point where your retical is aiming, within the range of the ability. (current animation)

Regal animation is one hand directly in front of body pointer finger extended slightly, one hand held out to the side

Agile animation is arms held up and out to both sides, elbows bent, fingers curled.


Volt can quick fire shock or keep the ability on for continous cast. Casting shock onto any of volts other abilities (aside from speed and charge) will prolong them. Shock Tesla coils things.

Shock, speed, and charge is the positive energy of volts kit

Sheild, riot sheild, and discharge is the negative energy of volts kit 

Tesla coil is the effect that shock and discharge proc. It has a max of a 10 second stun, but it's minimum is 4 seconds. At rank 0, the stun is 1/2/3/4. max rank 4/6/8/10. A constant, not affected by armor or health type or health cap, but duration and ability use. 

A fully charged discharge will proc a 10 second Tesla coil at max level. Higher with duration. The ult icon shows the duration.

Electric sheild gains extra time from shock.

Riot sheild will have an energy drain, but it will be constant, and no higher that it already is just standing still...the benefit of picking up the sheild is that the timer stops. No timer, because the sheild is connected to volt and drawing energy off his body. Holding riot sheild while charging will transfer electrical damage to the sheild, frying targets on sheild bashes, and even more damage done while using shock on sheild...

While charging, or after using shock on a electric sheild/riot sheild, the sheild will randomly electrocute nearby enemies similar to the diriga

Running through an area with speed active will electrify an area for a short period of time, lightning arcing up walls, zapping enemies.

Using speed near Tesla coils will "activate" them, causing arcs of energy to run up them, giving energy back to volt as he is near them and attacking them (matrix human batteries).

Volt can use charge as an attack next to coiled targets (the Electrical arcs will damage them and spread between them) but discharge will do less and less damage to already affected targets and will not reset the timer.


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