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A little feedback on the Warframes I've fully upgraded


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So, recently I've finished maxing every single frame (except Excalibur Prime and Ember Prime). Some of them I never touched again after leveling to 30, but I've invested a lot of time and formas on others. This thread is not intended to start a discussion (even if it's welcome, as long as it's kept respectful), but to leave some feedback to DE about the frames that I use the most, and which I have formaed multiple times. Just a random feedback from a random player.

Banshee: I find her to be in a pretty good place. Sonar is extremely powerful, and I found that the soft CC from Silence is enough compensation to her squishiness. She doesn't shine very much in public missions, because pugs tend to ignore weakspots or run several rooms away from Sonar's effect, but that is not a fault of the frame. I almost never use Sonic Boom; even if you have a lot of power range, it's dangerous to get close enough to an enemy to use it. It has its uses against clusters of enemies in closed spaces, but the risk makes it unworthy. With the weapons we have at this moment, the augment is only useful in certain sorties, but then again, using it always puts you in a "high risk - not so high reward" scenario. Sound Quake is interesting in concept, but it's only worth it if you maximize your build for it, which may negate your more useful skills.

Chroma: Powerful, but boring. Each frame has something that defines the way it plays. The only thing that defines Chroma's playstyle is that you need to look for a safe hiding place every time you notice that your buffs have 5 seconds or less left, to recast them. The rest of the time you're practically immortal and one-shotting everything. Spectral Scream is one of the worst 1s of the game. Effigy is ok, but it's mostly used in only two situations: to serve as a distraction when ressing someone, or in dedicated farming groups in low to mid tier missions. And he lacks a real passive.

Equinox: My favorite and most used frame. I cannot be brief about her, so I'll just leave my main topic about her many issues:

Frost Prime: He doesn't offer me a playstyle that I like that much, but I think he's very well balanced. His 1st may need some minor tweaks, but apart from that, he's extremely useful without being overpowered. Plus he can be modded in a lot of diferent ways.

Ivara: Almost perfect design. A lot of choices, a lot of uses for all of them. Except maybe for Navigator, simply because I don't often see situations where it could be more useful than simply killing whoever I want to kill. It's great that we can use it with the arrows from Quiver, but then again, I never had to.

Loki Prime: The only thing I'd change to him is buffing his Decoy's defenses so it doesn't dissappear as soon as an enemy looks in its general direction. I believe that HIS invisibility is fine, what isn't fine is how invisibility itself works in the game. It would be a lot better if enemies kept shooting at the place they think we are after, for example, seeing how we kill one of their allies.

Mag Prime: I like her because she's the real glass cannon of the game. Polarize and Magnetize are very good, they have damage, CC, debuffs, and even shield restoration, without breaking anything. I never found a reason to use Pull on an enemy instead of shooting it. Crush could be a decent room wide CC, but most of the times its cast time makes it suicidal. Its augment is very good. Also, she has too little max power for a caster.

Mesa: I love her, she's practically a tank with phases of very high damage but in very short bursts. Ballistic Battery is a bit useless after the enemies reach a mid-dificulty level, but the rest of her skills are fine. Also, she is one of the only frames I use without augments.

Nekros Prime: Pretty good. Even his 1st, ragdolling stuff is always fun (the augment is literally a life saver in groups). I love how Desecrate is useful not only for farming, but it can also bring tactical advantages because of the increased health and ammo drops. Terrify is an extremely useful and underrated CC. Shadows of the Dead can be very good or absolutely inconsecuential. It's powerful without being OP, but having no UI indicator of the health of the shadows, plus having it decay on itself is not fun at all. Most of the times I prefer not to use him in high level missions simply because knowing that I need to keep a separated part of my brain keeping track of pressing 4 every 15 seconds makes me nervous. I'm not a fan of the automatic health decay, at all.

Nova Prime: I'm still not sure if I like her or not. Her 1st is as useless as Chroma's. Antimatter Drop is excellent in every way. Worm Hole offers decent utility. And Molecular Prime... To be honest, I think it's overpowered as f*ck. With a decent duration, even without Primed Continuity, you can completely negate every threat three rooms away from you. Even if enemies can still shoot, a simple bullet jump will set off their aim.

Nyx Prime: Without Assimilate, she's a one-trick-pony. With Assimilate, I like her a lot. I use to think about her as an anti-Mesa: instead a drain that gives high damage, you get a drain that gives high defenses. With a melee weapon with stances like Crushing Ruin or Final Harbinger, she's one of my favorite frames by far. Psychic Bolts could use some tweaks, but they have some uses now and then, when you can take your time to spam them to trigger the disarm passive.

