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Why Are People Tolerating The Fact That Prime Variants Are Direct Upgrades To Their Counterparts?


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Are they? Orthos prime has better attack speed over worse charge speed, besides that it is exactly the same weapon. How is that an upgrade? In this example, if you like charge attacks you take a normal variant, if you like normal attacks you take a prime

Hm? When I looked at the numbers they were both at 1 fire rate and 0.7 charge time.

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I don't really have the time to go down 7 pages of responses, but will throw in my two cents regardless! 



Primes are done improperly - by my taste. To do it right they'd have to drop Prime's in favor of what they were already doing - in creating weapons that didn't just add stats but changed up the gameplay entirely and every weapon out there that is basically worthless, either balance them out or offer them as re-skins on decent weapons, could even make it somewhat entertaining by requiring the weapon be level 30 before it's open to be turned into a Skin.. hell if I know or care to follow that particular thought train right now - but I would personally prefer that.


You'd throw a Kestrel for tactical reasons to knock opponents down, you'd throw a Glaive as a sniper-rifle shot. You would not use them in the same way, even though they play out like re-skins with some stat alterations, they're for entirely different play styles and that's how it should be done. Just as you bought x Duel pistol because it was either a super slow but high damaging weapon, a side-arm shotgun, or a high-rate minigun.


I think if I were going to boil down my feelings on the Prime's it would actually be simplified into this: 

I wouldn't mind Prime's half as much if the Prime's also had a default-skin option, yeah, would still have to Cata/forma and re-level, but hell, at least we wouldn't be losing customization options and seeing 20 Prime users for every default. That's not to say I really enjoy having to re-forma and catalyst my latest 'main' weapon sets when it's basically unlucky enough to get a Prime / Stalker version instead of a general buff/nerf update though. 


In the end, I really can't say I care all that much one way or the other what they do. I'll always side for the weapon that fits the look I have for the warframe I'm using, nothing like gold plating throwing off a pitch black Ash. But it won't ever be a fond thought that if I just had that gold plating on my weapon it'd perform better, and no matter how much leveling or grinding mat's is done the weapon I chose will never match it.


- Just for added clarification I do own a 30+Cata&2Forma Kunai & It's prime, Despair 30 Cata+2 Forma ... x2 30 Reaper Prime + it's Prime (XD) Hate and Paris 30/ect which I sold in favor of Dread now 28/Cata+1 Forma awaiting it's second which now has .. Paris Prime .. which I absolutely will not get because it looks .. horrid. So yeah, I've been screwed over by this Prime thing alot come to think of it, I'm not exactly the most unbias ... didn't realize that until now. Heh... ignore me!

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Latron looks better and sounds better than Latron Prime - I don't like to use my Latron prime because it doesn't feel good to shoot like the Latron does, and at the end of the day I care more about look and feel than performance.


Yes, Lato Vandal is better than Lato, but I love it because it goes BANG and has a nice iridescent paintjob - Lex does exactly the same job for zero platinum/time travel.


As for Skana Prime, it's just terrible, like most one-handers at the moment. Lato Prime is very pretty, but I don't believe it stacks up in firepower versus the Vandal or the Akimbo Latos - it also doesn't sound as good as either, once again.


It's not all about the numbers.

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The game has tried fairly heavily to implement sidegrades, not upgrades.

As long as the new weapons are within 10-20% margin it is a side grade model. Games that are progression based like wow are linear in their power increase and basically go to stupid levels after the game has been out for a few years. Wow set the benchmark of what the definition of power creep is and every level up patch required stronger weapons it made all old weapon vender trash as soon as patch days occurred.


I do not care if a weapon is a little better but I do not like it at all when new weapon are WORSE than existing weapon like that new shot gun is(50% weaker than others in its class).

Edited by LazyKnight
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As long as the new weapons are within 10-20% margin it is a side grade model. Games that are progression based like wow are linear in their power increase and basically go to stupid levels after the game has been out for a few years. Wow set the benchmark of what the definition of power creep is and every level up patch required stronger weapons it made all old weapon vender trash as soon as patch days occurred.


I do not care if a weapon is a little better but I do not like it at all when new weapon are WORSE than existing weapon like that new shot gun is(50% weaker than others in its class).

