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[Suggestion] 3 New Warframe Ideas That Would Be Ludicrously Fun To Play If Done Right


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Warframe 1: Harm


Harm is a female frame that is intended to be a purely offensive crowd control caster.  Her abilities are based around using dark/telekinetic energy to toss enemies around the place like broken ragdolls and make a huge mess of those nice organized little grineer attack squads/corpus moa groups


ability 1: Embrace Death - 25 power


Harm pulls a single enemy to herself and runs them through with her melee weapon.



ability 2: Contraction - 50 power


Creates a ball of energy at the cursors location that sucks all enemies towards it (like vaubans vortex).

After 3 seconds it will explode, damaging any enemies caught in its effect and throwing them violenty away from the centre of the explosion.



ability 3: Harm's Way - 75 power


fires a ball of energy towards the cursor.  Any light enemies (light grineer, corpus crewmen, light moas, non ancient infested) 

that are struck will be damaged and thrown away from the impact and the ball will continue on its path.

If the ball strikes a heavy enemy it will explode, doing considerably higher damage in a small area of effect and knocking affected enemies to the floor.



ability 4: Avatar of Pain - 100 power


Harm becomes enshrouded in void fire.  While in this form she can use her other 3 abilities for free and any enemies within 3 metres of her take damage from the flames.






Warframe 2: Tinker


Tinker, like Vauban, is a primarily defensive combat engineer who can control the flow of the battle.  The difference is that he sacrifices Vauban's massive crowd control power for the ability to summon NPC units that help him in battle and draw enemy fire away from more vital targets such as himself or the cryopod in endless defense.


ability 1: Hornets Nest - 25 power


Fires a swarm of hornet micro-rockets that home in on the nearest enemies 

(they will attempt to spread out so only 1 rocket hits each enemy but if there are more rockets than enemies they will strike the same target)



ability 2: Guardsman - 50 power


Deploys a guardsman autoturret at the cursors location (range of 5 metres)

the turret will fire at nearby enemies and will conversely draw their fire towards itself.

The turret can only be deployed on relatively flat surfaces.



ability 3: Sentinel Restore - 75 power


Restores the sentinels of everybody in the team if they have been destroyed.

If their sentinel is still alive when this is cast it gains a 20% boost to damage output and shield capacity for 30 seconds.



ability 4: Replicate - 100 power


Creates a crude knockoff of a tenno warframe that has half your health and shields and is incapable of using abilities.  It will fight enemies and is armed with a braton, aklato and a cronus.

Its weapons share the same mods as your own (for example if you have frost on your rifle and fire on your pistol the clone will also have frost on its primary and fire on its secondary)

the replicant lasts for 2 minutes or until it dies.




Warframe 3: Flow


Flow is intended to be a tough warframe that flows (hehe geddit?) through the battlefield like water.  He can change his body between solid and liquid state at will and all his abilities reflect this.  He should fill a somewhat similar role to rhino but sacrifce some of rhinos damage output for increased mobility and crowd control.


ability 1: Surf - 25 power


Flow changes his feet into a rolling wave of liquid, allowing him to move quickly.  Any enemies stuck by flow while he is in this state are pushed away and suffer minor damage.



ability 2: Chill Out - 50 power


Flow raises a pillar of liquid at an area, after 2 seconds he causes it to harden, pinning all affected enemies inside for the duration.  This does not do any damage.

The hardened pillar acts as an obstacle that stops both bullets and enemies from passing through it.

The pillar will soften to let tenno through so that team mates will not become trapped if it is blocking a crucial area.



ability 3: Osmosis - 75 power


Flow turns his body into a thick liquid that absorbs bullets.  In this state he takes only 20% damage from all sources.  Once the duration is over he changes back to a solid state

and all the bullets inside his body are fired outwards, damaging nearby enemies.



ability 4: Tsunami - 100 power


Flow transforms himself into a massive rolling wave that travels in a straight path and swamps all enemies it hits, knocking them down and dealing damage.  The user is completely immune to damage while in wave form.

This ability has a 2 second cast time.


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Warframe 1 - Ember disapporves/


Warframe 2 - I think only Power 1 could be implement. Along with power 3, but if it is tweaked to heal or revive along with a boost sentinel's range. Adding more power is overkill, specially with the deth cubes I've seen. 0.0


Warframe 3- I like it, but sadly water physics are really hard to make along with resource hungry.

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1- good idea, great abilities, Ember already fills that slot.


2- Really good idea, I approve.


3- No. Sounds way too processor intensive, and a lot of those abilities, while unique, don't seem to me like they'd work well in the game. Also, I don't think the lore would work well. Great idea, not for this game.

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Warframe 3, isn't Flow a warframe mod?( Did it evolve?) Again, change the name.

You look like an intelligent young fellow! Here, take this, free of charge. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/41230-join-flowbecome-300-hotter-mature-content-warning/

Go home to the Missus / your cat, talk to her about uprooting your family / lonely bachelor apartment, and going on a world tour to Madagascar. When you get there, a group of us will be waiting in full drag. It'll be easy to spot us, because we'll be the ones who aren't lemurs.

We'll bestow upon you 300% of everything good in the world. And when your eyeballs physically orgasm themselves out of their sockets, you will be one with Flow!


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1- good idea, great abilities, Ember already fills that slot.


2- Really good idea, I approve.


3- No. Sounds way too processor intensive, and a lot of those abilities, while unique, don't seem to me like they'd work well in the game. Also, I don't think the lore would work well. Great idea, not for this game.

How does Ember fill that slot? She has fireball which no one uses, overheat which is pretty much a defensive skill. Fire blast which is a stationary skill and last but not least world on fire which is a mobile aoe. Which the aoe burns anything around her. This does not allow her to use skills for free. This is probably really the only skill that they have VERY little in common. If you bring in the argument "she's offensive though" Saryn is offensive as well. Harm could work quite well with her own niche. (Name could probably use work though)

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Warframe 1 could be fun, I like the idea of not being limited to your energy pool for awhile, that would make any warframe fun IMO.


Warframe 2, well Vauban deploys turrets that cant be hurt or draw fire so I see no upside to that guy's turret other than the aggro draw, in which case it would directly outclass Loki/Saryn's decoy abilities. ult sounds lackluster.


Warframe 3: Do you play SMITE? Because if I were a betting man I'd say you do, and that you almost perfectly stole He-Bo's ability set and changed it slightly to try and hide that fact. 

Edited by biggians
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How does Ember fill that slot? She has fireball which no one uses, overheat which is pretty much a defensive skill. Fire blast which is a stationary skill and last but not least world on fire which is a mobile aoe. Which the aoe burns anything around her. This does not allow her to use skills for free. This is probably really the only skill that they have VERY little in common. If you bring in the argument "she's offensive though" Saryn is offensive as well. Harm could work quite well with her own niche. (Name could probably use work though)



Warframe 1: Harm
Harm is a female frame that is intended to be a purely offensive crowd control caster.


Ember is the purely offensive crowd control caster. All of her abilities are AoE, and involve getting close to enemies and taking them out. Hence, filling that slot.

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