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Please DE, less mixing PVE content and PVP and less PVP only rewards


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Hi there.

I am a causal. I like to play PVE games to relax. To me PVP content is a stressful competition so I avoid it. No Fifa20xx, no Lol, no Street Fighter, no rock-paper-scisors.

I have absolutely no interest into Lunaro and Conclave. But I don´t mind other people playing it, enjoying it and getting rewards from it. It is good for the game, and good for the player base. What I like more it is optional.

Now, my current problems with the game:

- Rathum and Index are very PVP oriented. I am the first to say I am not fighting players, but I also say I am fighting harder than usual enemies in a competition for points. 1vs1 combats, with a narrator trying to put more pressure. You are limited on your tactics, resources, energy, ammo. For example I spent tons of time on leveling up my Primed Flow mod that is completely useless in it. I could avoid it completely and buy the mods for plat for sure. But I would like to be able to grind PVE content (or more "usual PVE" content if you prefer to get them).

- Saryn is locked behind Rathuum. You need to get points to fight Kela to get a part for Saryn. I also know you can buy it with platinum, but why lock it behind Rathuum? Why not an alternative Kela fight mode where she doesn´t drop her special mods - if they are the incentive to do Rathuun, even if I prefer you should completely avoid Rathuun to fight Kela - but you don´t need Rathuun points to fight her and you are able to get Saryn?

- Lunaro and Conclave skins are very well done, and I will never be able to get them, because they are not buy able with platinum from store or from players, they need PVP points. I agree that Lunaro and Conclave should get incentives, rewards and fun for the ones who does like it, but exclusive rewards prejudice the ones who does not like it.

Thanks, best wishes!

Edited by rafacasper
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I disagree. Let's be clear here. Rathuum and Codex is 100% PvE. You never fight a player in Rathuum or Codex, DE is just recycling the PvP tilesets.

The PvP exclusives are cosmetics and PvP mods, so i think that's a great way to reward those who play PvP. How exactly does it "prejudice" people who won't conclave by having cosmetics awarded to those who do? I don't have any content creators "exclusive emblems, sigils, or badges" does that mean I've been alienated?

Sorry, if you don't like a facet of the game that's one thing. Trying to get rid of that facet's incentives and rewards just because you can't get them is counter-productive, and ultimately petty.

Edited by Skaleek
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1 hour ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

At least in Rathuum, the entire team gets the points for completing the mission rather than just the top scorers, or did that get changed some time after release? Haven't been back in ages.

No, it didn't change, and index isn't at all competitive either if you just say "Hey squad, I need 10 points to get my credits, thanks!" It's a 60 point limit, that's all 4 people at max tier with 20 points to spare.

As for conclave skins and armor, they should stay like that. Just because you don't play it doesn't mean you should get the reward. People play conclave daily to get those skins, I know of two people who have all of them. They're proud they have them. Should DE just give them to you because you don't like competition? Should an employer just give you money but not make you work?

See what I mean?

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@JSharpie High five! I have all the conclave skins and i worked daaaamn hard for them. Well... I worked for them. I had to deal with people angry PM'ing me that i was a hacker, cheater, noob, scrub, bad, good, fat, skinny, girly etc. So much anger in PvP.

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2 hours ago, Skaleek said:

I disagree. Let's be clear here. Rathuum and Codex is 100% PvE. You never fight a player in Rathuum or Codex, DE is just recycling the PvP tilesets.

The PvP exclusives are cosmetics and PvP mods, so i think that's a great way to reward those who play PvP. How exactly does it "prejudice" people who won't conclave by having cosmetics awarded to those who do? I don't have any content creators "exclusive emblems, sigils, or badges" does that mean I've been alienated?

Sorry, if you don't like a facet of the game that's one thing. Trying to get rid of that facet's incentives and rewards just because you can't get them is counter-productive, and ultimately petty.

Thank you for your other point of view!

Let me try to phrase it better, the PVE content, gladiator style, non-horde gameplay feels very pvp-ish?The announcer, the tiny arena, the competition for points. To me, does not feel like like the rest of the PVE missions.

I don´t want a free lunch, I want more restaurants to buy them :D  I don´t want to get rid of PVP, I want other ways to get cosmetic rewards.

I would happily pay platinum for PVP points/PVP cosmectics, I want more options.


2 hours ago, JSharpie said:

As for conclave skins and armor, they should stay like that. Just because you don't play it doesn't mean you should get the reward. People play conclave daily to get those skins, I know of two people who have all of them. They're proud they have them. Should DE just give them to you because you don't like competition? Should an employer just give you money but not make you work?

