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The Purpose of Mastery Rank Tests?


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A question I have been pondering is why do the Mastery Rank tests exist? Before I continue, let me point out that I have 1035hrs of playtime, which is 43d 4h. While this isn't as long as some, it's a considerable amount of playtime to cram into less than a year of playing. In the first couple it appears that the Mastery Ranks are to teach you how to do the basics. Get familiar with your weapons, using your warframes power, hacking, stealth, shooting targets. Where are the lessons in how to attack while doing a Wall Run?

I am a very tiny bit from making MR 20, and the test for it is an Archwing timed race from A to B, where flying through a gate gives extra time. Seriously? If these truely are for helping you get better skills, then this honestly should have been around Master Rank 6. Given how long it takes to reach each progressive MR, why is there a test to begin with at the ones above MR 10?

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They would have to change mastery rank test that had existed before. Honestly, I'd much rather they make these rank test not locked by mastery rank. In other words, have it be like VR missions in metal gear solid but still be required to complete in order to progress in mastery rank like how certain conditions must be met to complete a starchart junction. This way, every player can do all the mastery tests beyond their mastery rank in one go if they wanted to. This would also give the opportunity to add in even more of these tests with more variation and potentially new rewards.

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To slow progress, annoy players and inflate the Hours Played stat on Steam.

Because I'm still looking for people who ENJOY tests so much, they think adding them to video games is a thing we should do to enhance fun.

Funny, I haven't found any yet...

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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