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EQ2 style ShadowKnight Frame


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So, yeah, we have a few new frames, but none that really replace Rhino for me.  Just a straight, in your face, brawling, real tough tanker frame.  PLus, none that really resemble a heavily armored knight type of frame.  So, thinking back to my Eq2 Sk, which I really enjoyed playing, with his loads of DPS, good life siphon, he is really strong.  I wonder how a frame roughly resembling a heavy plate armored Lizard man could translate into this game. 

The Frame would be kinda like Rhino with high durability, but more active and useful skills along with more DPS.


There is a picture of my Everquest 2 ShadowKnight in game.  I wonder how that could translate into a Frame here.

In game, about the only thing that ever killed my SK was real high damage(not giving me time to leech), or stuns(Preventing me from leeching anything), or running out of power.  So, the frame would have that sort of feel to it.  As long as you have energy, your set lol....so, a very durable frame in bursts, dealing alot of damage, tanking alot of damage, but requiring alot of energy.  Would be like Ember, where energy bubbles give energy, but unless all abilities are off, Restore Pizza and Trin EV doesnt restore power. 

Frame Name: Malice

Armor: 300

Shield: 125(375@30)

Health: 150(450@30)

Energy: 100(300@30)

Passive: 25% chance to leech 10% melee damage as Health

1st Ability: Shadow Pact: All damage dealt to shields is reduced by 25/35/45/55% of the Warframe's armor rating(Not increased by power strength).  Shields dont drop below 5 points, and any damage taken restores shields equal to the damage amount.  Energy Cost: 25+1.5/s

2nd Ability: Insidious Cloud: Emits a large noxious cloud that covers 8/11/13/15m and deals 350/500/650/900 Toxic and Corrosive damage.  Has a 25/30/35/45% chance to inflict a Toxic or Corrosive Status effect.  After Initial cast, the cloud lingers for 9/13/18/22s dealing Toxic and Corrosive damage per second equal to 15/18/22/25% of the Warframe's (modified) Max health. Energy Cost: 75

3rd Ability: Mortal Coil: Engulfs Malice in a shadow vortex for 12/15/18/22 seconds, any damage received has a 15/20/25/30% chance to reflect the damage back at the attacker.  If Mortal Coil is the only active ability, 2/2.5/3/3.5%(Not increased by power strength), of the reflected damage is siphoned back as Energy.     Energy Cost: 75

4th Ability: Blade of the Blackmoon: Summon up Blade of the Blackmoon, and its shield.  Damage dealt with this weapon is equal to 100/150/200/250% of the Equipped Melee weapon's damage.  Armor is increased by 10/15/20/25%.  Melee Range is increased by 150%.  Attacks lash out with Toxic damage, with a 25/30/35/40% chance to inflict a Toxic status effect to any targets hit by the skill.  Energy Cost: 25+1/s

I imagine the frame looks something like a really bulky, armored up Oberon.  Using his shape and form, but up armoring him massively.



Edited by KnightCole
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Perhaps have the frame simply called 'Scourge'. Visually, this Warframe may resemble Death Knights (especially the Lich King, Arthas) from varying universes, but here, he may resemble Rhino (Palatine), Nekros, but with an unexpected twist of Frost. 



"The disgraced, the unholy, the destroyer; these describe this Scourge. The destroyer of civilization."

Main, initial stats: 

Armour: 300.

Health: 300.

Shields: 100.

Energy (initially): 50.


These are his powers:

First power.



1st power: Damnation (placeholder): Optionally Channeled, costing 5 energy per sec on top of the 25 initial cast. The initial cast will send out a bolt. Deals a % of the enemy's health, shields and armour against them until they die (when the channeling would force the enemy to raise again to serve; casting the power on an ally or dead will drain your shields to heal it). Note that power efficiency should be LOWEST for an increased initial % of damage.

Conclave variant: Fires a deadly blast of unholy energies, so unholy that even Nekros would reek at this Warframe's presence.


Second power.



2nd power: Pact: Can be briefly channeled to apply to self, cone AOE, 50 energy cost. On an enemy, will open them to finishers and stuns them; if killed with a finisher, will replenish shields, health and energy. For allies, however, you take a % of the damage (mainly up to half, depending on how fatal it is); this power's stack will consume itself automatically to save you both if the enemy would've instantly killed you. Can be stacked. Usage without a target (apply to self) adds an 'unholy' overshield, akin to Rhino's Iron Skin, but instead of negating knockdown and non-physical damage types, will make enemy powers or power denials useless (power nullifier).

Conclave variant: Casts on self only at 50 energy; makes you 75% resistant to enemy powers, and 25% resistant to damage, for a short time.


Third power.



