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Nature Of The Tenno - Bushido Vs Ninjutsu


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So I saw this argument 2 guys were having over whether the Tenno are space ninjas or not.


I'd like to ask the fanzone community for your thoughts on this matter, not based off a statement Steve made in a livestream. I've read a lot of fanfic that shows which many of you like the idea that the Tenno follow either bushido or ninjutsu. Just for everyone's ease, I'm including the following segments from Wikipedia.


Bushido - way of the samurai




Associated virtues[edit]


I personally don't remember any evidence that the Tenno have these values, but feel free to enlighten me, with links to the relevant material of course. However, our chat box does say that they have respect and loyalty at least.


Ninjutsu - way of the ninja




The 18 disciplines are:[7]

Ninjutsu as depicted in a 19th-century sketch
  1. Seishinteki kyōyō – spiritual refinement
  2. Taijutsu – unarmed combat
  3. Kenjutsu – sword techniques
  4. Bōjutsu – stick and staff techniques
  5. Sōjutsu – spear techniques
  6. Naginatajutsu – naginata techniques
  7. Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama techniques
  8. Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapons techniques
  9. Kayakujutsu – pyrotechnics
  10. Hensōjutsu – disguise and impersonation
  11. Shinobi-iri – stealth and entering methods
  12. Bajutsu – horsemanship
  13. Sui-ren – water training
  14. Bōryaku – tactics
  15. Chōhō – espionage
  16. Intonjutsu – escaping and concealment
  17. Tenmon – meteorology
  18. Chi-mon – geography


The Tenno already have some of these weapons, stealth and entering,

and control over the elements.


Thus, I believe that the Tenno follow the virtues of the samurai, but use ninja training because it was practical to their methods of warfare, Also, I read something about some samurai being trained in the ways of the ninja. Unfortunately, I can't remember where right now.


Your thoughts, ladies and gentlemen?


Tl/Dr option: Do you think the Tenno are space samurai, ninjas or both?

Edited by Destro6677
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I think they are alone the lines of the ninja way.  The only thing I see of samurai way is how the DE wants us to treat each other on chat and forums.  Samurai were armies with generals and other leadership individuals all on structured set up to conquer their enemies with brute strength and numbers.  They wore armor that weighted hundred and up in pounds of gear.  They were not agile in the slightest bit.  Ninjas worked alone or in small groups to get their objective done.  Everything in the game screams we are ninja to me when you think about all the stuff they do and weapons they use.  

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