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A simple Change to Excavation


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I'm sure there are plenty of players that go, for example, to Hieracon to farm relics. And then there are those that go there just to get the easy and fast credits, since it's only required to complete a single extractor and leave with that sweet, "hard earned" cash.

Well, I'm sick of the latter. At least 8 out of 10 times I go to Hieracon, all I can see are these folks that go there just for credits farming.

Shouldn't there be a change to Excavation missions (or at least these Dark Sector Excavation missions) to require at least something like 3 or 5 Extractors, maybe 300 or 500 cryotics before extraction?


Also, how is the fix for the solo Excavation going? There is a really annoying bug that sometimes makes no Core Carriers to spawn when playing solo.

Edited by RextintorZ
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6 minutes ago, RextintorZ said:

I'm sure there are plenty of players that go, for example, to Hieracon to farm relics. And then there are those that go there just to get the easy and fast credits, since it's only required to complete a single extractor and leave with that sweet, "hard earned" cash.

Well, I'm sick of the latter. At least 8 out of 10 times I go to Hieracon, all I can see are these folks that go there just for credits farming.

Shouldn't there be a change to Excavation missions (or at least these Dark Sector Excavation missions) to require at least something like 3 or 5 Extractors, maybe 300 or 500 cryotics before extraction?


Also, how is the fix for the solo Excavation going? There is a really annoying bug that sometimes makes no Core Carriers to spawn when playing solo.

its need really change...that is become very common...and pretty much ruin game.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

The solution is simple. Make the extraction rewards scale as the mission goes (with a realistic cap to prevent afk farming for hours).

yea i think that would be the best way to go about it.  Credit farmers irritate me too. i gear up for the long haul and then they just leave. If they did it out of public MM it wouldnt be an issue.

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26 minutes ago, RextintorZ said:

I'm sure there are plenty of players that go, for example, to Hieracon to farm relics. And then there are those that go there just to get the easy and fast credits, since it's only required to complete a single extractor and leave with that sweet, "hard earned" cash.

Well, I'm sick of the latter. At least 8 out of 10 times I go to Hieracon, all I can see are these folks that go there just for credits farming.

Shouldn't there be a change to Excavation missions (or at least these Dark Sector Excavation missions) to require at least something like 3 or 5 Extractors, maybe 300 or 500 cryotics before extraction?


Also, how is the fix for the solo Excavation going? There is a really annoying bug that sometimes makes no Core Carriers to spawn when playing solo.

The problem with Excavations is the power carriers being OP af after the buff which gave them the ability to fire 5 shots that completely obliterate the excavator. I love a challenge but they're mot a challenge. I single burst takes the excavator to 1900 health.

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3 minutes ago, Zhoyzu said:

yea i think that would be the best way to go about it.  Credit farmers irritate me too. i gear up for the long haul and then they just leave. If they did it out of public MM it wouldnt be an issue.

What we need is to not be taken out of the mission when others leave. But that would be nice to.

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On 06/11/2016 at 4:00 PM, (XB1)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

What we need is to not be taken out of the mission when others leave. But that would be nice to.

Yes. This is a request that the community has made since forever. There has to be way for players who just want to leave at anytime without losing their rewards (like in Survival and Excavation) without harming other players who want to stay there for as long as they care.

The current system only catters to one side. The other side is impaired.

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i can double on it, sometimes u gear up for long run, and join the game with guys farming credits, and they just rush exctraction or starts saying 1 excavator and exit.

my reaction is always, - "play on invite only" , going as random to hieracon u kinda always expect atleast AA B C even if team is bad and u are not doing 2 excavations at a time.

In my opinion dark sectors should really get a proper respect:

A - either scale those credits, A 25% , AA 50% , AA B 75% , AA B C 100% mission credits.

B - or treat dark sector as a real deal, and allow to extract only after AA B C (full one rotation).

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