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What are you opinions on these Warframes?



I'm trying to figure out what Warframe I should get next.   Here's a list of frames I'm taking into consideration, but feel free to suggest and review a frame that isn't on the list. 


I watched some YouTube videos on these Warframes, but I want some more opinions on them before I make a decision. 


List of Warframes






Trinity-  I have her, but I find her kind of... boring.  Any tips on how to play her? 



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Before you read on, please keep in mind that most of this is my opinion and that if you play one of these frames you might even think something I said is complete bull.

Equinox - Only ever used for either her sleep or her Day-form Ultimate. The rest is either subpar or completely neglectable. And even then, while her day-form ultimate has a nice initial stun+slash proc, the actual effect requires a lot of set-up and set-up time - as in you need to stand around letting a lot of enemies be killed around you, after which you need to walk to another area that still has a lot of enemies again, after which you can finally detonate it... And all the while you need to avoid Ability-blocking stuff like Nullifiers and being downed, because if that happens it's goodbye built-up damage. In short, if you like mini-management and risk, you could go play her, her ult is actually among the best nukes... IF you can pull it off.

Ivara - I personally can't see much use in her. In stealth missions like Spy, sure... But not anywhere else. Her ultimate - while it can be fun - is a bit subpar compared to other damaging ultimates, her arrow quiver can be nice but is pretty situational most of the time, and her Navigator ability is quite iffy and hard to use. Her Prowl is pretty nice though, especially with the augment, hence why she's good in stealth missions.

Loki - If there was any frame I had to deem OP, it would be Loki. He's good in almost any situation, Sure he has low health, low shields and low armor, but that doesn't matter most of the time with the abilities he has to his disposal. With Irradiated Disarm and Invisibility, you really can't screw up. Add Decoy, Switch teleport and insane base movement speed as the cherries on top and you have yourself a pretty stronk cakewarframe.

Nova - It's all about the ultimate with this one. The rest is good too, with the exception of Null Star maybe, but they pale in comparison to her ultimate. A heavy slow (or speed-up in the case of Speed-Nova builds), a Damage-buffer and a nuke all in one, and in a large area of effect too! Even if you want to use her other abilities, there really isn't any going around her ultimate.

Nyx - Despite what other people say, she can still be pretty good. Mind control is OK, while Psychic Bolts is absolute garbage. But her Chaos and Absorb can be really handy, especially in defense and mobile defense.

Trinity - She is the Support frame. No other support frame can come close to what she can do in terms of restoration. She can restore health, restore shields, restore energy, stun an enemy, give a damage reduction buff to allies, and even be a tank with Link. However, She has a real lack of damaging abilities. Sure, her Energy Vampire and Link deals a little damage, but that's far from enough. In short, she's the best support there is (at least when it comes to restoration), but she feels really slow and needs allies to do damage.

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Equinox - Building her currently, I'll let you know in a day or two what I think.

Ivara - Don't have her, still trying to will myself to farm the spy missions necessary

Loki - Master race. Nuff said.

Nova - I use her every now again, especially when framing Polymer Bundles to speed the process up

Nyx - Don't use her, but plenty of my clanmates WORSHIP her, and I'm not sure why.

Trinity - Best girl. Come at me, bro.

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Equinox - The grind made me hate her. Still hate her. Voted against her in Design Council and proud to have voted that way. Shame others didn't. Yes I'm salty!

Ivara - The grind made me hate her. Finally played as her and loved her.

Loki - The grind made me hate him back when Hyena MAYBE dropped a part if lucky (~3 years ago). Love him now.

Nova - Loathe her. Also, butt ugly.

Nyx - Indifferent.

Trinity - Indifferent. 

Edited by Lanieu
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Ivara is fantastic

Loki is useless without mods, but broken if you have the mods you need for him.

Nova is fantastic (Her 1 being her only weak ability)

Nyx is pretty good but needs assimilate to have a decent kit.

Equinox is awkward ever since the duration changes IMO

Trinity has two builds and is the meta for most teams.

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Equinox: Have no real opinion about him/her.

Ivara: She's pretty useful, has some utility. I like the ability to control flight time weapons, that's my favorite thing about her.

