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Archwing pursuit: a tiny feedback


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I was almost done finishing to level up the Cyngas archwing gun and i needed a very little bit of exp so i decided to try the Pursuit archwing mode for the first time and everything was going fine... until Lotus told me to destroy the shield generators.

I had to look up on the internet about what i was supposed to do because other than "Destroy the shield generators" there was no real clue on what i was supposed to shoot at, and here's why:

1) The shield generators are very small yellow spots and don't have a distinctive shape (let alone the shape of generators in first place), the first time i saw those i thought were "positioning lights" so the look itself is kinda confusing to begin with

2) The shield generators have no "nametag", you can point a gun at those things and there is no "shield generator" name popping up like the turrets have a "turret" writing over them for example

3)  You don't know there are 4 of those because you spend most of your time chasing the courier ship, so you only see the rear which has 2, but the other 2 being on the front (and not even on the exact front but on the front in between the gondolas) are kinda hard to spot especially considering the ship keeps moving costantly

Of course after beating the mission i now know what i'm supposed to do, but what about people who haven't played the mission yet ? What if they don't have in theyr team somebody who already played the mission and knows where to shoot at ?

Just saying, it would be nice to have some kind of "pointer" or a better indication for those weakspots other than just "shoot this thing" without knowing how the thing looks like and where is placed on the ship.

Even just Lotus saying "shoot the yellow spots on the ship rear and front" would be something compared to just "shoot the generators", especially considering those don't look like your usual generator in first place.

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Y'see, pursuit is one of the missions I feel like I would really enjoy if they made a few quality of life improvements.


I really like the feel of pursuing this giant ship guns blazing, but I would like to have a bit larger of a target to shoot at for the engines, because seeing nothing but blue zeroes is maddening as hell.


Also the homing rockets are way too persistent, if I'm flying an itzal there's like no way to shake them off my tail.


And yes, the shield generator hitboxes need to be a bit bigger.

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