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[Nightmare Mode] Friendly Fire


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Hey guys, I'm not sure what this classifies as. Maybe its just me *@##$ing. I've been doing a lot of nightmare modes since they were released, I was really excited to see them again. When i heard there was friendly fire i was very excited, i dove right into the nightmare missions. I started noticing something weird, in solo play i just kept randomly dying seemingly without cause some times without enemies within line of sight. I kinda ignored it, today i'm running around just re-clearing the nightmare missions in the star chart. I'm dying left and right, i finally figured out whats happening. It would be very nice to have this fixed because right now i'm not sure if you guys did a patch on it or what in the past 24 hours but its a bit ridiculous.

My sentinel was killing me; if its shooting and i jump up or jump towards any direction it's shooting i get one shot. My sentinel weapons are forma'd like crazy with primed mods, Normally this is a good thing apparently not in this case. the only solution i found was taking off the weapon, at that point why have a weapon at all. i was getting knocked over from a squad mate's wyrm he was not for some reason, and my djinn Corrosive'd me.

Shooting; Doesn't really seem to matter what weapon if you shoot and walk forward at the same time you can kill yourself, which isn't really realistic at all the bullets in this case my Tigris should not have the ability to shoot myself if i'm walking forward, laws of physics and all that.

Ack and Blunt Final Harbinger; if you don't know, one of this weapon's combo the shield throw  (hold E) can also kill you randomly when you catch the shield. I tried this with no enemies around and 2/5 times it killed me on the catch animation. I don't know if this is a problem with other melee's, I'd image it would be with the thrown melees. I have not tested that.

My kavat; My kavat used pounce on a mob near me and killed not only me but 2 other squad members near me. i can kinda agree with this, I feel that it shouldn't kill the owner but it doesn't happen enough to really be that annoying.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of a friendly fire mode and i think it would be great to see some Nightmare modes in sorties. I think it should also effect powers, i mean if it effects melee i feel it should effect powers as well. I however don't think that 1 my sentinel should be able to kill me or 2 that i should be able to walk into my own Tigris shot. At that point it just seems like a random crap shoot, its bad enough hoping that your squad mates can aim but now i have to worry about shooting myself or my sentinel/kavat insta killing me. Even if you can't fix that can you at least make the damage type work with rage/quick thinking i put those mods on typically so i don't get 1 shot in end game missions and now i'm just getting killed by my own sentinel. If i'm gonna go down due to my own devices can i at least get full energy out of it from rage.

Hopefully this reaches who ever can fix these.

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