Loki: Radial Disarm to win, basically. And use Invisibility constantly, or die.

Nova: Antimatter Drop is good, potential to deal boatloads of damage like no one's business. Molecular Prime is good for the damage multiplier but the explosion range has been reduced so bad that making chain reactions with the explosions is really difficult.

Nyx: She's one of my favorite, can't even begin to describe. You'd just have to try her out.

Trinity: She's my main, can't even begin to describe her either. She's an OP healer and tank in one Warframe.

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Equinox: I don't personally have him yet, but my friends describe him as one of the best troll frames, also really good at defense missions.

Ivara: One of my favorite frames, she has decent cc capability along with a good farming skill and really powerful 4.

Loki: My go to spy frame, he has good speed and his abilities seem to be more of a distraction.

Nova: Haven't maxed her out yet, but wormhole is my favorite ability of hers. 

Nyx: Don't really have an opinion about her, her skills can be really good, just don't like her powers that much.

Trinity: Personally my favorite support frame, you can make her have unlimited energy and have really powerful damage mitigation from her link, also one of the better heals among support frames I personally have seen.

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id recommend you go for nova next

she can be played both offensive and defensive and she will definitely make your farming faster and more efficient
apart from that she fits in nearly every team

(i absolutely love loki but for now id recommend nova for you)

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)NewAgeDoom said:

I mean, I'd agree with you on normal nova, but I think Nova Prime looks gorgeous.

Bleh. Some of her body is alright. Her head is a tragedy. Her premium skin is offensive too.  I love Atlas but I think he is butt ugly too - so awkward. Even his nicest alt-helm they managed to ruin by putting a ball on top of it.

Edited by Lanieu
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Equinox: Balanced, good for both damage and CC/Support

Ivara: Great stealth frame, exceptionally good at spy missions with her augment, as well as a great damage ult.

Loki: possible Permanent stealth, Fast, Disarm ability fits well in most team comps (unless you are against infested)

Nova: Faster Defense missions, safe interceptions and Md's. Good damage buff and good at damage herself (I may be a bit biased though as she IS my favorite frame, but still true points)

Nyx: Sit back, relax, let the enemy kill themselves.

Trinity: Well yeah. she is pure support. She is still the best support though and that really is just her thing.

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1 minute ago, Airwolfen said:

Trinity: Well yeah. she is pure support. She is still the best support though and that really is just her thing.

I typically build her for Link/Blessing and just laugh at all the other "Squishy" frames as I go into a crowd of enemies and just lay waste to them. Battle Trinity = Best Trinity

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Equinox without her peaceful provocation aug, i'd say day form is better, but with the aug nightvform can be insanely fun. 

Ivara can be useful and fun just depsnds on the v build, I use her Artemis bow. 

Loki I use for spy and thats it, hes boring imo. 

Nova is good but I don't like how she colours so I don't use her. 

Nyx is by far my favourite of the ones you listed, she has amazing cc and can now be a great tank with assimilate. 

Trinity I like but find boring to use. 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

This is soooo hard to make a decision.  I wish I could just get all of them. 


I just can't get platinum when I trade.  I'm too soft for the new players.  XD 

Do you currently have:





I always find myself having fun on these guys.

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

This is soooo hard to make a decision.  I wish I could just get all of them. 


I just can't get platinum when I trade.  I'm too soft for the new players.  XD 

From the list I'd say either Nova or Equinox. more because they are just so well rounded in mission capability.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)GeckoGenesis said:

Just Nekros.  I don't know about Chroma, because it's just so much effort to complete the Rail Missions for him.  Is he worth it?

And I don't know anything at all about Atlas.  What's he like? 

If you build Chroma properly, he's a VERY tanky, very damaging frame (how his ability Vex Armor works is: when you take shield damage, you get a stacking armor buff, and when you take health damage, you gain a stacking damage buff), so for Corpus and Grineer, you go Redirection/Steel Fiber, and the rest in duration.

Atlas is another tanky brawler frame, who has a bit of crowd control (not always reliable, but still handy to have), a lot of people just build him for Landslide though, since I believe he is invulnerable while actively punching.

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