3rd power: Hold to create wall. Wall/Wave of Bones: Single cast, 75 energy cost. Raises a wall made from slain opponents, if no opponents died, it would be almost a ghostly wall in appearance. It will not hold forever, and will eventually collapse into a wave of bones of it's own accord, despite the latter being activated by using the power if a wall is present.

Unlike Atlas' Tectonics, it isn't permanent, nor can it be directed in the second state, and it's second state is a literal wave that will push opponents away, if not deal impact and puncture damage if opponents get slammed into eachother, if not something else.

Conclave variant: No Wall mode.


Fourth power.



4th power: Harvest: 'Passive', costs 100 energy to activate: All enemies in a small radius, which increases over time, 'suddenly' die (immediate if Damnation's duration is still in effect on opponents). Any enemy with shields will start losing shields at a rapidly increasing rate. Power nullifiers are nullified; bubbles pop. If allies are marked with Pact, they will find themselves with more health/shields and a bonus to general damage output (slowly reverts to their modded defaults over time). Incoming damage will cause the power's duration to shorten.

Conclave variant: Disables enemy powers, denies them from escaping.





Passive: Strong resistance to knockdown and ranged weapons (energy weapons specifically); outgoing damage gains a cold/toxin DOT if crit/status procs.

Conclave variant: 1 stack of knockdown resistance; outgoing damage slows enemies upon knockdown or headshot(s).


Alternative powers sets, if the initial batch fail to make it in:



1: Shadowy grasp: Drags and hurts the foe until it is close enough to slice with a blade, then apply a stun with a finisher-opener. Conclave version doesn't apply the stun or finisher-opener.

2: Oro-cleaver: Draws out Scourge's personal blade; swinging it will send lines of freezing spikes across the surface towards the foe. Conclave version denies use until 75% energy and cannot be 'replenished'. Has initial duration of 5 seconds, then energy drain kicks in. Killing enemies delays energy drain. Requires any sword (swords, dual sword, heavy blades, Nikanas) to be effective beyond throwing around thin, long carpets of deadly ice.

3: Unholy Harvest: Slowly drains enemy energy/shield reserves to add and replenish Scourge's health, and add 'overhealth'. Conclave version would only sap energy, but also will sip on your ammunition.


I ran out of ideas here, but I hope the base concept is noted. Maybe have this Warframe incorporate Oberon, Excalibur, Nekros and Rhino into it's construction due to it's sheer might?


Surplus information.


Any mod that adds to shield will also add to his health, and vice-versa, up until he gets about 2.5k health and 0.75k shields. Killing enemies that have shields down or no shields with a sword weapon will grant energy if killing more than one enemy at a time with melee. Melee with this Warframe does not eat life support.

If this Warframe dies, it can still move about as usual, but cannot use parkour or anything else except melee; killing an enemy will grant Scourge his second life, but this has a cooldown.

This Warframe's story will be dark, and will lead you to places you wouldn't normally go; the underbelly of an Orokin tower, the depths of a Derelict, and eventually, his throne on a frozen-over asteroid, where his blueprints will be handed in a bundle.

Addendum: Requires parts of Excalibur, Rhino and Frost, their entire sets (except the blueprint), in fact.

Scourge is, in a nutshell, a mixture of: Nekros, Rhino, Excalibur, Inaros, and Frost.

Scourge would be devised when Orokin infantry were dying too often, and Nekros Warframes weren't able to go into the thick of battle. Eventually, he would be turned against his Orokin rulers; hence his disgrace, the unholy aura he bears, and the adorned title of destroyer. 

I'm not against your concept, but I thought this may be a viable alternative, if interested?

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58 minutes ago, JSharpie said:


you're idea's like a 3 on the edge-o-meter.

although the abilities do sound kind of neat, but they're not very original and sound overpowered.

Not much in the way of being original.  Seems like all the bases really have been covered.  More like just another tank frame besides Rhino....and yeah, I know, Trinity and all that lol.....

I mean more like a Tank Frame, armor, shields, damage, yeah.  Not like Trinity tank, where its 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, cuz shes actually really soft.  Haha. 


As for Eq2, the SK feels really Overpowered as well...ofc, I dont play past 80...

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1 hour ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

Perhaps have the frame simply called 'Scourge'. 

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Any mod that adds to shield will also add to his health, and vice-versa, up until he gets about 2.5k health and 0.75k shields. Killing enemies that have shields down or no shields with a sword weapon will grant energy if killing more than one enemy at a time with melee. Melee with this Warframe does not eat life support.

If this Warframe dies, it can still move about as usual, but cannot use parkour or anything else except melee; killing an enemy will grant Scourge his second life, but this has a cooldown.

This Warframe's story will be dark, and will lead you to places you wouldn't normally go; the underbelly of an Orokin tower, the depths of a Derelict, and eventually, his throne on a frozen-over asteroid, where his blueprints will be handed in a bundle.

