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So, you play new "endless missions"?? endless missions are dead or not?


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The new system is amazing. This week I did a Lith excavation, and my squad opened 11 relics each (except for when one guy didn't get enough traces and one other guy didn't equip a new relic in time). But, we also got 5 relics from excavation rewards and from the system's rewards. So altogether, we got the worth of 11 relics for the price of 6.

I also got 197 traces. So there's that.

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i've only tried new endless once (defense), and we got only to 20 waves, because one guy had to go, and the others also decided to leave.

So, the rewards weren't that great afer only 4 rotations, but the fact, that all 4 players in a public lobby were staying 20 waves, speaks for itself.

It is the first step in the right direction - now we have to add the end mission credit reward to all rotations (players doing 5 waves on sechura make me dying a little every single time) and some of the bonuses (or weaker ones) to the non-frissure missions, and we are set.

Or, simply increase the number of frissure alerts, so you have always both speedrun and endless missions for each relic type.

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They are still dead. This changed nothing. Having to use a new relic each time ruins the entire point of endless missions. You are better off extracting at 5.

The buffs they added are a joke. While the farming bonuses would be AMAZING on regular starmap endless missions, they fail to address why people played endless missions in the first place, or why people saw them as an end game.

Just step back and look at it, you have to waste 15 relics just to get a random radiate relic, and each rotation doesn't even automatically open your relic. If your relic opened automatically each rotation then it would at help the endless mission stand out at least slightly.


What they should have done:

  • one relic lasts you until C rotation
  • every C rotation past the first increase your relic's level ( first rotation:nothing, rotation after first C:relic gets raised by one refinement, rotation after second C:relic gets raised by two)
  • each 5 minute mark auto unlocks relic

That way, You are getting 3 rewards per relic, you can play to the objective because you aren't chasing little orbs instead, and if you stay long enough, you are getting free radiant upgrades.

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My own experience with the new system. I got into a mission with 3 people in a public match, it's a defense for Lith so the start is so easy we were chilling and letting ember do her thing while we sat or danced and whatevs. We used the time picking relics to joke(more) and coordinate our next relic. And in wave 40 or so we got cocky and lost the mission :P lol. But we kept our prime parts from relics which was nice.

For me this system is more appropriate gameplay and lore wise. Plus, it's fun and varied. I haven't found a bored, salty, self proclaimed master tenno on it lashing and everyone for not going corrosive projection-tonkor-prime Loki like the days of old (yet). Having said that there have been some weird bugs that prevent you from opening relics, mostly on survivals.

EDIT: Yes I'm a veteran player but I have lots of time. It does hurt when there's no mission fissure when I want to play but I can just go away and come back. That doesn't apply for everyone however.

Edited by Jeoxz
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Here is just my honest opinion about the relic change and other current updates in general (should've maybe posted it a bit earlier)

I start with the good ideas/Changes first:

I definetly like how relics work in general, its way easier for newer players to achieve some progress in the game, cause theres a certain structure right now (Junctions, Quests and obtaining new planets). Its also much easier for them to farm rare prime parts to get their stuff, really nice that DE considered newer players ! So thumbs up for that!

BUT today it can be very hard to find a "motivating goal" to play for.Especially as a high rank player (I'm, currently MR 22, not far away from 23). Personally i used to play the old endless t2 survival whenever Baro appeared to have a consistant income of Ducats, because you were able to use one Key of just one member of your group to open the mission. I usually played with friends in a squad of four and it was always challenging to surivive as long as possible with certinly meta frames like (Nekros,Frost,Loki, Vauban etc.) as well as with "weaker" but funny frames like Zephyr. In this scenario we were also able to farm tons of keys very easily in missions like Triton on Neptune or Hieracon on Pluto and I guess many of you veteran players have still enough relics from that. As a conclusion DE should've nerfed Excavation and other drop tables very hard, which would've been no really hard problem with the old system.