See what I mean?

Thanks for your imput!

I don´t want them free, I want to grind for them, even pay platinum for them. I don´t want free money, I want other "kinds of work" for the rewards I want :D.

I want more options and less restrictions

Edited by rafacasper
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Making a non-PVP game mode where you can get those skins would be S#&$ting on the hard work many have had to put into PVP to get those skins especially since some people don't even like PVP but have had to do it regardless for those skins. 

If you are willing to pay plat for those skins, that's fair and i would go a step further and say that a player should only be able to purchase it for themselves.

This however creates another problem, how much plat is enough plat for those skins.

Remember, there still needs to be an incentive to do PVP, if the prices are too low(considering warframes' game-play is solely driven by rewards), many would just trade for plat and buy the skins instead. If the price is too high, you will probably be back here complaining "the price is too high for a cosmetic".

Just things to consider.

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I have no objections to PvP only mods obtained through PvP gamemodes, nor do I care about cosmetics gained through PvP and usable in PvE gamemodes. They don't have any mechanical effect on the PvE gameplay (since the only effect they could have is if you stick arcanes on them, and you can get scarves from syndicates and baro for purely PvE acquisition).

PvP-style gamemodes (at least, that's what I assume rathuum and index are like) in PvE - not sure on that one. I've done OK soloing rathuum and index and it is possible to find squads to farm the mods up, but the game style is markedly different - it feels much closer to Unreal Tournament than it does to Warframe, especially since you basically don't get to use any of your abilities in index. I don't know how to feel about that.

Mods and weapons (and other things that mechanically effect the gameplay) only obtained through actual PvP, usable in PvE - that's something which absolutely should not happen. This never started as a PvP game, it was never intended that way and it wasn't what drew people to this game. PvE and PvP gameplay is significantly different - pretty much to the point of being a completely separate game. Having mods, weapons or warframes obtained through PvP and made usable in PvE is like being able to get mods from playing Planetside 2 or Starcraft.

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16 hours ago, rafacasper said:

- Rathum and Index are very PVP oriented. I am the first to say I am not fighting players, but I also say I am fighting harder than usual enemies in a competition for points. 1vs1 combats, with a narrator trying to put more pressure. You are limited on your tactics, resources, energy, ammo. For example I spent tons of time on leveling up my Primed Flow mod that is completely useless in it. I could avoid it completely and buy the mods for plat for sure. But I would like to be able to grind PVE content (or more "usual PVE" content if you prefer to get them).

It actually just murders the basic "stand still and shoot/cast powers" playstyle, but if you fight using all your tools both Rathuum and Index are very Fun. They are also the first true challenging enemies that don't rely on Nullifiers or broken armor/damage scaling to kick our arses, which makes for a fair fight (except that annoying energy drain, that part really s*cks). People who relied on the usual cheese tactics became complacent, so Teshin was totally right on that.

16 hours ago, rafacasper said:

- Saryn is locked behind Rathuum. You need to get points to fight Kela to get a part for Saryn. I also know you can buy it with platinum, but why lock it behind Rathuum? Why not an alternative Kela fight mode where she doesn´t drop her special mods - if they are the incentive to do Rathuun, even if I prefer you should completely avoid Rathuun to fight Kela - but you don´t need Rathuun points to fight her and you are able to get Saryn?

To me Kela shouldn't drop Rathuum mods, instead these be dropped by their respective Executioners, and remove the point requirement to fight her so you can clear one rathuum and then go fight kela to your heart's desire.

16 hours ago, rafacasper said:

- Lunaro and Conclave skins are very well done, and I will never be able to get them, because they are not buy able with platinum from store or from players, they need PVP points. I agree that Lunaro and Conclave should get incentives, rewards and fun for the ones who does like it, but exclusive rewards prejudice the ones who does not like it.

You can get Elite Riv armor for platinum. Remember that Conclave is a Syndicate, and it works like every other Syndicate: If you want rewards you work for them or trade for them. Cosmetic rewards aren't tradable.

If DE at some point adds a Conclave syndicate weapon (hopefully Dual Nikanas) they will make it tradable for those that don't like Conclave.

Also, wait for TheSix to get their own Armor sets (Vaykor, Telos, Synoid, Rakta, Secura, Sancti)

16 hours ago, rafacasper said:

Thanks, best wishes!

Have a nice day! :D

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