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The mystery of the abandoned station (IC-Open), (Possibly 18+, I won't stop you directly)


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"Stand aside, Hunt," Jado said. 

He didn't want to have to do this..... but it may be the only way. Jado quickly unfastened his sword from his side and dropped it, and quickly ran over to Valkyr.

"I'm sorry for this," he said as he grabbed her arm and raised his other one, "just try to hold yourself together." With that, he brought his arm down, his fingers pointed straight, digging into her neck.

Valkyr was met with unimaginable pain, but couldn't move. In her mind, the voice of the orb continued to say "assimilate" over and over, but now a new voice spoke out against it, as if arguing for control. It wasn't Jado's voice. It was as if a ferocious battle was occurring in her mental realm.




Valkyr was under too much pain to realize what was happening in the real world. But Hunt watched, as Jado's warframe began to crumble apart.

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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This may be a rp challenge for me.

Inaros just stood there, helpless.

He recieved a newfound feeling.

Impotency. He wanted to help them so darn much, but the only thing he could do is grit his figurative teeth, and pray nothing will happen

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Valkyr teetered on the verge of unconsciousness, a vast blackness stretched before her mind.

P..Please, s-save me! She mentally pleaded. 

Valkyr's mind was stretched to its limit as she started approaching  ⌜Hysteria⌟

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Suddenly, Valkyr's mind was clear. The voices calmed: Jado's voice surfaced.

"Helminth, this is not our body. We must withdrawl."
"No. We withdrawl."

The voices receded from Valkyr's mind and she woke up from the trance like state. The infested flesh died off the orb and it fell from Valkyr's hands, rolling across the floor. As Jado tore his fingers out of Valkyr's neck, he turned to face Hunt. The glow of his supra lit Jado's new face.

Jado... the Nidus took a breath as his flesh pulsated, expanding and contracting. He knelt down on one knee.

"This is who- what I really am," he said, "I am no Frost. I am not Jado."

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Valkyr collapsed. Shivering, she curled up into a ball on the ground. She was subjected to flashbacks of an event that didn't happen to her but haunted her nonetheless. Electric shocks. Drills. It only lasted a second. As her vision cleared, she observed the newly shed warframe.

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The Nidus knelt down and fastened his nikana back to himself. "My name was Kapak. I, like you both was once an average Tenno.... I led a simple life of serving the Lotus. I was their when the first Tenno woke from the second dream, I was there when the Queens were slain...

But then the Myconian Colony incident occurred and we excavated the Nidus warframe from that old infested corpus supply frigate. You must remember..... it was only 3 months ago.
But then the plague struck. The cyst.
Within a week, the mysterious disease cascaded across our ranks, infecting warframes left and right. And you both remember the outcome of that: Nidus warframes were outlawed from use within the Tenno clans. Those who continued to use them..... like I.... were attacked by angry fellows. I was set upon by my own allies, hunted down by kavat search parties... and eventually barricaded into my liset, which was buried underground in the wastes of Ceres.
Then I met him..... Helminth. My cephalon, Lordas was damaged beyond repair when my orbiter was buried, and Helminth became my cephalon equivalent. With his help, we redirected enough Void energy to Void Dash the ship out of the earth and into orbit."

Kapak fidgeted with his sword nervously. "Knowing that Nidus were still illegal amongst the Tenno, I had to lay low.... but my weapons were broken, and my ship also damaged. I needed Tenno aid. So then I met him. The real Jado. The real Frost. He nearly killed me when I met him on Europa... I took a chance with him. He could've killed me, or reported me to someone else. But he pitied me, and decided to help.
Jado withdrew his transference from his Frost and Helminth found a way to allow my body to osmose into it. He sacrificed his warframe to redeem me..... I took on his name while he took on renegade status. I don't know where he is now, but I am ever regretful for what he did for me. Donning his guise, I was able to visit relays and dojos briefly to trade and get supplies.

Of course, my disguise wasn't perfect. Every so often the connective tissue within would become severed, and Helminth would have to reapply mutagen just to regenerate it. Also, Helminth wasn't exactly pleased with the disguise.... he believes the Nidus frame has a natural beauty beyong all else.
I couldn't use any powers lest the frame crumble- like it did. I just hope saving your life," he gestured to Valkyr, "was worth it.
And in case you are wondering what happened to my other warframes? Heh. My Chroma and Loki were dismantled just so I could get enough materials to repair my liset's engine."

Jado stood up. "Well, that's it. That's me. I can understand if you want me to leave now...."

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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"Just because you're different doesn't mean we hate you

I wasn't the most popular either. Looks like i can appear...frightening at certain times.

Plus, im preety sure there is a vaccine of some sorts?"

"Anyways, I suggest we lay down for a while so that our princess((:p)) recuperates from her attack"

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*commically drags valk out of the larva and puts her down* 

"Perhaps. I heard rumors that the myconians have one, and some of the ships were infested,as well. Though for some reason, not all the frames have been infected((i think in-game you can get rid of the cyst)).however i think it's important to know what in the Sol system happened here."

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((Just Valkyr being cute :3))

Valkyr crossed her arms and figuratively puffed out her cheeks. "Dang it Fr-- Nidus, I'm not letting you be depressed all alone when we could be working together. Let's all head to the labs like you suggested."

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1 hour ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

((Ah, ok sounds good. My bad. I'll delete my previous post.))

((Alright let's get your placement figured out))

you land in one of outer sectors whose power is still offline, to avoid being in range of the defenses in the online section, so you're about 1.75 sectors or 35 km away from the online sectors and about 8.25 sectors or 165km away from everyone else, ((but you don't know that.))


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As soon as he detached from his Odanata, Adriax energized his Volt prime with speed. While he had originally just come to get some mods, it appeared that this station had more to it than met the eye. "Kind of creepy here, huh Ordis?" He said to the cephalon. "Indeed Operator. Hopefully you'll get a chance to KILL STUFF- I mean explore the area well. Also this area appears to be offline." "That's good to know Ordis. I'll scout out the area, see what I'm dealing with, or who I'm dealing with.." His Warframe coursing with pure electricity, Adriax's Volt shot off at a blinding speed, perceiving time to slow down for him. He made sure to look out for anything important.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)LastDoomKnight said:

As soon as he detached from his Odanata, Adriax energized his Volt prime with speed. While he had originally just come to get some mods, it appeared that this station had more to it than met the eye. "Kind of creepy here, huh Ordis?" He said to the cephalon. "Indeed Operator. Hopefully you'll get a chance to KILL STUFF- I mean explore the area well. Also this area appears to be offline." "That's good to know Ordis. I'll scout out the area, see what I'm dealing with, or who I'm dealing with.." His Warframe coursing with pure electricity, Adriax's Volt shot off at a blinding speed, perceiving time to slow down for him. He made sure to look out for anything important.

((Are you inside the station or still outside it?)).

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