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Is There A Way To Make The Kogake Not Suck?


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Got my new Kogake, was all excited.


Like every new weapon I get, I took it to a n00b mission(assassinate vor), and proceeded (as I do with every weapon I test such) to use it as my exclusive form of combat against the pathetically weak grineer.


I got killed twice. By Vor's lackeys!!!


There is no run attack to speak of(you stop and lift your foot), the charge attack can't be done with any forward motion, it does mediocre knockback to a single target at a time, the attack speed is dismal, the DPS doesn't make up for it(this does almost no damage to the single target).


With no range, no speed, no damage, and limited style(the moves are okay, but they aren't very elegant in flow)... what does it have?


I managed to knock down a lot of things I was attacking, and then proceed to pound them into the ground to kill them very slowly... I can't see any appeal to this weapon at all.


Other people on the board seem quite happy with it. Why?

Edited by Llyssa
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Mudriski, on 29 Jun 2013 - 5:48 PM, said:

Getting killed on Mercury?! I mean ofcuz you're using a new weapon but does the frame that you're using ranked 1 or something...?

even with ur warframe unranked with a little experience to the game u wont die atleast not twice
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The frame I'm using is over level 25. However, you can't kill anything fast enough using these to keep the rest of them from gunning you to death, and you have zero mobility while using them. You're stuck as stationary target while you punch a single soldier to death in front of his buddies.


There doesn't seem to be any way to mitigate that, and a dozen grineer shooting you at once while you are totally unable to dodge or do anything about them makes even the little weakling ones dangerous.


Try it for yourself--get some kogake, take off your sentinel, and use ONLY the kogake to kill things.You aren't going to enjoy the experience at all.


For reference: I've used the same build, same frame, and soloed phoroid successfully without dying. It's entirely the weapon.

Edited by Llyssa
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that's actually kind of impressive on its own. getting killed twice on a starting planet. the kogake have potential albeit difficult to utilize for some people. my thoughts on using these are hit and run but not just  with the kogake, you'll definitely need to use your sidearm in conjunction with the kogake until other melee weapons where you can kill most with just using that melee weapon like the orthos. but still, i see potential in a new fighting style when using these kogake.

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Dude. Do some research on this weapon.


The normal attacks are unarmored.

The charge attack and slide attack are ragdolled knockdowns.


25 damage a swing, 50 for kick, is great damage for starting weapon.


And you can ragdoll heavies and go kill the weaker enemies, easy.


Not everything Is charge attack oriented.


Edit: Forgot to mention.


The charge attacks are NOT armor ignoring. They are meant to deal very little damage and ragdoll, that is all.

Edited by Hayden11121
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Dude. Do some research on this weapon.


The normal attacks are unarmored.

The charge attack and slide attack are ragdolled knockdowns.


25 damage a swing, 50 for kick, is great damage for starting weapon.


And you can ragdoll heavies and go kill the weaker enemies, easy.


Not everything Is charge attack oriented.

Don't forget it can also deal red crits by itself.

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So, one person trying to be helpful, and a bunch of people in total denial of the fact this is exactly like the lato, only without the range or mobility. Quaint.


Have you even tried this weapon?


The fact that you gave no support as to why it is bad just proves "Hey I just dislike this"


What about the fact it can ragdoll almost every enemy?

The fact it ignores armor?

The fact it uses new motions?

The fact the execution is 5 normal strikes and is enhanced by Pressure Point?


How is this even like a pistol? Please explain.


OP said he died twice on Vor. By lackeys. The fact he was dumb enough to die once, waist a revive, and die again proves that he is not experienced enough.

Edited by Hayden11121
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I thought they were pretty amazing. I also went to Mercury to pummel Vor to death and was able to keep him stun locked the whole time. The damage is pretty bad against the higher level grineer but you probably shouldn't be trying to beat a heavy gunner to death anyways.

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are you using a kogake in lvl 1 unmodded or even uncharged and judge it instantly based on your gameplay on that? hahahahahahaha

ill admit kogake is not the best melee weapon there is but its all about the playstyle and fun of using a exclusive martial arts melee weapon

plus kogake is useful at higher lvls still with its CC capabilities


unlimited stagger on grinners ( can be more useful with maxed out fury mod )

AOE knockdown on jump attacks

ragdoll knockdowns and can send a normal mobs flying on charge attacks


so basically kogake is more like a kestrel but close range and more useful

but lot of people like me enjoys melee weapons like these cause of the hand to hand combat animation

and i have my orthos 4 star but i prefer using kogake over it for fun and CC purposes


P.S: kogake is good for frames like Ash/Loki for invisibility crit attacks or rhino/ember( overheat version ) and trinity

       but nothing beats Ash with kogake >:D

      ( Kogake looks badass with all the elemental mods equiped on it )

Edited by Dat_Ash
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I never had a problem with it. Even at Lv. 1 I found that I was dominating grineer like crazy. And I went straight to Kappa and leveled it to 30. It's extremely easy to level. All you do is normal attacks, slide attack, and jump attacks. Charge and slide for heavy grineer to ragdoll them. 