Addendum: Requires parts of Excalibur, Rhino and Frost, their entire sets (except the blueprint), in fact.

Scourge is, in a nutshell, a mixture of: Nekros, Rhino, Excalibur, Inaros, and Frost.

Scourge would be devised when Orokin infantry were dying too often, and Nekros Warframes weren't able to go into the thick of battle. Eventually, he would be turned against his Orokin rulers; hence his disgrace, the unholy aura he bears, and the adorned title of destroyer. 


My Frames general idea is a more fun frontline tank frame.  An Alternate to Rhino.  Rhino, I find him boring at times.  Hes just "Press 2" and kill S#&$.  Press 4 when I need to rez an ally.  The #1 is pointless and the #3 doesnt really do much. 

My Frame adds alot more to do in a Frontline tanker frame.  I mean, Rhino is basically like Playing the "Guardian" or your typical boring Warrior Class in an MMo.  My frame is trying to resemble the SK in Eq2, which has alot to do, and overall has more overall effectiveness then Rhino.  My #1, its a different spin to Rhino's straight up Godmode.  My #1, it boosts the durability of the shields, so while they might die out, forcing you to retreat, or hide, it gives them very high durability.  Obviously the numbers could be tweaked and yeah, I probably would, the general idea is to give Rhino's tankiness without just outright Godmode....Rhino is a brainless boring frame at times. 

There is no frame in the game that really gives me the "MOre then just a bucket of health" tank that im looking for.  Oberon is fun, I run him alot, but his abilities, past #3 and 4 are largely pointless and weak as well.  His #2 I only use when I misclick the button, thinking im on Rhino.  Plus, Oberon doesnt "tank" well.  Trinity, shes alot of 2, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4 and her DPS is terrible.  Chroma, does he even deal damage? 

So, yeah, my Frame is a Tank, with damage, much like the ShadowKnight in EQ2.  He has regeneration, a small amount of health siphon, shield regen and yeah....just the kind of Tank frame I would have just gobs of fun with.  One I can face tank with, up to a point, and can deal good amounts of damage.  Obviously, the numbers would need to be tweaked(Rough draft forum ideas are never proper), but yeah....

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Cole, the solution provided from my side would possibly make the Warframe one of the harder-to-get kinds*, but it would pay off through the Warframe's wide ability utility and resilience, when modded. Unlike other Warframes, this one is better with negative power efficiency, as the more energy used to fuel an ability (i.e, it's first) would improve damage output.



Unlike the current Warframes, this one would also come with a set of cosmetics exclusive to it; a pair of tanky shoulderplates, a long cloak, a proper chestplate, and knee-plates, and in the 'extra' slot (like that of Nekros or Valkyr) would be the gauntlets and extra armour. All of which can be swapped out or taken off.

Again, your concept is viable, but we'll need to refine his power-set. Mainly, his (Scourge's, if you like that name for the Warframe) powers should have two main modes (tap, or hold) which differentiate their functions (such as pull foe towards you, or throw a bolt that hurts them for a % of their health/shields/armour and leaves them cold).


* 'Frames needed to create Scourge may include: Rhino (chassis, for durability), Nekros (blueprint for the final consturction), Excalibur (systems, helmet), Frost (systems, to usher a cold embrace, like that of death).


This solution is still a tank, but is going for a hybrid cold/death mixture, which hasn't been touched yet beyond Nekros and Inaros.

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Maybe, but im not much for channeling lol.  I literally never use it.  I mostly slide slice, melee when I need to and use my gun.  I use Warframe abilities to augment it.  Not really much for the constant casting, channeling, swapping and all that. 

Your Frame would be good for someone who likes Channeling.

The Wall ability?  I use the one on Atlas a litlte, but meh, not really big into it. I find Atlas a little boring.  My frame is basically a WF variant of the EQ2 SK.  Not alot of fancy footwork or button clicks and combos to worry about, just alot of straight forward DPS and tanking power.  My #2 is more or less like the row of 7 DoT AOEs my SK has, just cast it and let the spell kill stuff.  #1, is a take on my SK's Reactive Heal, which heals him up when he gets hit, along with the "Reaver" skill which heals my SK up every time he uses a hostile spell(Though my Frame doesnt have that).  #3 Is a deadlier take on Trinity's Link spell, while the #4 is a take on Excal's EB, but it wouldnt have the annoying screen blinding flashy sword, punching through everything effect.  Just a really powerful sword he pulls out and goes to work.  It would be based off your own melee, while Excal I think is based off Power strength. 

My aim was a much more straight forward tank like RHino, that offers more DPS and a more active, less pure invincibility version of Ironskin.  I made a huge rework of Rhino awhile ago and people just said "you should just make it a new frame" haha.  My #1 there is more or less my remake of Iron skin.


I know it will never happen, but its fun to day dream about stuff. lol

Edited by KnightCole
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