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No More Melee!


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Without counting dojo weapons we currently have:


16 primary weapons (22 with dojo ones)

17 secondary weapons (18 with Acrid)

34 melee weapons (new one included) (35 with prova)


DE... The game is becoming kinda boring with these super over-powered new itens. We have so many options on melee slot, but half of them are WAAAAAY to under-powred;


Can we have more diversity and balance on weapons now?

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It seems like it was easier to explore and create new melee weapon varieties for now.

They've been adding fairly unique ones every few patches, and you have to remember that there are plenty of great new and unique weapons from Dojo now, too.

More weapons will come. They shouldn't be of a great importance right now, seeing as the theme of Update 9 is to actually make the things we have more efficient than to add newer things.

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It seems like it was easier to explore and create new melee weapon varieties for now.

They've been adding fairly unique ones every few patches, and you have to remember that there are plenty of great new and unique weapons from Dojo now, too.

More weapons will come. They shouldn't be of a great importance right now, seeing as the theme of Update 9 is to actually make the things we have more efficient than to add newer things.


I hope some balance fixes on GU9. Weapons that are so out-performed like burston, snipers and most daggers/longswords.

Will be nice some sort of pump-action shotgun, reloading shell per shell instead of the entire magazine.

Ogris being a rocket launcher kinda forgive any idea for bazookas and granade launchers, even throw-able granades.

Current Kunai/Dispair humiliates all other side arms in all aspects. Even in sniper range.

Orthos and Kogake maths really put in trash majority part of melee options.

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