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Interception AI Bugs


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I was playing some Corpus Interceptions earlier, and found Moas going up to terminals and recapping the points. I remember DE saying that fixed this a long time ago because Moas don't have hands to work the terminals. Anyone else have this happen to them?

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17 minutes ago, Julbot1 said:

I remember DE saying that fixed this a long time ago because Moas don't have hands to work the terminals. Anyone else have this happen to them?

I'm more concerned with how infested chargers figured out how to reverse an advanced hacked signal, or any infested really.  I know a few are made from corpus and may have some memory of how technology work but, as with moas, there is that no hands thing.

At least with moas, being pure robotics there is the argument of some form of interface that doesn't involve a keyboard.  Perhaps they shoot out a tentacle that hooks into the mainiframe and they do it that way, cylon style.

Infested though, I swear, were taken off the interception menu for a while and were suddenly back without explanation.  I don't remember which update it was, or if it indeed happened at all, it could be my brain playing tricks on me.

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6 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Infested though, I swear, were taken off the interception menu for a while and were suddenly back without explanation.  I don't remember which update it was, or if it indeed happened at all, it could be my brain playing tricks on me.

Infested barf infested tissue infecting the terminal and their hive mind makes the hack

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23 minutes ago, Dwolfknight said:

Infested barf infested tissue infecting the terminal and their hive mind makes the hack

If this were the case, then the barf would be detatched from their body and therefore killing the infested doing the hack should not have any effect on the hack. Since it's the barf that's allowing the hack to occur remotely - not the infested unit itself. Proximity to other infested would not matter as well since the infested function fine when isolated.

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18 minutes ago, Mister-God said:

If this were the case, then the barf would be detatched from their body and therefore killing the infested doing the hack should not have any effect on the hack. Since it's the barf that's allowing the hack to occur remotely - not the infested unit itself. Proximity to other infested would not matter as well since the infested function fine when isolated.

Video game logic "Infests whole ship with sentient hivemind, can't maintain terminal from being hacked"

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6 hours ago, Mister-God said:

If this were the case, then the barf would be detatched from their body and therefore killing the infested doing the hack should not have any effect on the hack.

And also they can keep their precious transmissions because I'm sure as heck not gonna stick my frame's fingers into barf just to hack it again *shudders*

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Back on topic. The main problem here is that the Moas are not supposed to be able to retake terminals. DE said in a previous update that they made it so things like Moas and Rollers wouldn't go up to terminals. That change stuck until now. It's most likely a bug, considering that they never said anything about changing it back. Any DE person that sees this, please give a response.

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