I agree, but sidegrades only work for so long, and a lack of progression is boring. I feel as long as the market weapons are sidegrades of each, and other more powerful weapons have to be worked for (i.e. primes, clan weapons) upgrades and sidegrades could work.

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So much Malaria in a garden gnome in this thread.


Prime weapons SHOULD be better than normal weapons, you can't buy them with creds/platinum and they are situated in the VOID so they SHOULD be better than their counterpart. In the beggining when you first click on the foundry button lotus says that while there are BP in the market the strongest ones have to be found <------------------------------------------------------------------Or else it deffeats the purpose of playing.

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So much Malaria in a garden gnome in this thread.


Prime weapons SHOULD be better than normal weapons, you can't buy them with creds/platinum and they are situated in the VOID so they SHOULD be better than their counterpart. In the beggining when you first click on the foundry button lotus says that while there are BP in the market the strongest ones have to be found <------------------------------------------------------------------Or else it deffeats the purpose of playing.


- TLDR: Point being, it's not 'fun' nor is it 'hard' or 'rewarding' to level a weapon and potentially have forma'd it repeatedly only to have it directly replaced by a duplicate with gold super-glued to the frame and better stats. No matter how much it's argued, it's still a direct replacement. If you took the time to Forma a weapon twice it's better than the prime 'right then' but if you want that weapon you just forma'd twice to be at it's best you'll have to go dig out the prime duplicate of it and do the forma grind all over again. There are other, vastly more interesting, challenging, fun and entertaining alternatives than even this post covers: but that's the gist. 



It would be tolerable: if they weren't exact duplicates of weapons you obtain on the market with a uncolorable gold plating attached to it. If you leveled a Paris for instance, forma'd it twice and then they released Paris Prime like they have for me : you'll find leveling Paris prime to be exactly the same with 0 differences what so ever as having leveled Paris - save for a slight increase in damage of it vs an unranked Paris .. then as you have it on it's way to being maxed out it'll start to show itself to be tiers higher than default Paris and you will see some pretty distinct differences in terms of how fast you can kill your enemies with your new shiny and rather ugly Prime weapon. TO that point you have to do two things.


One you have to relevel the same weapon you've leveled up before, and probably leveled up two times or more through Formas: only this time it has gold plating, of which brings me to..


Two, you have to sacrifice complete customization in favor of a gold design (and in the Paris Prime's case, a whole new ugly handguard) that you cannot do anything about.


Now, I've used Paris Prime as an example: but it works the same way for all primes.


A valid but more difficult upgrade would be to NOT release Primes of weapons on the marketplace already, but to release "Primes" of new, different weapons that don't play the same as the supposed crap-grade weapons on the marketplace. But hell, if that's to difficult go the simplest least offensive path.... 


Rehash but don't path: As an example lets look at some possible future and current primes


Instead of releasing a Glaive Prime (Melee) - Release a primary Weapon that is a glaive renamed and redesigned to be called Chakra-Prime and held in each hand, it's purely ranged and while one acts only as a short range offensive throwable, the second works like your standard Glaive. It still outclasses the Glaive, but your glaive isn't directly outdated, if you liked your Glaive, your still using it AND this. 


Instead of releasing Latron Prime (Primary), release a secondary Latron-Sidearms Primes under a different name in which the stats are almost direct cuts from each other but now that it in the Secondary position it may not have directly higher stats unlike the Glaive to Primary counterpart because of it's station as a Secondary : but will still be beloved by Latron users and a upgrade in the Secondary slot department no doubt.


Instead of a Paris Prime (Primary), release a secondary small crossbow that looks quite alot like a Paris turned on it's side and rests on the top of your wrist or beneath. People who liked Paris, would be grabbing it's awesome alternative : some people who didn't like them, might also probably take interest in them, but nobody feels their weapon just got directly replaced.


No matter what they need to start thinking of entirely new weapons that feel entirely different in their use and throw them into the "Prime" pool. But the above is a decent enough alternative in the meantime - in my opinion. At least leveling the Chakra primary and crossbow secondary - even though they are rehashes that 'pretty much' play the same - would still be interesting for the slight actual differences and possible combo weaponary sets that come out of it. (Like with the current list of weapons, I'd love to see how fast / if it 'might' be possible to throw a Chakra long range, throw a glaive, then throw the Chakra short-range, and fire off a crossbow bolt as it's all returning. Who knows.. sounds fun to me. Not likely to be the most DPS effective, but fun.) 