Edited by oKibbles
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Well, first of all, melee in general is never the best choice to do anything at the moment, unless you're out of ammo. Coincidentally, the largest exceptions to this are the Kestrel and Kogake for their CC. (Maybe the Fragor, but it's sooooo slooooooow)


However, as far as melee itself is concerned, the Kogake are actually really good weapons. They hit for a base of 25, ignoring armor, have a large innate crit chance, do 200% damage on crit, have a fast attack speed (The 1.2 in the tool tip is inaccurate. It's much faster than that.) and have the powerful downed attack all fist weapons have. Fully modded, it has a pretty good DPS potential. Single target, sure, but good non the less. Oh, it can also redcrit without stealth. So yeah.


Couple this with it's awesome CC, and it's a pretty awesome weapon all around.


Like people have said, I bet you're spamming charge attacks. Don't do this. The Kogake are one of the few melee weapons that you do NOT want to do this with, unless you need the ragdoll effect. Also, use the jump attack. It rocks.


Also use North Wind. It's really funny lol.

Edited by Slifar
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What, were you using a unmodded Loki? The Kogake are one of the best weapons for Grineer, hands down. The armor ignore, the rag doll, the knock down on jump, the deadly ground attack, the range, the speed. Hell, only the Fang are better for Grineer.

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Got my new Kogake, was all excited.


Like every new weapon I get, I took it to a n00b mission(assassinate vor), and proceeded (as I do with every weapon I test such) to use it as my exclusive form of combat against the pathetically weak grineer.


I got killed twice. By Vor's lackeys!!!


There is no run attack to speak of(you stop and lift your foot), the charge attack can't be done with any forward motion, it does mediocre knockback to a single target at a time, the attack speed is dismal, the DPS doesn't make up for it(this does almost no damage to the single target).


With no range, no speed, no damage, and limited style(the moves are okay, but they aren't very elegant in flow)... what does it have?


I managed to knock down a lot of things I was attacking, and then proceed to pound them into the ground to kill them very slowly... I can't see any appeal to this weapon at all.


Other people on the board seem quite happy with it. Why?


You make yourself sound very bad at the game.  I just built mine, unranked, and took them into tolstoj on my level 5 Mag that I also just recently built, killed everything just fine.  The things have a crazy good crit rate and ignore armor on tap attacks so it only took 1-2 hits per enemy, which with their very fast attack speed left me with the decision to immediately potato and level them up.  This will probably be the first melee weapon I'll bother to mod out with crit and actually use tap attacks with.


But seriously, I haven't run into any weapon ever that has directly caused death on any mission on Mercury.  It's really just a testbed to see what the potential of a new weapon is once you've been through the rest of the game.  The key there being "potential", not how the weapon performs unranked with no mods.  You need to be able to think ahead at what you're going to build a weapon into...

Edited by SanguineXIII
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I just completed my Kogate and gave them a test run.


Not remotely weak in the slightest; I was able to solo a level 15ish Corpus alert with unranked/unmodded Kogate while only resorting to my other weapons to shoot fiying robots, and not using any frame powers at all.

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Dude, my first match with kogake was taking it into a defense mission, managed to survive up until wave 20 with it (might have been able to go further, but a good mod popped up). It's not amazing, no, but it is very useful. For example, using a charge or jump attack to knock down ancients, then using the five hit ground finisher to do some nasty damage to them is very useful. In fact, I was able to keep a level ~30 ancient on the ground for nearly the entire time I was hitting him by timing my charge attacks right as he was almost up.


Basically, the Kogake requires a bit more skill and effort to master than most basic weapons. Sure, it's not all powerful, but it can be effective if used properly.


Besides, it's the first melee weapon I've picked up and instantly fell in love with. It's just so much fun to use when you get the hang of it. I'm sure its real potential won't shine until fully modded, but even then, I think it'll be an enjoyable ride to level 30.

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