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Chance to leave at will from Survival and Excavation missions


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Is it possible to give the chance to players to leave Excavations and Survivals even without all the party going to extraction?

I'm sick and tired of this crap. Everytime I play with randoms someone wants to stay an insane amount of time in missions and rarely someone decide to extract when I politely ask. This means I usually die while waiting for them, loosing exp, drop and most important of all, my lifetime. It's a useless amount of stress on players that play just for fun, it gives power to no-lifers to dictate how much time one should stay in mission. It's insane.

So please, create some kind of possibility for players to leave even without half of party at extraction. Or to kick out of party the troll, maybe under vote by all party members.

And please, keep the usual comments like "play in solo" for yourself. Many thanks. 

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1 minute ago, Plasmaface said:

I'd certainly appreciate it. I'm usually the guy who wants to stay another 10 minutes, but every now and again, I'm the one who has to leave at 15 or 20 minutes for whatever reason. 

In my case, it's people who want to do 30+ mins survival or 3000+ cryotic. It's completely useless, they're even normal missions, not the old Void. 

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This is one of my fears too, that is why I play excavations and survivals in groups only on events or alerts/syndicates. It would be a good idea I guess that every 5-10 extractors or every 5-10 mins of survival, you are prompted by lotus to extract as in Interception/Defense. The difficult thing would be that while in Interception/Def, the map is clear of enemies, in excavation/survival, this is not the case and you would need to pause the entire map to answer to lotus... So, I am all in for such a change, but it needs to be carefully planned and implemented.

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2 hours ago, ultragen said:

This is one of my fears too, that is why I play excavations and survivals in groups only on events or alerts/syndicates. It would be a good idea I guess that every 5-10 extractors or every 5-10 mins of survival, you are prompted by lotus to extract as in Interception/Defense. The difficult thing would be that while in Interception/Def, the map is clear of enemies, in excavation/survival, this is not the case and you would need to pause the entire map to answer to lotus... So, I am all in for such a change, but it needs to be carefully planned and implemented.

Agree. I know it's not an easy request, since it may require a whole rework of exc and surv missions. But what about something different? Like, you just reach the extraction are by yourself, without blocking the whole quest and just... extract? Or at least some kind of mission requirements that allows you to abort without loosing too many exp or the whole drop, if needed. 


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We've been requesting this for a long time but nothing from [DE].  It sucks when something unexpected pops up in real life and you're forced to lose progress to leave.  It also sucks when I want to stay longer but feel pressured to leave by someone.  Adding individual extractions is a win-win.

Warframe desperately needs this.

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