Edited by Azraill
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I could care less. I'm just &!$$ed off that the Braton Vandal is the only Vandal weapon that is not superior to the Braton. WTF?



Also, I'm of the notion that the real world thrives on variety and upgrades.  Every year(?) an iPhone is released that is supposedly superior to the previous generations, and people flock to, if not fight to, get the newest, latest, and greatest.  Same with cars.  Hell, a bleeding edge gaming PC component is second string within WEEKS of its release.  All of these things are more expensive, be it measured in money or time, than upgrading a weapon if you feel the need to.  If you do not feel the need to constantly be bleeding edge, then why is this even an issue?


Why should any game be any different?  No upgrade paths (regardless of how slight they may be) will lead directly to stagnation and a loss of purpose for the players.  Stagnation and lack of purpose kills games. 


Leave the cosmetic stuff (skins) for marketplace transactions, but every weapon type needs upgrade paths or the greatest obstacle we'll be capable of facing is our own boredom and lack of inspiration to play.

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Well one, Lore. 


Two, nobody forced you to spend plat on forma instead of farming it, that was your choice.  Lets say you forma'd a sniper rifle and they came out with one that was better but with a different model and name *COUGH COUGH VULKOR COUGH COUGH* you wouldn't complain about that would you?  Games in active development, of course there will be more powerful gear down the road man.  Heck beta aside, its a F2P MMO, there will ALWAYS be new more powerful gear and/or gear that functions differently.  Given these are guns we're talking about they're a bit limited on the latter part.  You can always just farm some forma for your prime variant and, well it'll give you something new to work towards in game.  Or you could just not use it.  

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- TLDR: Point being, it's not 'fun' nor is it 'hard' or 'rewarding' to level a weapon and potentially have forma'd it repeatedly only to have it directly replaced by a duplicate with gold super-glued to the frame and better stats. No matter how much it's argued, it's still a direct replacement. If you took the time to Forma a weapon twice it's better than the prime 'right then' but if you want that weapon you just forma'd twice to be at it's best you'll have to go dig out the prime duplicate of it and do the forma grind all over again. There are other, vastly more interesting, challenging, fun and entertaining alternatives than even this post covers: but that's the gist. 

Yeah, and what's wrong with that? I certainly don't have any problems with my weapons having a stronger, harder to obtain version. At any rate, why do you call primes duplicates when they clearly have: different stats, different models(not just skins), different firing sounds and different lore? Sounds like a different gun to me.

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Yeah, and what's wrong with that? I certainly don't have any problems with my weapons having a stronger, harder to obtain version. At any rate, why do you call primes duplicates when they clearly have: different stats, different models(not just skins), different firing sounds and different lore? Sounds like a different gun to me.


Primes are duplicates, straight duplicates. I explained how they are already but I can try to go into more detail.:

Latron vs Latron Prime: Leveling & Stats : Difference in using it? None. Later on the stats will make it wipe enemies slightly faster but you won't feel any different about leveling it, even end game it won't feel different until your really hitting those high notes against the highest tier enemies when you get right down to it. Even this isn't the point, it's the point it'll feel exactly the same, because it is exactly the same, just with a higher damage count.


Yes, they alter the appearance: it's still a reskin just like the Fraggor's Brokk: but it's a suitable change in appearance that should be sold as a skin, not a whole new weapon that is infact the same weapon as Latron with a stat boost and appearance overhaul. 


It alters sounds, and we've got a hint hint of lore that grazes the surface but it's pretty pathetic in the way it's implemented. There is a dozen better alternatives out there and that's the point. 


A.) You can start making Primes that take up other slots, god knows if they came out with a "Duel Glaive" that took up a primary or secondary slot and acted similarly to the Chakra's from KOA I'd be all over that and still using my Glaive note the complete difference in playstyle, it's a reskin of a weapon in place but the actually use of it changes, the experience of leveling it up and it's situational uses change - it won't be the same experience, your likely tired of from the last time you went through with it's counterpart..


