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VOID TRACERS too hard to farm??


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Hi DE guys and girls,

Been back to warframe a couple of weeks now and I'm finding the new systems ok, but VOID TRACERS seem real hard to farm up enough to make radient keys.

With only one place to get them (fissue mission) and such a low rate, people like me (not a huge play time per day) it's gonna take me weeks and weeks to farm up enough to get what I want. I know u had to nerf it a bit (the 200 a mission thing) but now it's 10>25 if your lucky.


Why can't we farm them from just playing any (now defunked) void missions... or endless void missions?


For 2 years now I keep hearing you say QoL/ less grind, yet when you put the new systems in, It's just more grind!!!! Sure I know u need to balance it for the extreme framer, but every nerf to them makes it 10x harder for an average player like me :(


Please give us more places and a better drop rate per mission  for VOID TRACERS



peace out

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DE are going to allow you crack a relic every 5 mins or 5 waves in endless fissure missions, and every time you will also get the traces. 

This relic system actually reduced the grind for rare prime parts, at least because you get 4 reward rolls instead of just one.

Edited by Suncake
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2 minutes ago, zNightWolfz said:

tracers are not that hard to farm  get 10 to 30 a run doesnt take long to get 100 at all


Yeah lets say on average 15 per run, that's about 7 runs to get 100 traces.  Hurray, radiant one relic.  Speedracer that relic's fissure mission with its whopping 10% chance at rare reward.  Get the top 2nd or 3rd common reward instead, usually a forma (or if very lucky an UNCOMMON FORMA!!).  5 minutes or less later, do another 5 to 10 runs for another chance.  

Rinse, cry, scream, repeat.

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19 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Yeah lets say on average 15 per run, that's about 7 runs to get 100 traces.  Hurray, radiant one relic.  Speedracer that relic's fissure mission with its whopping 10% chance at rare reward.  Get the top 2nd or 3rd common reward instead, usually a forma (or if very lucky an UNCOMMON FORMA!!).  5 minutes or less later, do another 5 to 10 runs for another chance.  

Rinse, cry, scream, repeat.


Or just stop being a caveman and cooperate with randoms who farm the same relic or with friends :3

Edited by Teloch
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19 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Yeah lets say on average 15 per run, that's about 7 runs to get 100 traces.  Hurray, radiant one relic.  Speedracer that relic's fissure mission with its whopping 10% chance at rare reward.  Get the top 2nd or 3rd common reward instead, usually a forma (or if very lucky an UNCOMMON FORMA!!).  5 minutes or less later, do another 5 to 10 runs for another chance.  

Rinse, cry, scream, repeat.

I´m actually fine with the option to pick 1 of 4 rewards, if all are radiant you have a 34% chance for at least 1 rare. I was getting sick of t3surv rot C guess what, in my playtime i got probably 10 nonforma rewards from there, i could build an orokin 1000 piece puzzle out of them. After the last XP weekend im stil sitting at 56 formas. And a side note to farming traces, smeeta, booster?  Why don´t you refine keys when you are at max traces capacity, so you can get more?

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43 minutes ago, Yami666 said:

I´m actually fine with the option to pick 1 of 4 rewards, if all are radiant you have a 34% chance for at least 1 rare.

That's 400 void traces for one reward.  I know a lot feel this is acceptable, I just feel it could be a bit better refined somehow.  

53 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Or just stop being a caveman and cooperate with randoms who farm the same relic or with friends :3

Yeah, I'm not a super hardcore seeker of certain primes.  I don't even have Nekros yet, I'm just looking at the cold hard facts of the matter.  Yeah if 4 people all farm traces together, radiant the same relics, run the same fissure missions together then it isn't that bad, probably.

You're right though, I'm quite cavemanish, I pug all fissures, I'm very casual with it though.  I radiant my own relics, not really caring if whom I run with have radiants too.  Most times I don't bother even making radiants, so I'm not complaining exactly just putting the cards on the table as I see them.

I do hope the endless mission improvements are actually improvements though.  I miss survivals with a purpose.

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