Oberon: He's not as bad as he seems, but mostly I agree with the rework pleas. Smite is actually decent for a 1st, its damage is laughable, but a 12 seconds radiation proc that's also a one handed action can be useful. Hallowed Ground is absolutely useless, the status removal could be nice, but as it was mentioned many times by others, the problem is our mobility. Chasing your squadmates to remove their procs is not fun. Renewal is good for being map-wide, but it will never save anyone in dangerous situations, it is only useful after a fight if you cannot find enough health orbs. Plus, it has a very weird interaction with its augment and power duration. Reckoning is very good, ONLY if built for spamming it (basically, efficiency+range+strenght, which puts duration in a bad place, which negates the rest of his abilities).

Saryn Prime: Perfection. Every skill is useful, plus they have a lot of synergy amongst them, plus she can be built for different playstyles.

Titania: Very fun, very situational. My only problem with her is Tribute, I never find a reason to use it.

Trinity Prime: She's in a weird spot. I like her because I like support roles, but only because she's our only decent support frame. Life Well is only usfeul for CC, but it's one of the worst CC options available. Energy Vampire is one of the most broken and overpowered abilities in the game. Link is actually very good, but I don't see why its base duration is so short. And Blessing is a very divisive topic amongst the community, but I think it's ok now, after the rework.

Valkyr: I guess she's ok, but I find her boring. She excels at melee, that's fine, but the only thing that defines her is "just keep killing stuff". There are better frames for killing stuff. At least Warcry being groupwide gives her some team synergy.

Vauban Prime: I like him, but he could be better. Tesla is bad, it can deal decent damage if you stack five or more grenades, but for the time and energy you waste, it would be better to simply shoot stuff. Minelayer doesn't have a place in a game where enemies come in hordes. "Oh, you slowed or reduced the armor of a few enemies in a hallway for a few seconds? Cool, what about the other twenty guys you have in front of you?". Bastille and Vortex are very good as they are.

Volt Prime: Perfection 2.0. Extremely versatile, with not so much synergy between his own skills, but a lot of team synergy. The only thing he lacks is a deluxe skin. His 1 is a decent soft CC, but having a short cast time and being usable while reloading is invaluable. His 2 is one of the best group buffs in the game. His 3 gives the chance for real tactical gameplay. His 4 is the true room wide hard CC, without being overpowered.

Edited by Antiphoton
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On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Frost Prime: He doesn't offer me a playstyle that I like that much, but I think he's very well balanced. His 1st may need some minor tweaks, but apart from that, he's extremely useful without being overpowered. Plus he can be modded in a lot of diferent ways.

Perfect for defense missions. He can be a super tank, faster than Loki, and a CC master all on the same build.

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Chroma: Powerful, but boring.


On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Ivara: Almost perfect design.

Not being able to steal from bosses killed her for me.

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Loki Prime:

One of the best in the game.

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Mag Prime:

Garbage frame since all the nerfs. I haven't even bothered leveling her. (Yes, I did have a maxed regular Mag.)

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Nekros Prime: Pretty good.

He needs work (Make Desecrate work like it used to on recast, and like it does now when toggled on. Best of both worlds. Plus, allow us to anchor his shadows to a point (i.e. let us set a way point and they can't move more than 15m from it.))

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Nova Prime:

Literally, perfect. She is the actually glass cannon of the game, and the only frame I still play regularly (meaning she will probably be nerfed soon, lol *cries*)

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Nyx Prime:

Meh tier

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Oberon: He's not as bad as he seems

He really is.

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Saryn Prime: Perfection.

HAHAHAHAHA . . . no.

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Trinity Prime:

Give her back infinite range on blessing, and she would be acceptable. The other nerfs are reasonable, even if unneeded.

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:


Honestly, she is the best melee frame if that is your thing. She is also a lot better since they made Hysteria a toggle.

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Vauban Prime: I like him, but he could be better.

He is fine where he is. Only Vortex and Bastille really matter, and they work well.

On 11/4/2016 at 7:54 PM, Antiphoton said:

Volt Prime: Perfection 2.0.

No. He is meh-tier. He is jack of all trades, Master of none.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

I have rush and armored agility on him and beat Lokis to objectives all the time.

 Frost is still slower than Loki. You beating Loki's to objectives does not make him faster. Loki is both inherently faster and would be even more so with the same Rush and Armoured Agility.

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3 minutes ago, Buzkyl said:

 Frost is still slower than Loki. You beating Loki's to objectives does not make him faster. Loki is both inherently faster and would be even more so with the same Rush and Armoured Agility.

IIRC Loki has a base sprint speed of 1.25


with maxed Armored Agility and Rush, Frost Prime gets up to 1.38.

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