Just as if they came out with a Latron Prime that was a small sidearm I'd all for it, it'd act nearly the same but sidearms serve a different purpose. But it wouldn't be a duplicate replacement, meanwhile the direct replacement Primes could be sold/earned as skins. Hell if nothing else I might would even give all the primes a pass if they came with the default appearance of their counterparts in the skin selections, but I have no desire to have a gold plated gun or the Paris handguard or any of the rest of them. 


and.. yet I have Primes, two level 30 and another on the way to 30 .. then they go in the trash for looking like crap. So I'm one that really doesn't care, and still sees the way it's being done could be better.


B.) Look back at the dozens of other ways to handle the Primes far better.

Edited by Azraill
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Yes, they alter the appearance: it's still a reskin just like the Fraggor's Brokk: but it's a suitable change in appearance that should be sold as a skin, not a whole new weapon that is infact the same weapon as Latron with a stat boost and appearance overhaul. 

^ That is why DE will keep primes as they are. Primes are the original Orokin weapons on which newer versions (non-primes) were based off. Making them skins would make no sense, unlike the Brokk which was a customized Fragor. That is also the reason we retrieve pre-made parts for the primes instead of crafting them like other weapons. Their stats may be altered by DE in the future, but I'm certain they will always be separate weapons.


Also, you mentioned "dozens" other ways to handle primes. I'm eager to hear them, because quite frankly I doubt there are many other ways of making primes that are still "prime".

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^ That is why DE will keep primes as they are. Primes are the original Orokin weapons on which newer versions (non-primes) were based off. Making them skins would make no sense, unlike the Brokk which was a customized Fragor. That is also the reason we retrieve pre-made parts for the primes instead of crafting them like other weapons. Their stats may be altered by DE in the future, but I'm certain they will always be separate weapons.


Also, you mentioned "dozens" other ways to handle primes. I'm eager to hear them, because quite frankly I doubt there are many other ways of making primes that are still "prime".


Easiest way? Allow us to reskin them back to the originals if we want to. Nobody would know the difference. 


Second easiest way? Let us grind off that damn gold. Nowhere in the lore does it strictly say the gold was paint proof. 

Still no reason not to make them skins (in which you in lore terms, rebuilt the latron you had with Orokin tech instead of building it completely from scratch. You still obtained the blueprint for the skin in the void, still built it the same, and it might have even acted as a one time-forma to 'prime' the weapon so your still forced to re-level it, but damn right you can keep the appearance untouched.). Certainly no reason not to make them different, using alternative slots. The weapons we use may be based on the designs : Latron being a primary : You could easily envision the Latron Prime was a pistol and they had to bulk it up with what technology they hadto create the Latron. The lore is so reworkable we're just now finding out who the first Tenno is and that's even up to change. 


The design should and in fact will most likely be what is found to provide the most entertainment, or people will lose interest not to mention the fact it just plain won't be fun and chase off a chunk of people who would be providing the income to keep the servers running. It's just a smart move, that harms nothing. 


Meanwhile the current status leaves the entire marketplace up in a state of, if it doesn't have a prime - you may not want to dedicate yourself to it yet because it's likely to get one. So save that catalyst and formas. If it does have a prime, save that Catalyst and formas for it not the marketplace one, yeaaaah the marketplace one looks better in some cases (all cases imo), but if you want to be at your best, save it and wait till you got that wicked forced-gold paint ppprrrriiime .. that you may not even like the design choices of.. (There is no saving Paris Prime for me, none. xD I won't even get it, I'll delete the parts for it as I get them. I do not want that thing tainting my inventory, it looks horrid imo.)


Also this has nothing to do with earning it either before that comes full circle has it has in the past of this thread, keep things just as they are in regards of obtaining it in the void and various parts, just make the rest different.


Scroll back in the thread if you want other peoples ideas, I'm not fishing them out :P I'm just providing my view on it. I could really care less, if they stick to making a library of primes I may or may not lose interest to but that's the point of Beta, provide feedback. If I lose interest I do, it's not big loss : just another game with plenty of others to hop to if this one's not to my taste. But in the end I imagine they'll compromise in one form or another because of the backlash, and because it just makes sense not to make the weapons people like outdated and directly replaced with no way around it.

