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Ten New Weapon Ideas


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These are a few weapons that I think would be interesting additions to the Tenno arsenal.



   This would be considered a melee weapon with one significant difference, the ability to negate all incoming damage when using the block mechanic.  The shield would have a very short melee range with a charge attack that knocks down enemies (much like the Grineer shield lancers).  This would need to be something that folds up or activates, not as intrusive as a giant shield on my Tenno's back.


A suppressed pistol:

   I don't particularly care what this looks like its just something simple and obvious that hasn't been added to the game quite yet that would fit in very well with the polishing of the stealth system. (Bonus points for having akimbo suppressed pistols).  Another possability for this would be to add it as a skin to another weapon like the lato.


A suppressed AR:

   Like a suppressed braton etc. just more variety for possible stealth gameplay.  Again this could be added as a skin for a weapon.



   Like a midieval ball and chain but with energy instead of a chain (need I say more?).



  Either dual or single (or both) --- I want my space-ninja-pirate fantasy to be a reality!  (Possably a skin?)



   They added bows, this is the logical next step.  This weapon could work one of two ways: Either be a slower-firing, harder-hitting weapon or a multi-round fast firing space crossbow!


Energy Shotgun:

   The current shotguns are great and having a corpus themed shotgun would round the group out.



   A rifle that fires an electric bolt that does moderate damage and has a chance to leap to multiple enemies. (A chain lightning gun)



   A high tension slingshot secondary that would act much like the paris and dread (and kunai).  High-damage, single shot, & silent (possibly with thunderbolt?)


Grenade launcher:

   The ultimate infested killer, a multi-round grenade launcher with moderate explosive damage, a predictable arc, a fast reload, and spamable fire rate.



Think these ideas are good or bad?  Do you like some things but not others? Have an Idea on how one of these should work?

Please leave a comment below giving feedback! Especially if you want to see some of these weapons in game!


Edit: Fixed a few spelling errors.

Edited by Konnivar
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The slingshot is more of a shot in the dark (HA! gun puns) for more low awareness weapons.


The Scimitar should probably be a weapon skin (dual ether perhaps?).


The Grenade launcher wouldn't behave like the Ogris, The projectiles would have a predictable arc (like paris), it would be spamable, and easier to obtain.

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The Grenade launcher wouldn't behave like the Ogris, The projectiles would have a predictable arc (like paris), it would be spamable, and easier to obtain.

I see what you man however,  we have the torid which arc's, and we have the ogris. I don't think its needed.. although a noob tube would be amazing, a single shot rocket basically. lol

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I see what you man however,  we have the torid which arc's, and we have the ogris. I don't think its needed.. although a noob tube would be amazing, a single shot rocket basically. lol

It'd be nice to have single-shot RPG-type weapon in the market. It'd take forever to reload and it would have a sort of "charge" time to sight the BFG on target(s), but the end result would be a very fast rocket with an arc that as large AOE damage area. Something reminiscent of how a real RPG rocket would look flying through the air as well as the damage it causes. 

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The idea for the grenade launcher wouldn't be for it to do massive damage like the ogris, but something that does moderate explosive damage (lets say 40-70) in a small radius (3m?), has no charge time, and a moderate magazine size (6 max).

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The Grineer have sticky bomb kinds of things. It could be really fun to have a sticky bomb grenade launcher. Give the projectile pretty decent arc and a delay before they go off? This would make it different from weapons already in game and be a pretty fun mechanic to use.


I would love to have grenades as a secondary weapon (another weapon the Grineer already have). Give them short range, an arc, bounce, and the potential to kill yourself.

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The Grineer have sticky bomb kinds of things. It could be really fun to have a sticky bomb grenade launcher. Give the projectile pretty decent arc and a delay before they go off? This would make it different from weapons already in game and be a pretty fun mechanic to use.


I would love to have grenades as a secondary weapon (another weapon the Grineer already have). Give them short range, an arc, bounce, and the potential to kill yourself.


That isn't a bad idea for the mechanic of the weapon, I like this option over my original idea for the grenade launcher as it adds some balancing factors to it.

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I think some of them could possibly have some potential. However, Im not a fan of Slingshot,flail and Scimitars. They just seem out of place in my eyes.

Slingshot I can agree with, but how so with the flail and scimitars? Flails are just maces on a chain, and the Cronus is already pretty darn close to a scimitar.

The only two I can't see happening at all are the grenade launcher and slingshot. Slingshot because...well it just makes so little sense and isn't a weapon, it's a toy that can be used as an EXTREMELY ineffective weapon.

Grenade and rocket launchers, DE has made clear that they don't want many of them. (Separation of Tenno powers and weapons) We're lucky to have the ones we have.

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the sling shot was weapon do your research they were used as weapons before the bow was invented i will give you this it was not very effective against armor but un armored targets it hit pretty hard David kill Goliath after all with a sling shot

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Slingshot because...well it just makes so little sense and isn't a weapon, it's a toy that can be used as an EXTREMELY ineffective weapon.

Grenade and rocket launchers, DE has made clear that they don't want many of them. (Separation of Tenno powers and weapons) We're lucky to have the ones we have.


There are actually people who hunt rabbits and deer with slingshots, they fire steel ball berings at very high velocity.




I do agree that in the games current state a slingshot would be less practical because the kunai and despair would most likely out-damage it.


I understand DE's hesitation at adding more grenade/rocket launchers but as it stands right now there is only one true explosive weapon: the Ogris.  It can be argued that the Torid is also an explosive weapon but I don't think it falls under that category as it has a dot that remains after the initial hit.

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Slingshot I can agree with, but how so with the flail and scimitars? Flails are just maces on a chain, and the Cronus is already pretty darn close to a scimitar.

The only two I can't see happening at all are the grenade launcher and slingshot. Slingshot because...well it just makes so little sense and isn't a weapon, it's a toy that can be used as an EXTREMELY ineffective weapon.

Grenade and rocket launchers, DE has made clear that they don't want many of them. (Separation of Tenno powers and weapons) We're lucky to have the ones we have.

A slingshot is a toy? Actually, a slingshot fires a 12mm (44 caliber) steel ball bearing under a high tension band with speeds up to 400fps that is capable of breaking bones and causing massive internal bleeding. Physics can be a nasty little thing. Quite a deadly "toy" wouldn't you say? If you don't believe these exist, please look them up as if you wanted to buy one online and see for yourself. However, being that this is the future, we could imagine this slingshot to be made out of superior materials that would be capable of firing deadly projectiles twice as fast. Besides, I don't know about you people, but I am running out of secondary weapons to choose from and so we should be welcoming new ideas. I mean really, what other game do you know of where you can shoot a ball bearing at someboy's face and see a cavity where there facial expressions once existed?

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