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[Suggestion] Adding Variety To Automatic Weapons


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Currently, for primary 'assault rifles' we have only a handful of options. We've got the trio of Bratons(basically the same gun), the Burston, and the Grakata. Recently with the clan patch there has been a deluge of primary weapon options, yes but only the dera is actually similar to an assault rifle. The rest are wildly different(which is great!), but I still want more rifle options.


I'm not sure if they think we don't want a household of assault weapons or if they're just out of ideas on how to create variation, but I'm going to assume its the latter and throw up a wishlist of options! After that, an option for Sniper Rifles, since they're all currently pretty weaksauce.


As for 'Ammo Size' I'm going to ignore that stat because they don't seem able to mess with it currently. Accuracy I'm not going to use a number because I cannot decipher their system used for accuracy calculation. ie, Snipetron seems perfectly accurate at all ranges and has only 13.3 accuracy, while Boltor has 25 and we know which of those is better for accuracy. I figure I may add more to this list later... but just a handful for now.


Note: The names are just for fun, they'd choose much better ones, obviously.



Name: Klaton

First, we'll start out with the Kalashnikov counterpart to our current ar-15 braton. Essentially a higher damage assault rifle with muzzle climb and a larger if more predictable spray pattern. Something that would require careful controlled bursts, but would also be capable of more damage. Something that takes more effort, for more payoff.

Type: Automatic Rifle

Damage: 26

Fire Rate: 8.0

Accuracy: See below

Clip Size: 30

Reload Speed: 2.3

Critical Chance: 5%


So, accuracy. The standard braton seems to fire in a simple cone like pattern, using accuracy to deviate from the center point based on range. This is the standard model and a good one but for this weapon we'd change things up a bit. The goal here is to get an ak-47 vibe so each shot in succession would impart a bit of muzzle climb and we'd also set the spray pattern to have a tendency to go upwards instead of an equal distribution spread. For example some pictures!


Just an example, and it would likely only require one additional multiplication or a single if check to give a greater range for the upward climb.



Name: Braton High Power

This could be a middle ground between the Latron and Braton. More power than the braton, but semi-automatic only and a large clip.

Type: Semi-Automatic Rifle

Damage: 30

Fire Rate: 4.0

Accuracy: Mid-High; Less than latron, greater than braton

Clip Size: 30

Reload Speed: 2.3

Critical Chance: 5%




Name: Graton

Sort of moving over to Gorgon territory here. We take the assault rifle and we have an accuracy value that starts high but reduces rapidly during auto-matic fire. This weapon would also be best fired in controlled bursts or you'd be hard pressed to hit anything.

Type: Automatic Rifle

Damage: 24

Fire Rate: 13.0

Accuracy: First shot is equal to braton, after a few shots its less accurate than gorgon at full auto.

Clip Size: 45

Reload Speed: 2.3

Critical Chance: 5%



Name: Bragon

This is the flipside to Graton, having horrible accuracy to start, but becoming highly accurate during automatic fire. This can be matched up with the crosshairs or not(think of the TMP from counterstrike).

Type: Automatic Rifle

Damage: 20

Fire Rate: 14.0

Accuracy: Starts horrible, raises to very high level after firing 10 or so shots in a row.

Clip Size: 60

Reload Speed: 2.3

Critical Chance: 2.5%



Sniper Rifles

Name: TiTron

A drink with jam and bread. This will be a sniper rifle to follow Latron's design ideals. Essentially the current sniper rifles are horrible given their ridiculously slow reload times and miniature clip size. This weapon will act like Latron, a high damage semi-auto and accurate weapon. Given the 50% damage boost over the latron it would seem broken, but this will be balanced by the 80 ammo reserves for sniper weapons and the small number and size of sniper ammo pickups. Think a mid-way between Latron and Snipetron/Vulkar.

Type: Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle

Damage: 60

Fire Rate: 4.2

Accuracy: High Sniper level

Clip Size: 20

Reload Speed: 2.4s

Critical Chance: 5.00%





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a Kalashnikova sounds like something i'd take a whack at. the Braton horrifies me. it's really bad IMO. (i also hate all AR-15 platform weapons, might be part of it!)


your sniper rifle is crap. really. the ammo pools and ammo drops for sniper rifles means they MUST be a full blown sniper rifle for the number of mobs we have. it just must be. there's no other choice. 80 rounds of latron style damage means you'll be out of sniper ammo in just 2 or 3 rooms if it's a higher difficulty mission that spawns a lot of trash mobs. 

major issues that needs resolving.


your graton and bragon sound bad. the worsening accuracy basically makes that the new Burston, and the improving accuracy makes that the new machine gun. who would use something like a gorgon over a gun that gets more accurate as it fires? just ramp up that ROF and damage and ammo, and you've got a winner. 

while i like the idea of guns that get more accurate during fire, it needs to be vastly out of class from the Gorgon so as to not totally blow it out of the water.

guns that degrade in accuracy isn't bad either, but the minimum accuracy should be occouring somewhere around 15 rounds, not under 5.

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Oh cool, didn't realize what this forum was for. Sweet.

As for that last weapon being bad... currently all the sniper rifles are sort of trash because of their tiny clips and obscene reload times. Sure this version would run out of ammo quickly, but it would actually be useful.  It would just be a higher power latron, one where you sacrifice ammo capacity for a damage boost. Given how you never ever run out of ammo for the latron, taking away that great advantage seems like a reasonable sacrifice.

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