Edited by Azraill
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The prime weapon are more like the end game weapons where as the normal version is to help you progress. Seeing this game is still in BETA so suck it up . If you want the prime? Farm it , its takes 1-2 days if you have the key.  No you are not entitled to get the best weapon this is an mmo shooter which you have to grind and farm for the materials. Yes its not fair that people have better weapon then you but life is also not fair. Suck it up , its game there will always something new around the corner , and there  will always be someone better then you. 

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I can see the point of view of both the OP and the 2nd post.

What SHOULD be done is the ability to upgrade the standard variant to Prime with a equally/more costly conversion.

Then you could keep the whatever potato or formas you've put on that weapon.

At the moment I am legit scared to forma anything BUT my frames and Prime weapons.


*edit* People, please stop throwing the word entitled around, you look like idiots.

Edited by Webly
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Counter points are in bold. and underlined


Easiest way? Allow us to reskin them back to the originals if we want to. Nobody would know the difference. 


Second easiest way? Let us grind off that damn gold. Nowhere in the lore does it strictly say the gold was paint proof. 

Still no reason not to make them skins (in which you in lore terms, rebuilt the latron you had with Orokin tech instead of building it completely from scratch. You still obtained the blueprint for the skin in the void, still built it the same, and it might have even acted as a one time-forma to 'prime' the weapon so your still forced to re-level it, but damn right you can keep the appearance untouched.). Certainly no reason not to make them different, using alternative slots. The weapons we use may be based on the designs : Latron being a primary : You could easily envision the Latron Prime was a pistol and they had to bulk it up with what technology they hadto create the Latron. The lore is so reworkable we're just now finding out who the first Tenno is and that's even up to change. 


So...you want the Latron Prime to be a direct upgrade requiring a latron? Seems even worse for no increase in anything aside from polarity. Also I can't easily see the latron prime being a handgun... They had one called the Lato Prime.


The design should and in fact will most likely be what is found to provide the most entertainment, or people will lose interest not to mention the fact it just plain won't be fun and chase off a chunk of people who would be providing the income to keep the servers running. It's just a smart move, that harms nothing. 


I don't understand what your trying to say in this paragraph, just being honest.


Meanwhile the current status leaves the entire marketplace up in a state of, if it doesn't have a prime - you may not want to dedicate yourself to it yet because it's likely to get one. So save that catalyst and formas. If it does have a prime, save that Catalyst and formas for it not the marketplace one, yeaaaah the marketplace one looks better in some cases (all cases imo), but if you want to be at your best, save it and wait till you got that wicked forced-gold paint ppprrrriiime .. that you may not even like the design choices of.. (There is no saving Paris Prime for me, none. xD I won't even get it, I'll delete the parts for it as I get them. I do not want that thing tainting my inventory, it looks horrid imo.)


No it doesn't, roughly 25% of the weapons in game are eligible to have a "Prime" as only Tenno weapons would have a Prime ancestor. So... Gorgon Prime = nope, Hek Prime = nope, Burston Prime (its used by the grineer so im goin with) Nope, What else... any dojo weapon = nope. So that leaves... Boltor, Bolto, a bunch of melee weapons, Hikou, Kunai, Boar (I think?), Strun (I think?)and Lex (I think?)... I can see the market wares quaking in their boxes. (not really).


Also this has nothing to do with earning it either before that comes full circle has it has in the past of this thread, keep things just as they are in regards of obtaining it in the void and various parts, just make the rest different.


Again, I can't make heads or tails of this paragraph. Not trying to be mean i really don't understand the point your trying to make.


Scroll back in the thread if you want other peoples ideas, I'm not fishing them out :P I'm just providing my view on it. I could really care less, if they stick to making a library of primes I may or may not lose interest to but that's the point of Beta, provide feedback. If I lose interest I do, it's not big loss : just another game with plenty of others to hop to if this one's not to my taste. But in the end I imagine they'll compromise in one form or another because of the backlash, and because it just makes sense not to make the weapons people like outdated and directly replaced with no way around it.