BUT today we need ONE RELIC PER PRIME PART (!). This change just made pure grinding even worse.... people started power farming relics very hard, so it was still not VERY DIFFICULT to get a certain amount of relics and getting a good count of Ducats and PRIME PARTS TO SELL, which is very impirtant to get platinum as a F2P player. But now DE thought it'd be necessary to NERFE ALL THE DROP TABLES AND MADE IT PRETTY HARD, BUT MORE LIKE ANNOYING TO GET RELICS. Before you got a Lith relic on every secound excavator in earth missions like Everest. Yesterday I played a bit to get relics , to get some Ducats and only got 1 relic in 12 Excavators. On the other hand i got rewards like 15 (!) Endo on a B rotation or  Heated Charge on C Rotation. Of that one relic i got a junk Prime part, which gave me  just 15 Ducats...... That means I played a total of 30 min repetetive and not rewarding gameplay to get trash ... THATS NOT THE WAY IT SHOULD WORK! If you want players to stick at this game you need to give them smth. which is worth the effort. Many players gave suggestions to improve this system: DE did a good step when they added these bonuses to endless fissues but we also need smth. like that in "normal " endless missions ,maybe put these god damn crab lenses into endless missions drop table and reward players, who play these missions for a very long time. I don't hate the grinding itself, bacause is a game for casual players, but I hate getting trash for investing a lot of time.  Same with sorties atm. I played them every day since TWW came out, but I got the same 2k Endo every day, which feels not rewarding in any way. Heres an idea of improvement proposed by another player: Lock all of the sorties missions behind a MR or Progression in the story. For example first mission for those who are MR 4 or higher, secound for those who finished TSD and the third for those who finished TWW. Just add drop tables for every of these missions, which get better in higher sortie missions. Add some new cool rewards or atleast put this RNG Kuva as a reward (~ 2000 or so). Then  add a weekly mission where you can get a guaranted RIVEN MOD, so there are not these few lucky one I saw, who sold their 300% Critchance/DMG etc Tonkor Mod for around 6000 platinum.

So as a conclusion: IMPROVE current systems of gameplay before adding new ones to the game, CHANGE the relic/Key system so every player has the chance achieve Ducats/Platinum by investing time, IMPROVE endless RNG missions so they feel more rewarding, same for sorties


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15 hours ago, Kaiser_Suoh said:

I think is a waste of relics.

40 min = 7 relics each player

Also you must find a "very dedicated to farm something" party.

Before relic system many people played for fun 40 min/waves because was free.


No, you're wrong.  It's not a waste because every 5 mins, there's a chance to get a rare prime parts.  The old ways you have to endure 20 mins in order to have a chance of rare prime part.  The first 15 mins gets you mostly orkin cells, fusion core, argon crystals and common prime parts.  So the old way waste a lot of your time getting just 1 rare prime part.  Now the new way you have 4 chances to get rares (in the same 20 min mission), and get free boosts. Much less time consuming.

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I was in a PUG Suvival, people were planning to go at 5 mins... I used a Radiant Relic, they stayed and used their own Intact Relics. They were bailing at 10 mins... I used another Radiant Relic, they used their own Relics again. Said they were leaving at 15... I used another Radiant...

I felt like a troll.

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I'm mostly puggin' when farming and i must say with the new system people stay longer in general.

Going away with 12 relic rewards in less than 30 minutes in an excavation and taking away pretty much always more than 100 traces -often around 200 and getting relics and a nice amount of credits as well (though akkad is probably still more efficient... didn't check it really) i have really no complaints.

And frankly speaking, it's less bothersome than getting out and into new missions every few minutes as well. I rather stay longer and playing the game than spending half my time watching loading screens.

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Yeah, I love em, except void defense, though I hated that too when void keys were a thing, because the map is too big.

Best is survival imho. Rewards are every 5 mins no more no less. If you can do 5 rounds of defense in less than 5 mins, then that's your best bet, but that's rarely the case with pugs.

Interception and excav are efficient too if people can solo points/drills, but give less affinity than the previous options.

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Went in a level 12 excavation with a level 13 frame and people just kept going until we were constantly dying.


Only one was doing any damage at one point but the other 2 still refused to leave despite being down every 30 seconds.


I hate endless missions. I don't find them fun and last time they were a thing it caused me to get burnt out and quit. Now it means I can't do survival or excavation fissures because i'm stuck there until someone else decides to leave which is what happened in that one.


It would be great if they could add in a solo depart so when you got to the pick up point it picked you up without the need to wait for others. As it stands it just means I need to avoid 2 of the mission types for fissures. 

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They do the job, in pug people stay for 15-40min/waves, which is enough for me. Sure you open lots of relics but you also gain some from rewards on top of the prime parts.

 Would be nice to be able to choose the booster, have the bonus every 20 waves/mins instead of 25, reduce timers a bit, increase the reactant drops in the begining if you join mid game. Also give survivals/excavations a leave/stay option, with the pause system, no more reason to not have it.

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