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About Warfarm...


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Thought I'd leave this here since I know one of the main sources that DE uses for improving Warframe is the community's feedback. 


EDIT: Just to clarify, my main issue is not just "having nothing to do" at endgame, it's really more about current and future patches doing nothing but emphasizing more on repetitive gameplay.


After a couple of hundred hours of gameplay in a matter of days, Warframe Warfarm is no longer that game I play the most. There's nothing for me to do in the game but maximize a few last of the 10-level modules, or occasionally kick &#! in PvP. The latter being the less boring out of the two.


Does this mean adding new maps, Warframes and weapons will solve the issue? Not really. Sure, I can go up a Mastery level or so, but what for? To unlock a Mastery level 10 weapon that will be used in... repeated farming? Which as a reward will grant new weapons to use in... repeated farming? What is the ultimate goal of Warframe? Apparently having the best and all gear in the game so that we can... repeatedly farm?


Despite the aforementioned issue, something that I think would improve the gameplay experience is, for example, having many different & unique missions, instead of just being, RAID RAID RAID, EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE, DEFENSE, EXTERMINATE (this is not including endgame gameplay, which is usually DEFENSE DEFENSE DEFENSE). This would start to become more interesting, nonetheless not interesting enough.


Or maybe add more easter eggs/unexpected events, such as the Stalker, to spice up things a bit. Wait, wait.. here it comes....  WHAT STALKER???


But most importantly, variation. Currently the most variation you'll get is playing with different Warframes to cause massacre in different ways.


Until then, I will continue to lurk and watch things like the livestream, but I will definitely not be playing as much as I did, thanks to other interesting and fun games. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time in Warframe, but I'm not feeling it anymore.


TL;DR - Warframe needs more gameplay variation, specifically mechanics & features, not just new content.

Edited by Trucider
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After a couple of hundred hours of gameplay in a matter of days, Warframe Warfarm is no longer that game I play the most. There's nothing for me to do in the game but maximize a few last of the 10-level modules, or occasionally kick &#! in PvP. The latter being the less boring out of the two.


There's your problem right there.  If you're playing ANY game that much you're going to burn out.  And it's just not healthy... Not trying to be that guy, but might want to try and get out a bit!

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There's your problem right there.  If you're playing ANY game that much you're going to burn out.  And it's just not healthy... Not trying to be that guy, but might want to try and get out a bit!



This right here.


I have 144 hours (according to steam) logged into Warframe.


But then I've been playing it for like 3 months+.


I came right after Update 7, about a week or so after it first came out on Steam.


I still have plenty to do in Warframe (I don't have every planet 100% done), I'm still missing warframes and weapons (I recently got Rank5) and my mod collection needs serious work (though I have the worst luck with mod drops).


Playing it constantly until you're sick of it is never healthy for any game.

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This is not just about endgame, folks. Even if I was still in Mastery level 2, the issue hasn't changed: Warframe is only about repeated farming.


Gameplay is the issue. Same maps, same mission a few times over in order to further progress in the game.


Edited the OP in attempt to clarify my point.

Edited by Trucider
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This is not just about endgame, folks. Even if I was still in Mastery level 2, the issue hasn't changed: Warframe is only about repeated farming.


Gameplay is the issue. Same maps, same mission a few times over in order to further progress in the game.


Edited the OP in attempt to clarify my point.


Everybody knows the game needs more before it is released, but yet you wore the game out much faster than you needed to, too.


The game isn't THAT bad that you play it twice and get finished with it, but yet, Yes, it does need more stuff and I think Update9 is supposed to add some more stuff. We need to wait and see what they got for us.


When I first started playing, there were only Corpus Ships with the occasional asteroid levels.


I thought "man, this looks all copy/pasted this is kinda blah."


Now, after they added the Galleon, made it so there are more Outposts around, and now Void.... I don't feel that way anymore. I feel there's a nice mix of maps. And they plan on adding ANOTHER Tileset here soon (the Grineer Outpost or whatever they're going to call it).


Also, they said about more Lore in Mercury to grab newer players (Captain Vor getting some big changes).


Give em time, is what I'm trying to say.


As for what YOU should do... take a little break on it.

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What you are experiencing is a very serious case of endgame boredom. Most people are at suffering from the same issue, myself included.  I've been trying to alleviate my own disinterest by recklessly forma-ing all my favourite frames and using them in Tier II runs.

(I'm just going to define "assets" here: New models, maps, textures... any "flashy" stuffs).

New assets are awesome, and they sure as hell look great, but they're almost never packaged with any new gameplay mechanics/ features. And you're right, what they should be doing is modifying and updating the core mechanics of the game, not adding more aesthetically pleasing items that may or may not cost platinum, or tiles.

However, this company does needs to make more money to fund whatever-the-hell  (it's still in beta), so we should expect to see more flashy weapons, which need nice models/ textures to bait people into buying them, that are purchasable with Platinum (perhaps they're using the money to update their servers). Disappointing it may be, we have to respect them and their financial issues. Because of this, future updates will inevitably come with new assets, meaning successive updates - proper updates, not hotfixes - will be delayed more than the previous.

Though I, along with a good chunk of the people that will come across this topic, wholefully agree with your proposed improvements,  there's not a single thing we can do to encourage the devs implement any asset-less features

And until they acquire enough money for whatever, we're not going to get any core improvements anytime soon.

May I suggest "Endless Space" an outlet for your stress?

[EDIT] Balls, I didn't discuss the issue with farming. Yea, there's nothing we can do about that. If you're just talking about the farming that's required to achieve Rank "X" to use weapon "x", then these guns are reserved for people that are at an endgame stage.
Before the research weapons were released, I think the endgame guns included the Lex, Goron and the Latron.

I think the devs expect that people will look past the farming and see the shiny, bad-&#! gun that awaits them. Also, people will be lazy, and not want to do anymore farming after they've reached the required rank to unlock that gun. And so they impulsively buy it with platinum. Capitalism!


Edited by WeHuntRabbit
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As for what YOU should do... take a little break on it.


That's exactly what I'm doing. ^^ And yes, the game's still in beta, hence my feedback.


For now I'll hop on every once in a while, and then see what Update 9 has for us.

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