Its a MMO, not a normal one but a MMO. Gear gets direct upgrades and replacements all the time, thats how a MMO works. Also I see FAR FAR FAR (wish i could make far alot bigger) backlash when a prime isn't an upgrade in anyway. Also, I'm pretty sure no one is going to give you to much crap if your rockin the regular Latron with full mods and destroying things. Same with every other prime/non prime.

Hope you guys can make sense of it, I'm not as smart as I would like to be with the quote system so this was the best I could do without taking way to much time.

Edited by Rabidbluedeath
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I can see the point of view of both the OP and the 2nd post.

What SHOULD be done is the ability to upgrade the standard variant to Prime with a equally/more costly conversion.

Then you could keep the whatever potato or formas you've put on that weapon.

At the moment I am legit scared to forma anything BUT my frames and Prime weapons.


*edit* People, please stop throwing the word entitled around, you look like idiots.


This. The bold words sing of a murky and sad truth. I really like some of the stock weapons as the Braton, Latron etc... and installed both potatos and formas on them just before the Prime-fest began.


Now, even if i like a weapon, I never potato or forma it just out of sheer fear that next month we get a Prime version.


So i'm sticking with the dojo weapons. At least a Prime version for those is pretty unlikely for now.

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There are Catalysts droping from alerts and Livestreams. Prime Weapons don't come out "all the time" - there is currently, what, five prme versions of preexisting weapons you can farm for.


Orthos, Bronco, Latron, Braton, Fangs. Founder's Lato & Skana hardly count, as you more or less know when you are going to get Master/Grand Master.


Prime versions are limited to Tenno/Lotus-made gear.


It is both predictable what can have a Prime version (no Corpus, Grineer, Stalker or Clan weapons) and Prime weapons are also different weapons. Saying they should be skins make little sense - they behave differently and look differently, sound differently. The only reason people feel like they are being toyed with is the name. If a new weapon would come out with a name that has no lineage to existing ones, no one would bat an eyelash.


And that has happened in U9. Lex Prime has been implemented without anyone saying a word. Why? Because it wasn't named Lex Prime.




They named it Seer.

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This. The bold words sing of a murky and sad truth. I really like some of the stock weapons as the Braton, Latron etc... and installed both potatos and formas on them just before the Prime-fest began.


Now, even if i like a weapon, I never potato or forma it just out of sheer fear that next month we get a Prime version.


So i'm sticking with the dojo weapons. At least a Prime version for those is pretty unlikely for now.

No, a dojo prime weapon is IMPOSSIBLE according to lore. Do you know what a prime is? Any weapon that is not a tenno weapon will NEVER have a prime. NEVER EVER. Unless the rewrite their lore on what a prime weapon is. So what there is a latron prime and a braton prime. 1 the braton prime is pretty hard to get. 2 I for one wouldn't give you crap for using the old versions as long as you could kill crap with them. You act like your going to get kicked, banned and harassed for not using the best possible gear. If that were the case this game would be nothing but Vauban, Frost, Nyx and maybe Rhino or Nova running around with an Ogris, Acrid, and Orthos


There are Catalysts droping from alerts and Livestreams. Prime Weapons don't come out "all the time" - there is currently, what, five prme versions of preexisting weapons you can farm for.


Orthos, Bronco, Latron, Braton, Fangs. Founder's Lato & Skana hardly count, as you more or less know when you are going to get Master/Grand Master.


Prime versions are limited to Tenno/Lotus-made gear.


It is both predictable what can have a Prime version (no Corpus, Grineer, Stalker or Clan weapons) and Prime weapons are also different weapons. Saying they should be skins make little sense - they behave differently and look differently, sound differently. The only reason people feel like they are being toyed with is the name. If a new weapon would come out with a name that has no lineage to existing ones, no one would bat an eyelash.


And that has happened in U9. Lex Prime has been implemented without anyone saying a word. Why? Because it wasn't named Lex Prime.




They named it Seer.

Agree 100%

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It is both predictable what can have a Prime version (no Corpus, Grineer, Stalker or Clan weapons)


Yep, I noticed this pattern a while back too, so no regrets putting multiple Formas in my Flux Rifle, Lanka, Ogris, Sobek, Despair.


Kinda worried about my multi-Formaed Boltor though :I

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