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Death Warframe Idea (Pretty Good Stuff) :p


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a warframe with a theme of death is easy to picture, here's my idea...


possible names: grave, hades, death, dead, pluto, zombie, cerberus, curse, crypt, dark, stalker, grim, soul, devil, hell, demon, rift, punishment, dread, nightmare, scare, slayer, creep, diease, dust.


ability 1: resurrection

cost 25

aim at a dead body, use abbilty, and the body will come to life and work for you! dead body will attack enimimes in the area, and maybe follow you. your slave will soon die after 13 seconds.

does not work on bosses, or acients.


ability 2: suicide or hate

cost 50

aim at a foe, use ability, enimie will try to commite suicide for 5 seconds. enime takes damage form every suicide attempt.

grinner will shoot or hit them selves, infested will bite or explode on them sleves, corpus shoot them selves. funny


ability 3: hell

cost 100

aim and use abbilty on ground, a crack will come through the ground and all enimes that die form damage will be sucked down to HELL! basicaly does damage to enimes near the crack (lol). any that die are sucked down to the fields of punishment.



abbilty 4: tartarus

cost 130

when casted all health is restored and 100 shields, players nearby get 60 plus shields too.

a supportive move. (maybe a little o.p :P)


no one will mess with a warframe capable to bringing you to hell or the center of the planet your on!

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a warframe with a theme of death is easy to picture, here's my idea...


possible names: grave, hades, death, dead, pluto, zombie, cerberus, curse, crypt, dark, stalker, grim, soul, devil, hell, demon, rift, punishment, dread, nightmare, scare, slayer, creep, diease, dust.


ability 1: resurrection

cost 25

aim at a dead body, use abbilty, and the body will come to life and work for you! dead body will attack enimimes in the area, and maybe follow you. your slave will soon die after 13 seconds.

does not work on bosses, or acients.


And if I cut them all in half with my Scythe or or slicing bow? Do I just get stumpy walking around kicking shins now?


ability 2: suicide or hate

cost 50

aim at a foe, use ability, enimie will try to commite suicide for 5 seconds. enime takes damage form every suicide attempt.

grinner will shoot or hit them selves, infested will bite or explode on them sleves, corpus shoot them selves. funny


Meh. Kinda boring, really.


ability 3: hell

cost 100

aim and use abbilty on ground, a crack will come through the ground and all enimes that die form damage will be sucked down to HELL! basicaly does damage to enimes near the crack (lol). any that die are sucked down to the fields of punishment.


Does not fit in the lore, but...kinda good diea, mechanics wise. Although it's really just an AoE DoT attack


abbilty 4: tartarus

cost 130

when casted all health is restored and 100 shields, players nearby get 60 plus shields too.

a supportive move. (maybe a little o.p :P)


That does not fit your theme at all, nor is it OP. It's actually very UP. It's worse than Shield Polarize in terms of numbers, and Blessing in terms of effect


no one will mess with a warframe capable to bringing you to hell or the center of the planet your on!

Except, yanno, those people on space ships...

Edited by theammostore
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hwo is watching a grinner shoot himself in the face or a shock prod crewman putting the prod up his but boring? U TELL ME!

Imagine seeing the same animation happen over and over and over and over. Plus, if it's not an instant death, what's the point? A grineer shooting themselves in the face just to survive and do it again looses all impact. It's like the xray moves in the latest Mortal Kombat, or that new Marvel Heroes game and the supermoves. It loses all impact when they don't seem effected by it at all.

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a warframe with a theme of death is easy to picture, here's my idea...


possible names: grave, hades, death, dead, pluto, zombie, cerberus, curse, crypt, dark, stalker, grim, soul, devil, hell, demon, rift, punishment, dread, nightmare, scare, slayer, creep, diease, dust.


ability 1: resurrection

cost 25

aim at a dead body, use abbilty, and the body will come to life and work for you! dead body will attack enimimes in the area, and maybe follow you. your slave will soon die after 13 seconds.

does not work on bosses, or acients.


ability 2: suicide or hate

cost 50

aim at a foe, use ability, enimie will try to commite suicide for 5 seconds. enime takes damage form every suicide attempt.

grinner will shoot or hit them selves, infested will bite or explode on them sleves, corpus shoot them selves. funny


ability 3: hell

cost 100

aim and use abbilty on ground, a crack will come through the ground and all enimes that die form damage will be sucked down to HELL! basicaly does damage to enimes near the crack (lol). any that die are sucked down to the fields of punishment.



abbilty 4: tartarus

cost 130

when casted all health is restored and 100 shields, players nearby get 60 plus shields too.

a supportive move. (maybe a little o.p :P)


no one will mess with a warframe capable to bringing you to hell or the center of the planet your on!

Most, if not all, of these abilities are rather weak or have already been used. For example;

Ability 1 is basically Nyx's mind control, except you can't use it on ancients, they die after 13 seconds, and you have to actually kill the enemy first.

Ability 2 would basically only cause DoT, and there are plenty of abilities that cause DoT to a large area (Basically every single one of Saryn's and Ember's abilities) rather than just one target. Although it would be interesting to have an ability that deals damage that scales with the target's own damage output...

Ability 3; Okay, area DoT. Nothing new here. And killed ones are sucked into the fields of Punishment? What, does that somehow make them more defeated? Dead is dead, doesn't matter what happens to their corpses.

Ability 4 you described as "maybe a little o.p.". This is not at all OP. So it fully restores your health and gives you 100 shields? There are two warframes out there that can make themselves INVINCIBLE. Also, 60 shields for your allies is pitiful. There are weapons ingame that deal 50 damage per hit, so that's hardly going to save lives. And why would a death themed warframe have a supportive ultimate?


Overall, this needs a LOT of work before it would have the slightest chance of making it ingame, although there are some nice ideas. I realise that a death warframe isn't going to happen, but what about a senteniel or a boss? (And no, I do not consider Dethcube to be death-themed. The only thing it actually has to do with death beyond its machine rifle is its name.)

Edited by qwertyboom80
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