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Couple questions from a Prepping PS4 tenno.



So you know those stupidly powerfully riven mods everyone's talking about? Can you Equip more than 1 riven mod on a single weapon? Also other than the obvious star chart Prepping what should I be doing in order to prepare for the war within. Endo farming for riven mods? 

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4 answers to this question

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Make sure you've got the Pluto-Sedna junction finished. Replay Second Dream if you need to (assume that makes it in before War Within, and not at the same time) so you've got everything fresh in your memory. Trick out your Operator and your warframe of choice so they look good in all the cutscenes. Make sure you've got some good anti-Grineer weapons/mods handy. Brush up on your Archwing skills a little. Make sure the music is on and high enough to be audible. Ditto for voices. Endo/credit farming for riven mods wouldn't be a bad idea but they're surprisingly cheap to level up, so don't sweat it too much.

Perhaps most importantly, make sure you've got an uninterrupted block of time to play it in--not just because it's a hell of a ride, but also because there's a point where you're locked in and have to finish the quest before you can go back to anything else.

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Make sure your operator looks good as they play a significant role in the story (kinda obvious). Also make sure w/e melee weapon you choose to take with you is decent  enough to kill lvl 40+ enemies without too much difficulty.

I dont normally fight grineer but from my perspective some of the eviscerators are on roids. the bleed procs absolutely roflstomped my kubrow and me. 

You do need an AW but you wont actually fight anything with it so. Its pretty awesome how they integrated the AW into the quest.

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Just now, NinthAria said:


Perhaps most importantly, make sure you've got an uninterrupted block of time to play it in--not just because it's a hell of a ride, but also because there's a point where you're locked in and have to finish the quest before you can go back to anything else.

^^^^ that too. i think youd need roughly 60-120 minutes depending on how you play through the quest

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