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Matchmaking: Bring back the feature of not being able to join a mission past a certain point


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I have noticed for the past months that matchmaking lets you join any mission at any time, no matter how far along it has progressed. 

In the past, you couldn't join or be invited to a game once a certain % of the mission has already been done. Only if you disconnected could you get back in.


Nowadays, this feature is clearly not working anymore. I can now join games that are clearly already lost, beyond saving. Interception, Defense and Archwing Rush come to mind. I join these missions and 3 seconds later: MISSION FAILED!

Clearly these mission have been running for some time now. I shouldn't have been able to join them and be greeted with a "U FAIL!" message.

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This has happened to me twice now on Relic cracking missions this week.  By the time I had spawned in, the mission was almost complete, and both time the other pubs ran to the finish before I could get enough traces to open the relic.  Why am I spawning into a mission that is substantially complete?  

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I think the internet connection of everyone is the one to blame, the info you obtain to check if the mission is do-able is the info uploaded once a while by the host, so being able to join about to fail missions is just bad timing of info check.. from you because you read an old package, and from host for being lag enough to send the old info package themselves..

(Well, thats my way to see it lol, it may (likely) be wrong XD)

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