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Non credo a nessuno qui interessi la pubblicità del tuo sito. :^)


EDIT: Se vi interessano i drop ma non volete cadere nel clickbait del simpaticissimo signore qui sopra, eccovi i drop

Valkyr Prime: -------------

Valkyr Prime Blueprint = Meso S3 Relic (Common)

Valkyr Prime Neuroptics = Meso C2 Relic (Uncommon)

Valkyr Prime Chassis = Axi V5 Relic (Rare)

Valkyr Prime Systems = Meso V3 Relic (Rare)

Cernos Prime: -------------

Cernos Prime Blueprint = Axi V4 Relic (Uncommon)

Cernos Prime Grip = Neo V4 Relic (Common)

Cernos Prime String = Neo A1 Relic (Uncommon)

Cernos Prime Upper Limb = Meso C2 Relic (Common)

Cernos Prime Lower Limb = Axi C1 Relic (Rare)

Venka Prime: ------------

Venka Prime Blueprint = Neo N4 Relic (Uncommon)

Venka Prime Blades = Axi V5 Relic (Common)

Venka Prime Gauntlet = Neo V4 Relic (Rare)

Edited by Spaccaossi
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