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The mystery of the abandoned station (IC-Open), (Possibly 18+, I won't stop you directly)


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24 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

after turning on the generator, it takes a moment but it does get going and within a few minutes the lights come on, and so do the ones for this level.

'It's about time'. Adriax thought. 'It only took so long because I acted too quickly. Gotta be more careful in the future.' He energized his frame, activating speed, and started back to the armory, finally able to check it out.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

'It's about time'. Adriax thought. 'It only took so long because I acted too quickly. Gotta be more careful in the future.' He energized his frame, activating speed, and started back to the armory, finally able to check it out.

After several minutes, you make it back to the armory. The door is completely open.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

Adriax skidded to a stop. The door had finally opened, and he stepped inside, unsure of what he would see.

Upon observing the size of the room, which has multiple areas, you estimate that this could relatively arm 200+ individuals fairly well should the need arise. Ordis remembers from the map that there were 7 others on this floor of this sector with 10 floors that have armories in this sector.

After while of looking around, you find that a good 60-70% of the weapons have been taken.

What you manage to find reads as follows based on your intuition about what they are. ((if you need further detail, just ask me))

You find 20 of what look like standard primary weapons, that can be split into 4 categories, full-auto rifles, semi-auto rifles, sub machine guns, and shotguns.

you find 15 of what look to be secondary weapons, which can be divided into two categories of a standard pistol, and a one-shot pistol that can use larger round, or even grenades.

You find Batons, Tonfas, energy shields, etc... in the melee section.

Moving on to what looks like heavy weaponry, which was all but cleaned out, you find what looks like a heavy Gatling style machine gun, 3 grenade launchers, 2 single shot rocket launchers, and finally, 1 rail-gun that uses some very large shells.

You do find some hand grenades but they are non-lethal, like smoke, gas, etc...

you find a large amount of ammo for each weapon, though the ammo from 30-40% of an armory meant to arm 200+ people would be a lot for one individual.

Finally in the robotics section, you find 2 drones with armaments on them.


((what do you wish to do with this discovery?))

((also before I forget, now that the powers on, this sectors outer defenses are on, making approach by other Tenno near impossible, and everyone's taken notice of this development. Just food for thought.))

Edited by Sharpstriker
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11 hours ago, Sharpstriker said:

Armory Snip

Adriax stepped into the armory. The first think he noticed was that a large portion of weapons were missing. "What happened here? Whatever these weapons were needed for, oh man. Bet it makes Vay Hek look like a chump." After saying this, the tennno perked up as he noticed that the outer defenses were on. 'So much for calling in backup.' He thought. 'Hopefully I won't need it.' Taking a look around the room once more, he decided that, for the most part, he liked to travel light and didn't need any weapons. He did pick up the 2 drones though, with the intent to examine them later. He then remembered the research area, and decided that was probably the next place to look. "Well. That was eye opening, but I was really need to know what I'm dealing with here. Ordis, how do I get to the lab. I think I have some detective work to do." 

Edited by (PS4)LastDoomKnight
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1 hour ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

Adriax stepped into the armory. The first think he noticed was that a large portion of weapons were missing. "What happened here? Whatever these weapons were needed for, oh man. Bet it makes Vay Hek look like a chump." After saying this, the tennno perked up as he noticed that the outer defenses were on. 'So much for calling in backup.' He thought. 'Hopefully I won't need it.' Taking a look around the room once more, he decided that, for the most part, he liked to travel light and didn't need any weapons. He did pick up the 2 drones though, with the intent to examine them later. He then remembered the research area, and decided that was probably the next place to look. "Well. That was eye opening, but I was really need to know what I'm dealing with here. Ordis, how do I get to the lab. I think I have some detective work to do." 

The drones are slightly shorter than you. 

Their initial armaments include twin Gatling style machine guns, and four launch cylinders for grenades.

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On 2/11/2017 at 11:52 AM, Sharpstriker said:

Ordis: "Operator, Ordis believes that it should have its container destroyed or the energy drained from it."


"Be quiet, Helminth," Kapak said. He unsheathed his sword and assumed the cutting position above the orb. He looked at the others for their approval.

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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23 hours ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

Adriax stepped into the armory. The first think he noticed was that a large portion of weapons were missing. "What happened here? Whatever these weapons were needed for, oh man. Bet it makes Vay Hek look like a chump." After saying this, the tennno perked up as he noticed that the outer defenses were on. 'So much for calling in backup.' He thought. 'Hopefully I won't need it.' Taking a look around the room once more, he decided that, for the most part, he liked to travel light and didn't need any weapons. He did pick up the 2 drones though, with the intent to examine them later. He then remembered the research area, and decided that was probably the next place to look. "Well. That was eye opening, but I was really need to know what I'm dealing with here. Ordis, how do I get to the lab. I think I have some detective work to do." 

Ordis: "Operator, the fastest way I could find is the super elevator located at the space port about 3 sectors away."

