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DE, stop making Warframe such a casual game.


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Different people want (are motivated or entertained by) different things.


There's no point arguing about it, just take note of the different things that different people want, and work out if they can fit in the same game together.


I don't think the endless missions - that some claim they want, with some reward and without a requirement to hold back - hurt the play of anyone else. They were optional (not necessary to experience, you only did them if you felt like it) and they did not require a lot of attention from DE that could have gone somewhere else.

Edited by schilds
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Can someone just lock this thread, its the same thread that continues to come up every 2 days, Nothing here can be said that hasn't been said on the 4 thousand threads before this one, DE already acknowledged that they know about the issue and are on the process of fixing it. So is there a reason that this thread should go on?

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13 hours ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

Since SotR, this game has become depressingly easy and any Post-DEAC content is uninteresting, unrewarding, or too easy to cheese with certain frames. 

And what is the "DIY mission creator" gonna do? Nothing. It's going to be the same problem. Either people are going to be sweeping through those missions without a challenge, or people will be continuously cheesing those missions with frames like ivara or wukong.

So how do you fix this game from not being as easy as a kindergarten puzzle?

agreed. definetely needs harder missions.

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13 hours ago, Misgenesis said:

Because loot drops are irrelevant when you dont even have to consider them. Ammo economy is a joke for one.

But i wouldnt expect Vacuum users to think ahead of their own needs.

Of course we don't think ahead of our own needs.


We play games for fun, correct?


I don't find running around picking up loot during a fight to be fun, it's tedious. There is no challenge there, it adds no extra depth it's just added tedium. Vacuum reduces that tedium so I can focus on the mission at hand.


Removing vacuum and adding an extra 10-15 minutes per mission to run around and pick up loot isn't going to improve the game. It's a ridiculous notion to think it would. 

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19 hours ago, Maseguad_il_Belo said:

Since SotR, this game has become depressingly easy and any Post-DEAC content is uninteresting, unrewarding, or too easy to cheese with certain frames. 

And what is the "DIY mission creator" gonna do? Nothing. It's going to be the same problem. Either people are going to be sweeping through those missions without a challenge, or people will be continuously cheesing those missions with frames like ivara or wukong.

So how do you fix this game from not being as easy as a kindergarten puzzle?

play banshee, use only the machete wraith HA, there lots of difficulty

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19 hours ago, Shad0wWatcher said:

By not using OP weapons, builds, frames and testing how well you do without those luxuries. Problem solved.

OP's gonna need a Health Pizza for that one, Ouch.

there's plenty of challenge. as this fine Tenno suggested, you can stop using Meta gear. try the Randomize button, I think it's great as you get to use other gear, and see if you can adapt to it. you can also try raids, I hear just getting a competent group together is hard as hell.

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