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Now that we got Nightmare Mode back


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2 minutes ago, Transmorphic_Wyvern said:

The alerts are a guarentee that you will get that nightmare mod. I think it's fine the way it is, since the normal nightmare missions are pulled from a pool of mods, randomly.


And for the exact same reason, we should have relic alerts.

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1 hour ago, aligatorno said:

Shouldn't the alerts loot be changed as well to something different?

There have always been NM nodes and alerts, as long as I've been playing anyway.  We lost the node version with the new starmap and finally get it back.  No reason to suddenly remove or change the alert version.

While the number of nightmare mods is pretty limited, it never hurts to have an extra, and alerts are a guarantee for that specific mod using a nightmare mode that is always the same.  It makes it easier for some, knowing alerts are always no shields, which before their return nightmare nodes were random and you never knew what they were.  The best part about their return is seeing the NM mode before you even enter.

I'm all for new and better alert mechanics though, so if they rework all alert rewards, that'd be great.

1 hour ago, aligatorno said:

It doesn't really make sense to have both dedicated missions and alert missions

It is never a bad thing to have duplicates.  Loot in general is pretty limited in this game, no reason to remove any avenue of obtaining said loot.  

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1 minute ago, Xekrin said:

There have always been NM nodes and alerts, as long as I've been playing anyway.  We lost the node version with the new starmap and finally get it back.  No reason to suddenly remove or change the alert version.

While the number of nightmare mods is pretty limited, it never hurts to have an extra, and alerts are a guarantee for that specific mod using a nightmare mode that is always the same.  It makes it easier for some, knowing alerts are always no shields, which before their return nightmare nodes were random and you never knew what they were.  The best part about their return is seeing the NM mode before you even enter.

I'm all for new and better alert mechanics though, so if they rework all alert rewards, that'd be great.

It is never a bad thing to have duplicates.  Loot in general is pretty limited in this game, no reason to remove any avenue of obtaining said loot.  

That is true, but it would be much more beneficial in my opinion to give rarer mods  such as the new aura mods a better alert pick chance. 

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