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Melee weapons op?


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4 hours ago, (PS4)haffmo said:

I am truly confused. Some one claims melee weapons are most op. This is insanity. Sdps normally sets standard. No melee is hitting 10k dps to my knowledge. With veykor hek hitting 65k sdps and lex prime hitting at 35k sdps. How are melees even close. Also will there ever be a 100% accurate warframe builder site. On what is precise formula for each weapon type.

Just gonna leave this here

20 level 130 Corrupted Bombards dead in about 40 seconds with melee only


My Galatine can crit for over a million, and that's with absolutely no damage buff from frames. If you want to see huge damage numbers on a melee, forget about elemental combos, and get to know about Slash procs.

Edited by (XB1)AnnoyedHaddock
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10 hours ago, SolaireTheSunWalker said:

I'm sorry what exactly did you fix? if you read any further into my message you would of seen what I said  " Well I mean blood rush allows melee weapons damage to infinitely scale and combined with body count " Blood rush is the mod that actually lets your melee weapons infinitely scale body count only allows you to keep it longer hence why I said combined with body count. Obviously would never happen but if enemy spawns were insanely broken and enemies would just keep clumping up and spawning right after one would die you'd keep the effect of blood rush w/o body count and again body count just allows you to keep the multiplier but there still wasn't anything wrong with what I said. Nor do I even know the purpose of why you would feel the need to correct me  

"if enemy spawns were insanely broken".


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  • 2 weeks later...

Melee weapon pros:

1: more mobility

2: block incoming damage

3: block knockdown

4: life steal via life strike

5: shadow step

6: scaling damage

Gun pros:

1: more immediate damage on paper (which is all some care about) 

2: easier to defend a point with 


Most of these differenses are understandable I think.  I 


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5 hours ago, Desperado14 said:

Melee weapon pros:

2: block incoming damage

- looks at the melee categories, nearly half of which have virtually no blocking capability -

5 hours ago, Desperado14 said:

1: more mobility

- looks at the available stances, nearly 75% of which render the user immobile -


Melee has a lot of upsides for sure. But blocking is uncomfortably category-restricted, and mobility (i.e. motion during combos and slide attacks; as opposed to zooming around the map and shooting enemies from any angle you wish) is virtually nonexistent for the vast majority of melee weapons.

Edited by SortaRandom
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On 10/15/2016 at 5:28 AM, Koldraxon-732 said:

Melee drawback: Survival mission factor: In Survival missions, equipping melee or using it will drain life support at an accelerated rate. Only resort to it if you are certain the foe would die in one hit.


I'm pretty certain nothing changes life support drain in Survival missions. So would you mind proving that?

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Hmm! Let's take an example of why people seem to be flipping their lids over melee being OP.


You turn a corner in an Orokin Void mission, with your shiny Galatine Prime and Tigris Prime. Both are modded for maximum murder (Shadow Debt mods/full status), but surprise LV100 Corrupted Bombard greets you at the other end of the hall! 

If you chose to use your Tigris Prime to annihilate this thing, it gets maybe one or two shots off before it is immediately murdered by Corrosive/Blast/Slash procs. Less if you're fast enough.

If you chose to use your melee and there aren't a number of things in your favor (instant knockback/knockdown ability to use on Bombard so he doesn't explode you on the way there, invisibility/cover abilities to prevent said exploding, or instant gap closing like Nova's Wormhole), you get rightfully put on your &#!. Even if you get to him without taking any hits, you can get surprise Seismic Wave'd if you either fail to open him up for a finisher or if you make the foolish attempt at ground-slamming him, because Bombards are immune to ground slam attacks knocking them over for whatever reason.


In Infested missions, sure you can stack that combo for however long you want. Maybe even in certain Corpus missions, if you get lucky without Nullifiers dispelling your buffs or if you're running Naramon. Armored targets are gonna laugh their asses off at you for pointing that big shiny stick at you past level 80 if you're not running a hyper-specialized build to ruin their day, though.


And at that point, why not just use more gun?

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Some people have already touched on Melee being extremely viable with certain variables in play.


Critical+Slash Melee weapons with decent Reach and attack speed are no brainers for Blood Rush +Berserker builds where you can ignore Armor and land heavy attacks.

Covert Lethality with 1hit Finishers scales indefinitely.


Gas Status builds on large AoE Melee reach weapons when paired with Stealth Multiplier bonus makes Crowds of enemies take massive amounts of damage.


Stealth Melee Multiplier using either Naramon Shadowstep, an Arcane enhancement, or Warframe ability : is what allows Melee weapons to surpass Guns when it comes to High-level enemies. (like lvl 9999)

A Maiming Strike whip slide-attack with Gas and Stealth Melee Multiplier can be more effective than Mirage Simulor spam, if the conditions are right. (Highly packed enemies, High enough enemy level, or Sortie Elemental resistance* Gas with Stealth Multiplier still kills in Sortie Elemental resistance with ease)



For the content where you would be comparing Top damage guns against enemies and asking for Melee to compete: Melee is practically relying on the associated Multiplier at that point and because of how those multipliers synergize and react; Melee can appear to be Overpowered.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Melee weapons are never going to be op. Why? Because of the time it takes to get to enemies to kill them. There are plenty of guns that can insta-kill (or near insta-kill) your choice of high level enemies. They the amount of time it takes to kill a second enemy for most guns is based on reload time and how fast you can aim at that enemy. With a melee weapon, you have to run from each group of enemies to the next, time which you could use to be mowing dozens of enemies down. Can high level weapons keep up with guns for damage output on paper? With mods like bodycount and bloodrush, yes. Can they keep up in practise? Yes, but only if enemies are always clustered together. This can become the case in very cramped maps, but in more open areas, ranged weapons still beat them.

TL;DR Melee weapons are not op, because they beat guns in enclosed spaces, but lose to them in open spaces.

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