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3 hours ago, Disruptis said:

"Wait," Valkyr interjected, almost involuntarily. Why did she want to keep this thing alive? There were bound to be more, right? She grounded her feet and steeled herself. Something about the prospect of destroying it made Valkyr itch inside.

Kapak stopped and turned to Valkyr. "What?"

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3 hours ago, Disruptis said:

"Wait," Valkyr interjected, almost involuntarily. Why did she want to keep this thing alive? There were bound to be more, right? She grounded her feet and steeled herself. Something about the prospect of destroying it made Valkyr itch inside.

Ordis to Valk: "Operator, are you perhaps taking pity on that creature, Because from my analysis, pity won't even cross that monsters mind when it's attacking prey. It's quite the simple but dangerous creature. It'd be best to kill it before it causes more trouble."

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3 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

Ordis to Valk: "Operator, are you perhaps taking pity on that creature, Because from my analysis, pity won't even cross that monsters mind when it's attacking prey. It's quite the simple but dangerous creature. It'd be best to kill it before it causes more trouble."

Kapak rolled his eyes figuratively. He lowered his sword and ran his finger along the side. "Ordis is right," he said, "What's the difference between this thing and every other infested creep we've slain anyways?"

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On 2/12/2017 at 10:27 AM, Sharpstriker said:

Ordis: "Operator, the fastest way I could find is the super elevator located at the space port about 3 sectors away."

"Well, I suppose I could use a good run." He activated speed, but before he took off, something stopped him. The last time he had said those words, there had been death, so much death. The volt preferred to forget about that day. He sighed, thinking: 'Things are different now, I can't be thinking back to then.' He started towards the super elevator.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

"Well, I suppose I could use a good run." He activated speed, but before he took off, something stopped him. The last time he had said those words, there had been death, so much death. The volt preferred to forget about that day. He sighed, thinking: 'Things are different now, I can't be thinking back to then.' He started towards the super elevator.

((I assume you got the drones up and running and they are following you fully armed.))

You rush down the hallways with the drones following close behind, as soon as you are about to reach the next sector, Three entities come into focus, two of them look the same with large arms, a bulky torso, short but strong legs, a long snout with sharp teeth. On their backs was what looked like a machines gun wrapped in what looks like its flesh.

The third being was different with a fairly slender body with a nyx prime like head. On its back were four tendrils with blade like tips, and two normal looking arms with many tiny tendrils for fingers.

All Three of them take notice of you.

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17 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

((I assume you got the drones up and running and they are following you fully armed.))

You rush down the hallways with the drones following close behind, as soon as you are about to reach the next sector, Three entities come into focus, two of them look the same with large arms, a bulky torso, short but strong legs, a long snout with sharp teeth. On their backs was what looked like a machines gun wrapped in what looks like its flesh.

The third being was different with a fairly slender body with a nyx prime like head. On its back were four tendrils with blade like tips, and two normal looking arms with many tiny tendrils for fingers.

All Three of them take notice of you.

Adriax skidded to a stop. "Ohhhhh boy. This doesn't look good." He mumbled. He pulled out his vulkar wraith, and cautiously approached the beings. "Hey. You guys alright? I don't suppose you all want to brutally dismember me?" He activated speed; his reflexes enhanced. The drones followed behind him.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

Adriax skidded to a stop. "Ohhhhh boy. This doesn't look good." He mumbled. He pulled out his vulkar wraith, and cautiously approached the beings. "Hey. You guys all right? I don't suppose you all want to brutally dismember me?" He activated speed; his reflexes enhanced. The drones followed behind him.

The third creature points to you in a gesture of attack. One of the two creature start rushing towards you and the drones, and it is closing the gap fast.

The drones pick up these enemies, and begin firing. The four machine guns, having a magazine of 150 bullets, lets loose 20 each and tear this thing apart. However, almost as fast as it gets torn apart, its regenerating. After the volley, the creature roars, and bulks up its arms to act as a shield, and rushes forward again. It also activates its own machine gun aiming at the drones, whom are strafing to avoid damage. (( what do you do?))

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12 minutes ago, Sharpstriker said:

The third creature points to you in a gesture of attack. One of the two creature start rushing towards you and the drones, and it is closing the gap fast.

The drones pick up these enemies, and begin firing. The four machine guns, having a magazine of 150 bullets, lets loose 20 each and tear this thing apart. However, almost as fast as it gets torn apart, its regenerating. After the volley, the creature roars, and bulks up its arms to act as a shield, and rushes forward again. It also activates its own machine gun aiming at the drones, whom are strafing to avoid damage. (( what do you do?))

"Well then. You guys really need to work on your social skills!" Adriax fired off a few rounds, and noted the regeneration. 'Greaaaaaat. Just what I wanted. Regenerating a-holes with bad social skills. I gotta try and find a weak point.' He thought. As one of the creatures starts firing, Adriax puts up an electric shield, then casts discharge, hopefully stunning the enemies so he can get closer.

Edited by (PS4)LastDoomKnight
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