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Discussing the upcoming CLAN CUSTOM MISSIONS (Devstream 81)


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 As a moder I find the idea of custom played designed missions beyond awesome. Yet I also must remember that Warframe is still an MMO as such I will try my best to help the devs make this mode bout worth playing and not game breaking.


I order to ensure that a majority of players are pleased I recommend that there be two types of custom missions:

    Wild: Here players will be able to select anything they(just like the devstream presentation) want for the mission but the rewards may have to be adjusted accordingly. This mode will be primarily for fun and challenge runs.

    Standard: These missions will primarily be used for farming of mods, resources and affinity. And as such will have to have some limitations. I suggest the following rules(I'm basing these on the current Void missions):

 1) A minimum number of enemy types bases on rarity/power. For example: 3 light (Lancer,Crewman,Butcher), 3 support (Corrupted Moa, Shield Drone, Ancient), 2 heavy (Gunner, Bombard)

 2) A fixed or minimum number of resource types. For example: 2 common 2 uncommon 1 rare  

 3) A minimum starting enemy level, I think 35 to 45 should do.

  These rules should allow players to recreate Draco/Cerberus like missions without negatively impacting the rest of the community while making true exploit missions like lvl 1 Conculyst/Manic farms impossible.


  In conclusion I'd like to remind the devs that a mission is only as good as it's rewards while also reminding the players that Warframe is still an MMO so there will be limits.

  I hope to see this new system become an integral part of Warframe. With enough thought put into it I'm certain we can do it. 

  Please do not net custom missions go the way of the Neverwinter Nights Online Custom Dungeon System.


If anyone else has any suggestions please comment below.






Edited by nelu_Y3K
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3 minutes ago, nelu_Y3K said:

Wild: Here players will be able to select anything they(just like the devstream presentation) want for the mission but the rewards may have to be adjusted accordingly. This mode will be primarily for fun and challenge runs.

I don't even care about rewards, I just want to fight high-level enemies in a real tileset with no holes in the floor.

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19 minutes ago, nelu_Y3K said:

Standard: These missions will primarily be used for farming of mods, resources and affinity. And as such will have to have some limitations. I suggest the following rules(I'm basing these on the current Void missions):

 1) A minimum number of enemy types bases on rarity/power. For example: 3 light (Lancer,Crewman,Butcher), 3 support (Corrupted Moa, Shield Drone, Ancient), 2 heavy (Gunner, Bombard)

 2) A fixed or minimum number of resource types. For example: 2 common 2 uncommon 1 rare  

 3) A minimum starting enemy level, I think 35 to 45 should do.

  These rules should allow players to recreate Draco/Cerberus like missions without negatively impacting the rest of the community while making true exploit missions like lvl 1 Conculyst/Manic farms impossible.

No restrictions, no rewards. At a push I'd say severely reduced resources ie 10% of regular drop rates. This should be treated as a way to challenge other players in the game and within clans to hold competitions. Not as an 'easy' customised farming level.

Best way to do it if you ask me.


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My concept for types: Spoilers carry many words, open for adaptation.



Sandbox: Open, limitless, and with the option of an 'exploration' mode (where there's only the Tenno, infinite enemies of choice, and the Extraction Point). The Tenno who undergo Sandbox missions will not receive any special rewards or mission completion bonuses. Bosses can be spawned, but won't drop loot unless naturally occurring. Enemies cannot be coaxed to drop 'gold rarity' or some 'silver rarity' items. Tileset does not dictate enemy choice.

Rewards less, special drops do not appear, intended for experimentation and enjoyment.

Warlord's Task: Low-level, can have as many sets as is feasible, but for each Clan Tier, add one mission 'slot' for the Task Rotation. These missions will offer a variety of mods, like those once featured in the old Nightmare Missions, or any mods the Clan Leader owns (at a varied cost of Endo to the Warlord). Enemy choice is limited, boss choice is limited, both based on tileset of choice. Up to 8 Tasks can be set on a rotation, but none of them can be the same.

Rewards are akin to that of Dark Sectors and Nightmare Missions.

Warlord's Challenge: Med-High-level, can have three to nine missions, with optional Sortie modifiers, and can be set by Warlords of Clans greater than the 0th Tier. Rewards are partly dictated by Clan Research and level boundaries set. Choosing a number in the 2 or 3 times tables provides better reward choices. These appear weekly and can be adjusted in manners like so:

First days of the week: First 3 missions, with rewards like a Catalyst + Reactor, ending with a bossfight of choice (even Event bosses can play their part). Mid-week: First 3 missions stay, but have to be done to open up the second set, which offer the chance for Prime Parts, should you bring a Relic of your choosing from any Era, just don't expect any Traces. Late-week: First and Mid week missions condense into sets of 2, 3rd set deployed with a chance for cosmetics, or a Focus Lens pack or something.

Though that depends on Clan size.

Then the lower-tier commanding officers can have a piece of Sandbox Pie with the ability to edit the parameters of Dark Sectors themselves, using Endo and Void Traces as fuel to make these changes; they act as Clan-made alerts that only appear on Clan-owned Dark Sectors, or Alliance-owned Dark Sectors. 



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I think adding 'meta' mission types is over-complicating it. Remember, at this time, they have said ONLY clan warlords will be able to make them, and that ONLY there clan will be able to do it. So, to me, its not meant to be about rewards, but about the challenge of the mission it self. That in mind, here are some things I think should be in the mix.


1. Options to make we pone type missions, ala the sorties (melee only, sniper only, so on)

2. I would like to see nightmare mode modifiers in the list, and the ability to change the modifiers stats. No shields is no shields, but maybe its a 'only 10% shields' mission.

3. Environment effects, so we can say whether or not there is extreme ice or heat

4. Allow for missions to take place in the DoJo it self. Pie in the sky idea tho. :P

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On 10/10/2016 at 1:12 AM, nelu_Y3K said:

 As a moder I find the idea of custom played designed missions beyond awesome. Yet I also must remember that Warframe is still an MMO as such I will try my best to help the devs make this mode bout worth playing and not game breaking.


I order to ensure that a majority of players are pleased I recommend that there be two types of custom missions:

    Wild: Here players will be able to select anything they(just like the devstream presentation) want for the mission but the rewards may have to be adjusted accordingly. This mode will be primarily for fun and challenge runs.

    Standard: These missions will primarily be used for farming of mods, resources and affinity. And as such will have to have some limitations. I suggest the following rules(I'm basing these on the current Void missions):

 1) A minimum number of enemy types bases on rarity/power. For example: 3 light (Lancer,Crewman,Butcher), 3 support (Corrupted Moa, Shield Drone, Ancient), 2 heavy (Gunner, Bombard)

 2) A fixed or minimum number of resource types. For example: 2 common 2 uncommon 1 rare  

 3) A minimum starting enemy level, I think 35 to 45 should do.

  These rules should allow players to recreate Draco/Cerberus like missions without negatively impacting the rest of the community while making true exploit missions like lvl 1 Conculyst/Manic farms impossible.


  In conclusion I'd like to remind the devs that a mission is only as good as it's rewards while also reminding the players that Warframe is still an MMO so there will be limits.

  I hope to see this new system become an integral part of Warframe. With enough thought put into it I'm certain we can do it. 

  Please do not net custom missions go the way of the Neverwinter Nights Online Custom Dungeon System.


If anyone else has any suggestions please comment below.






i want this costum is for all tenno not just warlord ...because i want create mine mission and inv players for all world

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